stevie wrote: ↑August 20th, 2022, 1:24 amI think I have to agree on that. Realizing a dream is independent from the time factor. Time is applied only when you are working towards actually achieving it.Sushan wrote: ↑August 19th, 2022, 12:31 pmI cannot follow your line of reasoning but again have to refer you to what I said. Even if the dreams in question are "dreams for future achievements" the thesis "Dreams don’t follow the clock, they follow the heart" is completely independent of the realization of a dream. You never can be sure to achieve what you want but you always can dream about achieving it and use rational thoughts to support your dream.stevie wrote: ↑August 18th, 2022, 12:58 amI am sorry, but I just wanted to clarify whether we are on the same page. I think both of us are discussing about dreams for future achievements, but not the dreams that we see during our sleeps ( Please correct me if I am wrong).Sushan wrote: ↑August 16th, 2022, 10:18 pmWell to me these two theses appear completely comtpatible. I think your fault is to think of the realization of a dream but the thesis "Dreams don’t follow the clock, they follow the heart" is completely independent of the realization of a dream.
I am sorry but I do not see the compatibility between the two. I believe time is a crucial factor, and if you put your heart in an unrealistic goal, time can be the deciding factor but not your heart.
And in that case realization of a dream matters. And then 'time' becomes definitely a crucial factor because opportunities and resources are limited in quantity as well as availability.
– William James