GE Morton wrote: ↑September 15th, 2022, 2:19 pm
Gee wrote: ↑September 15th, 2022, 4:30 am
One of my daughter's friends once complained to me that a cop stopped him and did not read him his rights while searching his car and looking for drugs. He was very angry at being so abused and denied his rights (He was 16). I smiled at him and explained that he didn't have any rights. He argued that he had Miranda rights. I explained that Miranda rights are civil rights, so they only apply after a person has reached the age of majority. Before that you have about the same rights as a dog -- to be fed, educated, housed, provided with medical care when needed, etc.
That is incorrect. Miranda rights are the same for juveniles as for adults. Moreover, under federal law and in most States police are required, in addition to the Miranda warning, to give the juvenile an opportunity to contacts his parents (or contact them themselves) and to suspend questioning until a parent is present. ... rights.pdf
Actually Miranda rights are not at all the same for juveniles as for adults; for one thing no one has to contact an adult's parents before questioning him/her. Did you ever wonder why? That would be because the rights to not derive from the juvenile, they derive from the parent. Miranda rights are an addition or maybe you could say an extension of Fifth Amendment rights, which are Constitutional rights. Everyone does not have Constitutional rights.
I did make a mistake in my earlier post. I stated that Miranda rights were civil rights, and even when I wrote it, I was not sure of it and thought that I was forgetting something. I was. My memory is getting slippery and I was wrong. It helps if one understands that law is built like a building or wall with blocks laid one upon another until it does not look anything like the foundation. The foundational rights in the US are civil rights and constitutional rights -- all rights derive from these. Of course you could say that human rights are also foundational, but one must realize that changes in national policy or war can obliterate human rights. We have seen this many times in history.
Civil rights are granted to citizens of the US. If you are born here, you are usually a citizen; the exceptions being if you were American Indian, you might not be a citizen and have civil rights at least at some times in history. Black people were also excluded from having civil rights for a long while, but I think that was finally corrected. This is how these people were denied their civil rights, just as some people coming from Mexico may not have rights.
Constitutional rights are granted to citizens, who are of age, but I think that this is somewhere between 18 and 21 depending upon which State you are from and what their requirements are.
If you reread your links with the above in mind, I think you will find that word games are being played. The rights belong to the parents (adults) not the juveniles. This is about protecting the parental rights and the Court's Civil Procedures. Consider the following, which I copied from your link:
A juvenile’s confession was considered
voluntary when his will was overborne
by his mother, not by police officers,
after he invoked his right to silence.
Officers ceased questioning a
juvenile after the juvenile invoked his
right to silence. The juvenile’s mother
convinced him to talk freely with the
officer, which lead to his confession. The
juvenile’s parents were present during the
interrogation and the law enforcement
officer did not use any coercion to get the
juvenile to confess. The juvenile’s
confession was deemed voluntary by the
Tenth Circuit.24
Once a juvenile is in custody, the
arresting officer must make a good faith
effort to notify the juvenile’s parents or
guardian to tell them that the child has
been taken into custody, what offense the
child was accused of committing and the
juvenile’s Miranda rights.