-liketreesplanted website
I think this logic can lead to an identity problem due to the monotheistic assertion of a religious omniscience. It wouldn’t be like a usual normal friend that understands you but an all-knowing entity. So that small aspect of God that consciously knows everything about you would automatically be equivalent to you yourself. If God were to sentiently know everything about your daily experiences and motivation, then I would fail to see the exact difference between the subset of God that knows you and then you yourself. Pantheism could solve this problem by viewing life as a temporary infinitesimal part within an infinite series. The experiential component of an external God’s knowledge of you would have to be quite limited inside a monotheistic framework which would seemingly undermine this claimed omniscience. Unless God’s knowledge of you is somehow just semantic, academic or hearsay, any reference to an omniscient entity is inherently panentheistic despite the religious protestations:
“Belief in a Creator and creation out of nothing is radically different from any pantheistic worldview. Christians do not see God as “immanent” in or identical with the universe. We understand that God is “transcendent” (the antonym), and that He created the universe with order and wisdom.”
- Stacy Transancos
I think Pantheism can be a very pluralistic viewpoint. It doesn’t intrinsically prescribe any other values, traits, political beliefs etc.. So two avowed pantheists could still be very dissimilar to each other. I think it’s largely compatible with the world’s religions as long as you preclude having a literal interpretation of any divisive unquestioned beliefs. Religious prophecy is a spiritual matter and is not the same as fortune-telling.
“Missionary (or apostolic) prophets are those who maintain that the religious truth revealed to them is unique to themselves alone. Such prophets acquire a following of disciples who accept that their teachings reveal the true religion. The result of that kind of prophetic action may lead to a new religion, as in the cases of Zarathustra, Jesus, and Muhammad. The founders of many modern religious sects also should be included in this type.”
- Brittanica
Fortune-teller definition: “a person who is supposedly able to predict a person's future by palmistry, using a crystal ball, or similar methods.”
So the present-day applicability of the different claims of historical religious prophets must be moderated and viewed squarely within the prism of their past cultural milieu. Any combative texts of certain religions must be viewed solely within the context of the exact historical conflicts that had occurred in that previous era.
“Doubt is a mental state in which the mind remains suspended between two or more contradictory propositions, unable to be to be certain of any of them. Doubt on an emotional level is indecision between belief and disbelief.”
- Wikipedia
Pantheism is a truly self-reliant perspective. We still need to be nice to others even if there weren’t any allusions to a God.