3017Metaphysician wrote: ↑July 9th, 2021, 12:54 pmSince there are other theories and philosophy that might be able to offer explanations for similar phenomena or questions that even hint to metaphysics and the nature of reality, I analogized to the foregoing comments about the limits of human reason, and wondered what the significance or implications of Glossolalia (speak-in-tongues) might be (even though it comes across as nonsense). As a musician, I can interperate that as maybe improvisation where the music just comes out free-form… .
Is that a phenomenon, where if nothing else, does exist, and further suggests another logically possible world with its own set of logic and language? Is that a phenomenal manifestation of what Kant referred to as a noumenal world-concept or view? Cosmologically, what kind of logic accounts for something outside of time to cause time itself (temporal v. eternal)? How does the concepts of logical necessity (mathematical truths/logic) and logically possible worlds fit into a proposed philosophy of Glossolalia?
I am not sure if it makes sense to posit glossolalia as transcending human rationality, and then at the next step place glossolalia into the category of "logic and language." In a similar vein, Protagoras wonders whether "some forms of glossolia are non discursive expressions of truth from one's soul/subconscious." One wonders what is meant by "truth" in this sentence.
As I understand it, glossolalia is understood as a kind of divine communication or channeling of the divine. Notably, there are also those who are said to
interpret glossolalia, which at first blush lends credence to your theory that it may be a higher language. But I don't think the phenomenon is understood to be properly linguistic, even by those who practice it. That is, someone with a lifetime of experience with glossolalia would not be able to codify the language. The idea is that something which transcends human beings speaks or sounds through human beings, and if that phenomenon were linguistic or codifiable then it would no longer transcend human rationality.
The value placed on glossolalia has little to do with truth or rationality. The value is communion with the transcendent divine, and the (non-rational) power of the divine being channeled through the glossolalia. Examples would be miracles such as healings or supernatural experiences, not the comprehension of intelligible propositional truths. As far as incommunicability goes, maybe you could try to attach the word "truth" in the sense of being conformed to the divine or being made privy to divine, transcendent realities. Yet I would rather prefer terms like "deification," "ecstasy," or, "mystical union." Yet it is true that both truth and glossolalia are communicable realities. That is, both are ordered outward, towards other beings. So I suppose you could say that the person speaking in tongues is communicating something to his hearers, but would it be proper to call this, "truth"? I doubt it. I think it would require too much leg work to call it truth. I would want to call glossolalia transformative rather than communicative.
This all seems more Platonic than Kantian, for it involves metaphysics in one form or another. That said, I'm not familiar with Kant's "noumenal world-concept or view." I assume it is a world-concept which he takes to be false insofar as it breaks through the phenomenal realm?
I am a musician as well. Do you understand music to have its own "logic and language"? I think music surely does have a logic and a language, but I am hesitant to say the same thing about glossolalia. We can study and understand music, even if we do not fully comprehend it. I don't think glossolalia even allows us to go that far. Nevertheless, the music analogy is an interesting one!
(I have never witnessed glossolalia, but I have read a little bit about the phenomenon, so take what I say with a grain of salt)