Steve3007 wrote:Psyche = the human soul, mind, or spirit.
That "definition" is utterly useless, because it merely takes an unknown term and attempts to define with other equally vague terms. This is equivalent to what I've said here time and time again - like defining x and y by saying 'x=y' and 'y=x'. This doesn't help us understand either in the least. What in the world is a 'soul', a 'mind', or a 'spirit'?''
The best way to define the psyche, at least for someone who hasn't begun seeing and studying it within themselves directly, would be to say that the psyche is the part of ourselves which is perceived/cognized to be
internal, as existing inside us. As opposed to to phenomena which we assume to be
outside of ourselves. For example, when you perceive a tree, you perceive it as not being "you". It is outside of you, not part of you (at least that's how you see it). However, other phenomenon, mainly thoughts, feelings, movements, and instinctive functions (heartbeat, etc), are perceived as existing
within oneself. They are perceived as being a part of yourself. They are "you". Your psyche, in its totality, consists of all of those "internally perceived" phenomena. The tree is not your psyche. Your thoughts and feelings
about the tree, and your direct sensory perception of the tree (color, shape, smell), is your psyche.
Steve3007 wrote: Yes, as you say, if we take it literally then "psychology" is the study of this particular thing. But if it's just another word for "mind" then I don't really see why all those studies you mentioned don't count as psychology. Working out that there are patterns in people's behaviours, as a result of patterns in their thoughts, surely constitutes working out something about the patterns in their mind. A.K.A. their psyche?
'Mind' is not a bad substitute word. However, the problem with your position is that
the Mind is never really studied. Studying "behavioral patterns", which are
assumed to be based on thoughts, isn't good enough to be psychology proper. Psychology properly is the
direct observation and study of the "mind" or "psyche", and this can only be done by oneself. A man can learn to observe and study his own psyche/mind, but it is quite impossible for him to learn how to study others' psyches/minds. By definition, the psyche is "internally perceived". Being able to directly observe and study others' thoughts and feelings would be akin to acquiring the power of telepathy. Not absolutely impossible, but nothing can be achieved until one has first learned how to observe and study
his own thoughts and feelings. Until one knows oneself, one cannot get to know others.
And this latter point is another reason why modern science cannot practice psychology. It would not be considered "scientific" to study internally perceived phenomena. My definition of psychology runs directly counter to the modern idea of "being objective". Science only studies
tangible phenomena. Even when science proposes abstract concepts, like atoms, subatomic particles, and photons, they still look for some image on the screen in order to
verify their existence. Science does not study intangible phenomena like one's own thoughts and feelings. They will usually try to reduce it to something tangible which they
then study. For example, since scientists would say it's "subjective" or "unscientific" to study one's own thoughts directly, they instead study the firing of neurons, and
through the tangible try to study the intangible. Modern science doesn't understand the principle that one can study so called "subjective" phenomena objectively, i.e. that it is possible for one to study oneself objectively (at least if it is
known how to do it). A person can learn to be objective about any phenomena under consideration, both those
said to be outside of oneself ("objective") as well as those that are
said to be inside of oneself ("subjective").
Because the truth is that both orders of phenomena are really subjective....