Gertie wrote: ↑January 11th, 2023, 3:59 pmPlease excuse my late reply, at the moment I’m struggling with Covid, which is playing havoc with my asthma, so I have a little less energy than otherwise.I said at the beginning “There is no denying that there are people with a need to identify as the opposite sex and we should be in the position to honour that by allowing them to undergo the transition they want.” Adults should be able to do this.Right! So the issue is how to constructively enable them and introduce appropriate adaptations and safeguards, yes?
I'd expect that to include normalising it, education playing a role in that. Childhood and puberty are times to learn and explore, but not make major life altering changes. Medical interventions should be at an appropriate age, properly informed and with proper medical and psychological assessment and ongoing supervision and support. This is what the UK's NHS does, it's happening, and I assume it's fairly typical. There's a lengthy specialist assessment, then the first treatment is psychological, after that if appropriate living for at least a year as your gender identity, then after that hormone blockers for a year, then after that irreversible hormones (minimum age 16), and then at earliest age 18, surgery and the legal right to change your gender identity. That's a graduated, monitored progression over a long period, partly because we know puberty is a time of change and confusion. There are obviously still some risks, but there are risks in not helping youngsters too.
It seems reasonable to me, how about you?
If you want to normalise the gender-dysphoria that seems to be spreading exponentially like a virus amongst later generations, you have to rule out that the people suffering are not suffering from a "hysterical neurosis, conversion type" or "conversion disorder" as it is known today. There are various dissociative disorders that we know of, often the psychological response to a traumatic event, or something that is evaluated as such. Children and teens are more susceptible to trauma because their brains are still in development and they don’t yet have the psychological resiliency that adults do. The NHS now says, “A diagnosis of gender dysphoria in childhood is rare. Most children who seem confused about their gender identity when young will not continue to feel the same way beyond puberty. Role playing is not unusual in young children … Children may show an interest in clothes or toys that society tells us are more often associated with the opposite gender. They may be unhappy with their physical sex characteristics. However, this type of behaviour is reasonably common in childhood and is part of growing up.”
For me, medical interventions should be the last course of action, especially considering what we know about the side-effects of all medications, regardless of age. When you consider the excitement about the anti-covid vaccine, it seems odd that young people are given puberty blockers after a very short assessment stage, which has been the reason for closing Tavistock and various America clinics, after finding that teens were fast-tracked into medication. The NHS no longer says that puberty blockers are ‘reversible’ but instead admits that “Little is known about the long-term side effects of hormone or puberty blockers in children with gender dysphoria … it is not known what the psychological effects may be. It’s also not known whether hormone blockers affect the development of the teenage brain or children’s bones. Side effects may also include hot flushes, fatigue and mood alterations.”
Gertie wrote: ↑January 11th, 2023, 3:59 pm Same sex spaces or services can be tricky. Public toilets, changing rooms and showers can have cubicles, that's easy enough. And we can have third option unisex facilities too. Nurses, doctors and care workers come in two sexes already. I'd expect if someone has particular needs the provider should do their best to help, that already happens. And there might be particular situations like prisons or safe houses where you'd want to either check the person has been through the above processes and got their gender certification, or have facilities for those who haven't. Otherwise it's a judgement call, one which will hopefully become less necessary as society adapts.I wish that it was as easy as you portray, but there have been publicised cases where vulnerable women have been called “transphobic” because they wanted same-sex carers for intimate care, which when I was nursing was straightforward, and you asked women (as a male nurse) if they were comfortable with you washing them. The same has happened to traumatised women in refuges when they pointed out that someone has clear male attributes and they feel threatened. In their special situation of having suffered domestic violence or rape, it shouldn’t be questioned.
The tricky part is where women have pointed out that self-ID can be exploited, as it already has in America and Canada, and the terminology of the legislation planned in Scotland makes it difficult for any woman to even mention their discomfort, without them being accused of hate speech. If you shut down people in a difficult situation like that, you open the doors for people who will exploit it, and if there is one thing that is certain, loopholes are always exploited.
Gertie wrote: ↑January 11th, 2023, 3:59 pm Currently we're undergoing change and there's some turmoil, new ways of thinking being aired, and jockeying. We've seen it before, and during the relatively recent 'progressive' decades minorities have made significant progress and then things settle down, with new norms becoming integrated into the mainstream. You'd hope it would get easier and easier, but we're living in a time when progressivism as the fragile mainstream veneer is on the defensive. And 'radical' is now embodied by Q Anon, Trump, conspiracy theorists, men's activism, white supremacy and resurgent religionism. If TERFS are worried about diluting the essentialism of their particular feminist ideology and activism if transwomen are allowed to join the gender club, I'd say there are bigger existential fish to fry. It suits our common oppressors to focus on trans people as the scary 'other', and it's working.What I am seeing is the shutting down of every attempt of women to get together and discuss their issues, based on the suspicion of transphobic talk, guilt by association, and plain bloody-mindedness. Just because a white supremacist agrees with what a lesbian says, doesn’t mean that the lesbian is white supremacist. The way women’s events are shut down is disturbing, and the violence that occurs is 90% caused by biological men in a manner that is far from feminine. The verbal violence against supposed “TERFs” is also rape language, which is very masculine.
The problem that many oversee is that long-termed transsexuals, especially transmen, have come out on the side of women, because the activism is so aggressive that they don’t feel represented by those groups. If you add to that the flooding of lesbian date sites with transwomen complaining that lesbians don’t want to date them, social media full of trans people with extremely male attributes in girly poses, it is a caricature of what women are, especially if you acknowledge that women can be non-conforming and should be accepted as such. It is the extreme activism that is destroying what acceptance long-termed transsexuals had built up, and they are feeling it.
The “mainstream veneer” as you call it has virtually been taken over by post modernism, and almost every TV show must display some kind of divergence from heterosexuality, often above and beyond its perceived presence in everyday life. My wife, who is not interested in the subject, observes that in entertainment we seem to be going from one extreme to the other, because of the huge influence of activists in that area. The push is all the more aggressive because people are being told that there is a push back that is equally aggressive, which is simply a lie. There are many people who just feel that the majority is being overwhelmed by concerns for a minority, and attempts to increase numbers. This imbalance is not doing the cause any good.
One, that home is not a place, but a feeling.
Two, that time is not measured by a clock, but by moments.
And three, that heartbeats are not heard, but felt and shared.”
― Abhysheq Shukla