arjand wrote: ↑March 26th, 2020, 5:50 am
creation wrote: ↑March 25th, 2020, 9:31 amConsider the ridiculous of thinking, assuming, believing, and/or saying "edge of the cosmos"?
How would one be able to spark the idea in a random reader for the ultimate distance one can possibly imagine?
By just asking the random reader to imagine the so called "ultimate" distance they could possibly imagine, which, by the way, for every human being is just infinity anyway.
Also, you are now getting way off the point I was making, which, again, was; Why would a so called "scientist" in this day and age still use words like "edge" in relation to 'cosmos' or 'Universe', as though that is what actually exists ?
If a writer wants to "spark an idea" of the 'ultimate distance', then just write that. Obviously, what can be seen, in what was written, was nothing about "sparking and idea of ultimate distance" at all. What was being portrayed in that writing was that the cosmos was finite, which, to me, is a ridiculous thing to assume is true.
arjand wrote: ↑March 26th, 2020, 5:50 am
Maybe the phrase could be considered valid by the fact that "the Universe" as a concept is related to finitude that, as a mental concept, is introduced by the observer.
Why would any observer hold a concept that the Universe is finite?
And, I was not questioning if the concept the Universe is finite was valid or not. I am questioning why do people still write in ways, which presumes that the Universe is finite?
arjand wrote: ↑March 26th, 2020, 5:50 am
The edge would then refer to the boundary of what is visible/known, which would make it a valid and an effective phrase for a science magazine.
You are now obviously just 'trying to' "justify" the incorrect writings, which still persist in this day and age in science magazines. A lot of "scientists" are still maintaining very strong beliefs that the Universe began and/or is finite, which forms biased views that can be clearly seen in their writings.
If a neutrino moves in a straight line and is not stopped by anything, then there is NO 'edge' NOR 'boundary'. The neutrino moves in a direction infinitely. Full stop.
arjand wrote: ↑March 26th, 2020, 5:50 am
If the Universe is merely a reference to what humans can possibly know, referencing to an edge is completely valid and logical.
But the word 'Universe' is not merely a reference to what humans can possibly know, to me.
If the word 'Universe' was merely a reference to what humans can possibly know, then the Universe is therefore infinite, which would then mean there is no 'edge', and to reference an 'edge' would again be completely invalid and illogical.
You, however, may like to "justify" that the word 'Universe' is merely a reference to what humans do know, but then that would not work either, because that would mean that the Universe is getting bigger all the time.
Either way, your attempts at "justification" here are not working.
Your continual attempts at "justifying" those writings will not work.
arjand wrote: ↑March 26th, 2020, 5:50 am
creation wrote: ↑March 25th, 2020, 9:31 am"At is appears", to who exactly?
Also, to those people, does "it appear" to them the idea that the Universe being finite is conclusive?
Maybe philosophy may be able to provide an answer to that question. There is a discussion ongoing in the topic: Endless and infinite
Which question? I did ask two.
Also, how about for 'you', is the Universe being finite, conclusive?
arjand wrote: ↑March 26th, 2020, 5:50 am
creation wrote: ↑March 25th, 2020, 9:31 am
Yes it is, just like "fairies", "unicorns", "santa clauses", and "Universe's beginning" are as well.
As it appears, finitude is a product by the human mind due to the nature of counsciousness that expresses itself by means of pattern recognition.
This is the biggest load of made up crap, which can be proven by your complete incapability to answer the following clarifying questions accurately and correctly.
What is the human 'mind'?
What is 'consciousness'? And,
What is the 'nature of consciousness'?
Also, if human beings express 'finitude' of something, then so what? Human beings can perceive 'finitude' of anything they so wish. But that in now way means that the Universe being 'finite' is true, right, or correct at all.
There is in fact a reason why human beings observe and maintain a very strongly held view and belief that the Universe is finite, but that is in no way a refection of what is actually True, Right, and Correct. That is just what some human beings assume and/or believe is true.
arjand wrote: ↑March 26th, 2020, 5:50 am
A pattern is the origin of finitude by the "begin" that is introduced by the observer.
As I just said there is a reason WHY some people see patterns, which may not even exist anyway.
The first flaw in logic is introducing some thing, which may not even being true to begin with.
The second flaw is continuing on with that 'introduced' thing as though it is true. Saying, the "edge of the Universe", is just continuing on with an assumption as though it is true, when it could be completely and utterly WRONG.
arjand wrote: ↑March 26th, 2020, 5:50 am
Therefor finitude is nothing more than recognized patterns and it may not be something of substance by itself.
