Nick_A wrote: ↑November 4th, 2021, 8:00 am
Sy Borg wrote: ↑November 4th, 2021, 3:38 am
That's a pretty determined piece of wriggling!
I note that you are above the need to explain yourself. Thus, you are above forums, where one must explain oneself for a productive exchange of ideas to occur. It seems you have transcended the form and are now ready find yourself flock of evangelist Christians to follow you, or maybe start your own little Gurdjieff group! Let's face it, you have no interest in exchanging ideas; you just want to implant your own.
All this seems a lot of trouble just to avoid explaining what "objective value" is supposed to mean. Why not just explain it?
Never mind, this document makes everything more clear:
Gurdjieff surrounded himself with competent, intelligent and cultivated people. Nevertheless, it must be admitted that practically no one dared to defy, contradict, criticize or lead him into an argument, or even react to the humiliations which he forced occasionally his disciples to bear.
... Storr reproached Gurdjieff on a number of his pronouncements which contradicted accepted scientific knowledge:
"Gurdjieff’s arrogance and disregard of established experts were extra-ordinary. When he visited the caves of Lascaux, he told J.G. Bennett
that he did not agree with the Abbé Breuil’s dating of the rock paintings at thirty thousand years ago because he had concluded that the paintings
were the work of a brotherhood that existed after the loss of Atlantis some seven or eight thousand years ago . . . He said that he had invented
a special means of increasing the visibility of the planets and the sun and also for releasing energies that would influence the whole world situation.
Gurdjieff’s complete disregard for science and for the views of generally accepted experts is narcissistic in the extreme." (13)
IN a recent work, Henri Nouwen emphasizes the essence of spirituality in a most succinct fashion: "To whom do we belong? This is the core question of the spiritual life. Do we belong to the world, its worries, its people and its endless chain of urgencies and emergencies, or do we belong to God and God's people."
That exemplifies the problem I have with Christianity. The choice is treated as binary - one is either of society or of God. This binary is false, akin to claiming that one may eat vegetables or one may eat meat, with no other choices, eg. fruits, nuts.
The obvious fact is that we all belong to the Earth. We are as much parts of the Earth as any other animal, any rock, any pool of water. A less obvious fact is that the Earth, making up about 0.03% of the solar system's mass can be thought of as part of the Sun, basically a lumpy part of the heliosphere.
Scaling in, we are part of the biosphere, seemingly a transformational part, like blue-green algae.
Scale in further and we are chordates, sharing with them consciousness shaped by brains.
Further down, we are part of the great class of mammals, sharing with them parenting and rearing of young, with associated tenderness and ferocity.
We are, of course, part of our society; it's impossible not to be. All one can do is maintain a healthful distance.
We are part of a neighbourhood and of a family.
All of us belong to all of these.
But this won't satisfy you. Too objective. The thinking of the Great Beast yadda yadda. Subjectively, to whom or what do I feel I belong? All of them, with the focus shifting, depending on circumstances and inclination.
To whom or what do you belong? Do you deny belonging to the collectives listed above? Do you feel that you are above membership of "lowly" animals and celestial objects?
Nick_A wrote: ↑November 4th, 2021, 8:00 amPutting the same idea into a Platonic form Secular people only react from the lower parts of the collective human soul. Opening to the higher parts which are connected to higher consciousness is blocked by the force of negative emotions. Secular Man cannot understand spiritual Man until he can get out of his own way long enough to open to his higher parts. For some reason secular Man condemns what he cannot understand
In truth, you have absolutely no idea whatsoever what secular people are like. Here you are simply speaking out of your backside, making assumptions about people who you cannot understand.
When "secularists" speak, you rarely pay attention, and when you do you invariably misunderstand or misrepresent us. You cannot imagine the spiritual lives that we can enjoy, unencumbered by superstition. In that your attitude is akin to Descartes, who chopped up living dogs because he believed that they did not feel anything, and only reacted mechanistically.
It is a complete failure of empathy on your part. Zero empathy.
Nick_A wrote: ↑November 4th, 2021, 8:00 amYou are a good example of getting in your own way and keeping yourself chained to the earth. Knowing that this is the case and secular negativity denies the quality of philosophy that leads to anamnesis, I have proposed a semi private thread for those who have felt the human connection to higher consciousness and would like to share what it means in an absurd world.
That is, you seek a thread where you can preach. Given that preaching is sensibly against forum rules, there will obviously be no private or semi-private thread permitted. You need a blog.
Again, you have no idea what I think or how my private mind works. None. Zero. And your guess are miles off the mark, as usual.
Nick_A wrote: ↑November 4th, 2021, 8:00 am,"Who am I". This is the purpose of philosophy. Such people do not need your negativity and dedication to condemnation. If I can find three or four people willing to discuss why we all know nothing as Socrates did, then we may find the inner path to remembering the purpose of Man within a conscious universe. If it can't be done that's OK. No harm no foul.
"What is going on? What is real?" are the major questions of philosophy, of which "Who am I?" is a subsidiary question. Your views reflect your lack of interest in that which is not part of your schema, different to you. This kind of divisive thinking is encouraged. There are a number of vested interests that benefit of societal peewees like us focusing on our differences rather than trying to uncover the secret jiggery pokery that goes on in high places.
It's not bread and circuses needed to distract people today, it's social media and fighting.