Sculptor1 wrote: ↑August 25th, 2020, 5:07 pm
The graves are full of young men sent to their deaths by people too scared to have signed up themselves.
It's easy to sound heroic from the safety of a typwriter.
I can accept legitimate pacifism. But the notion that any President or Prime Minister who finds war necessary must be either a soldier or a hypocrite is ridiculous. Both the U.S. and U.K. have civilian governments, and the civilian leaders must decide when and if fighting is necessary. So must voters, whether they seved in the army or not.
Since when did Kipling try to "sound heroic from the safety of a typewriter"?
Here in the U.S. it has become accepted for liberals to accuse Republican leaders who support wars of being "chicken hawks" because they never saw combat. Do we really want to insist that all Presidents must have a military background?
Should General Officers lead the charge? Or are their efforts more valuable behind the front lines? It's tragic, of course, that young men and women die in war, and those clamoring for war should recognize the tragedy. But that doesn't mean that only soldiers can reasonably deem war necessary.
Kipling did (on occasion) glorify heroism (as in "Gunga Din" or "The Ballad of East and West"). GB Shaw, in "Arms and the Man" essentially argued, "War if we must, but no songs glorifying it, please." But Kipling was no more guilty of glorifying war than many greater authors more worthy of our criticism (like Homer, Vergil, Ariosoto and others).