But 'who' recognizes these "patterns"?
I certainly do NOT see any "recognized pattern" in relation to a finite Universe. What so called "patterns" are you or others supposedly recognizing here?
arjand wrote: ↑March 26th, 2020, 5:50 am
When a particle would move beyond the boundaries of what is comprehensible by a pattern, i.e., when it would continue infinitely, then it will move out of the space of a pattern (finitude) into the space of what is considered to be infinite.
Wow you are really 'trying' all you can to 'try to' "justify" those four words. Do you normally spend this much time 'trying to' "justify" some thing that is obviously just someone's belief, which has not yet been proven to be true and correct.
The question then arises: why would such a particle exist? When one discovers a particle, it means that there is a "begin" of a pattern. Why would it be possible that the particle continues infinitely? Or even, why would it do so since that would render it's begin purposeless.
Maybe the particle does not fly to "the edge of the Universe" (i.e. infinitely) because ...
arjand wrote: ↑March 26th, 2020, 5:50 am
creation wrote: ↑March 25th, 2020, 9:31 am
Maybe we are not understanding each other because we are using the word 'cosmos' differently? So, just to clarify, what do you actually mean when you use the word 'Cosmos'?
Cosmos originates from the Greek word Kosmos and means "to put in order" with a reference to the worldly environment as it is comprehended by humans, i.e. the Universe.
Wow, it appears that so when 'you' use a word, you KNOW how it is comprehended by humans as a whole.
arjand wrote: ↑March 26th, 2020, 5:50 am
creation wrote: ↑March 25th, 2020, 9:31 am
Nothing is "implied" with regard to the nature of "that" particle.
All particles just exist. That is there nature.
A scientific publication from yesterday discovered that all particles in the Universe are connected by identity entanglement.
Eureka Alert wrote:A big surprise may be the fact that the postulate of indistinguishability of particles is not only a formal mathematical procedure but in its pure form leads to the consequences observed in laboratories. Is nonlocality inherent in all identical particles in the Universe? The photon emitted by the monitor screen and the photon from the distant galaxy at the depths of the Universe seem to be entangled only by their identical nature. This is a great secret that science will soon face. ... 032420.php
This might be interesting to some, but what has this got to do with what we were talking about?
Also, 'scientific publications' do not discover things. 'Scientific publications' publish what is said to have been discovered, among other things.
Was there any information in that 'scientific publication' about how exactly human beings made a contraption that was able to look at and investigate absolutely every and ALL particles in the Universe, which allowed those human beings to discover that ALL particles in the Universe are connected by the so called "identity entanglement"?
arjand wrote: ↑March 26th, 2020, 5:50 am
creation wrote: ↑March 25th, 2020, 9:31 am
What do you mean by 'ghostly morphing of the particle' here?
Neutrinos can instantly switch between 3 known types which is named Flavor-Switching: electron, muon and tau.
The mass of the muon flavor is 200x greater while the tau flavor has 3000x more mass than the electron flavor. It means that the particle can interact with the visible world on its own terms.
Okay, so absolutely nothing at all to do with whether a neurtrino moves infinitely or is stopped at some so called "edge of the Universe".
arjand wrote: ↑March 26th, 2020, 5:50 am
Discover Magazine wrote:Neutrinos can mysteriously morph from one type to another.
When they 'morph' do they still travel in straight lines and still travel through things?
arjand wrote: ↑March 26th, 2020, 5:50 am
“It’s like throwing vanilla ice cream a long distance and seeing some of it turn into chocolate,” says physicist Chang Kee Jung of New York’s Stony Brook University. ... -neutrinos
Recently a fourth 'heavy weight' flavor may have been discovered which indicates that there may be more flavors that a Neutrino can morph into. ... trino.html
What could explain such "instant" morphing of a particle that can move through the core of the Sun? [/quote]
Just out of curiosity how does a human being keep up with some thing moving at the speed of light?
When keeping up with some thing at the speed of light how exactly do they know when it 'morphs' into some other thing?
And, how do they know that it can pass through the core of the sun, and whether it is the exact same thing, which may or may not have morphed into some other thing, when it comes out the other side of the sun?
What instruments do they have and use on the other side of the sun to KNOW that this is exactly what happens?
Or, is all of this just a guess, or mental construct, of what just 'might happen'?
arjand wrote: ↑March 26th, 2020, 5:50 am
Does it imply intelligence?
What is 'it', which you are asking "imply intelligence"?
And, 'intelligence' in relation to what exactly?