Perhaps I should have named this thread "Logical maxims for personal edification." I am feeling presumptuous to have thought that logic alone can lead to harmony between humans and the world. It clearly involves at least logic, physiology, emotions, will, and trust. That being said I still find it extremely valuable to receive feedback on my quest.
I struggled with patience today on a long trip back from a funeral. While I had all the logic necessary to tell myself accept reality as it is, to wish only for things I could control, and to accept that I freely chose to be in that position, my physiology nevertheless caused me perturbation (maybe it was just the desire for nicotine). At least I did not act on it. My next step is to define and categorize all the virtues and values so I may better understand patience and why I lack it.
The following is the second iteration of a quick way to keep myself logically centered and to renounce "evil." Whether others find it useful is not up to me; I accept that. I can only do what I can do.
1) One equals one. (This logic can be used in sentences and definitional statements.)
2) Definitions define.
3) Reality is what reality is.
4) I can control what I can control. I can’t control what I can’t control.
5) I can’t change what I can’t change. The past is the past. (This covers regret.)
6) What is true is true. What is false is false.
7) Reality is real.
All real things/concepts are useful.
9) False concepts do not exist in reality. False concepts are useless.
10) Values are valuable. Values are real. Values are useful.
Examples of real values include (but are not limited to): patience, joy, contentment, satisfaction, progress, passion, clarity, trust, love, empathy, admiration, awe, freedom, peacefulness, closeness, dependability, loyalty, open-mindedness, creativity, humor, optimism, courage, knowledge, respect, creativity, and beauty.
11) No negative values exist. (“Negative value” is an oxymoron.)
12) The opposite of a real value is the non-existence of that value.
13) Beauty can be abundant or scarce, but “ugliness” does not exist.
14) Anger and pain are real and useful.
15) Psychological pain is useless. Psychological pain is wishing reality not to be reality.
16) The self is both the individual and the groups of which the individual is a member/cell. (Groups common to most humans are: family, state, country, gender, ancestry, conscious beings, living organisms, energy consumers/transformers, all of reality. I am a(n) ___.)
17) Deceit is a lie. Deception comes from deceit. Lies can never be proven true.
18) Reality reflects reality.
19) When someone perceives being unjustly harmed (s)he believes the world is unjust.
20) When someone is harmed (s)he tends to reflect this by harming others.
21) The source of harm is deceit. The source of deceit is confusion. It is not my fault as I did not cause the first harm. Only truth will clear it up.
22) “Nobody,” “nothing,” “never,”“nowhere,” and “nonsense” signify the absence of what is real.
23) The divine in me recognizes/reflects the divine in you. Namaste.
24) “I hate evil” means that “I wish non-existence on that thing which has no value.”
25) “Bad” ideas are ideas that have no value. “Bad” things/people do not exist in reality.
The final four points I have borrowed from Epictetus.
26) "As a mark is not set up for the sake of missing the aim, so neither does the nature of evil exist in the world."
27) "When a person harms you, or speaks badly of you, remember that he acts or speaks from a supposition of its being his duty."
28) "... unless you perfectly understand the principle from which anyone acts, how should you know he acts ill?"
29) "Everything has two handles, the one by which it may be carried, the other by which it cannot. If your brother acts unjustly, don't lay hold on the action by the handle of his injustice, for by that it cannot be carried; but by the opposite, that he is your brother, that he was brought up with you; and thus you will lay hold on it, as it is to be carried."
30) If Truth had a voice, it would be simultaneously univocal and equivocal.