Sculptor1 wrote: ↑December 5th, 2021, 6:41 amPeople are quite busy these days. So unless one is really commited he/she will not spend much time on a single thing. It is up to the content creator to grab the attention of the audience within this short period of time. Maintaining interest is equally important. But that initial grabbing is far too important. We see this in Youtube as well. The videos that have millions of views are usually short and sweet. People love to be entertained within a short time period sine they are busy with their own stuff. Any creator should properly understand his/her audience first, and also the common trend as well.Gee wrote: ↑December 5th, 2021, 1:41 amYou can self publish at no cost. You can also get free advice about editting and proof reading.Sculptor1 wrote: ↑December 4th, 2021, 7:06 pm Then you need to ask what are the qualifications needed for getting published.I know someone, who paid a lot of money to have his book published. He believed he had made some serious breakthroughs in the study of consciousness and dark matter. I purchased his book, mostly in support of his work, but found that he was in serious need of an editor, ghost writer, or proofreader. That can be a problem when one is not a professional writer, so I would not recommend this route for most people.
These days that bar is very low, since there is a range of self publishing routes.
You will also need to promote your book. That is the thing that legacy publishers already have an infrastructure for, and the only good reason to go the old route.The opportunities for this are way bigger than they ever have been in history. You can even get your short stories read out by volunatray and professional voice actors too, with no loss of copyright.
We used to be able to send short stories to magazines for publication, but magazines are not doing well right now, so I am not sure this is a viable way to gain experience.
The only difference is that the story will be podcast rather than in paper.Grabber strategy is good for all routes, unless you are established with a following.
If you are going to send your work to a publisher, I recommend that you make your first chapter a "grabber" with emotional interest -- or else no one will read the rest of the book. So, it won't get published. These people have to read a lot of books, so if you can't get their interest in the first chapter, they are not going to read the rest -- they will go on to another book.
Most films not begin in the middle with the action and immediately retreat to "One year earlier" - or one week etc. As mosny films are designed for Netlfix, and other open source outlets where people surf the intro before choosing to stop and watch the whole thing.Celebrities and other notorious people have the advantage here. If you are an unknown then you have a hill to climb.Sculptor1 wrote: ↑December 4th, 2021, 7:06 pm Beyond that the needs are the same for any book. Why would another person want to read what you write, is the question.Because you have allowed them to get inside you. That is what makes the writing good, it is like looking through someone else's purse or their bedroom dresser drawers; good writing is damned personal. And we are curious about other people, other perspectives, other experiences.True.
It does not matter if you live in interesting times because all times can be interesting, all lives can be interesting, and all circumstances can be interesting, if the writer finds them interesting and they are presented in a personal way. My English professor tried to get me to take a class that teaches one how to write a book because he thought I was a natural writer, but I did not want to write a book. I knew that I would have to put too much of myself into it in order for the book to be good, and I like my privacy. Even a fictional book tells a great deal about the author.
– William James