Felix wrote:Renee, I never said that evolution does not occur, just that there are problems with the Darwinian explication of it, the tenets of which you summarized in your opening statement.
Quotes by Felix and by Anthony Edgar harken back to an era when the insight into evolutionary changes, in terms of large vis-a-vis small changes, was an either-or question, which it is no longer.
First off, I don't know why you've mentioned Anthony Edgar as he has not participated in this discussion. But it is not true that the question of how evolution has occurred has been resolved, as you said. In fact, this year Michael Denton published a revised and updated version of the book from which I quoted, entitled "Evolution: Still a Theory in Crisis."
The bottom line is that your argument that Darwin's theory of evolution can be tested and verified is false. To date, all attempts to do so have failed (including computer simulations, such as the one described by Dr. Denton).
In his 1985 book Evolution: A Theory in Crisis, Michael Denton argues for a typological model of nature - a model in which "...all the variation exhibited by the individual members of a particular class [is] merely a variation on an underlying theme or design which [is] fundamentally invariant or immutable" (Denton, 1985, p. 94). This model is in direct contradiction with the evolutionary account of the history of life, in which all organisms are linked by common descent. Denton claims that while microevolution and speciation are proven phenomena,
Felix, Felix... you are again contradicting me without any punch or validity, and your facts are all over the place, much like your (pardon the expression) your muddled thinking.
Your friend and idolized author, Michael Denton, claims that evolution and speciation are proven phenomena. You say Denton criticised it. No, he did not. You just, you personally, are mixing up micro- vs. macro evolution, and any argument against one or the other you misunderstand as an argument against evolution. No it is not.
You also can't comprehend what Michael Denton's proposal is. He is not claiming that Darwinian evolution is wrong, in its findings, in the mechanism it describes. He is claiming that speciation occurred not from one single original point. He claims that speciation occurred from different sources.
You misunderstand the book, you compile your misunderstanding with some fallacious reasoning, and bang, you are claiming that my proof at the failure of falsifying neo-Darwinian evolution theory is wrong.
You did not prove me wrong. You just misquoted a book on a fact which it never said.
You are all over the map in desperation, Felix. You are becoming also a bit tiresome in pretending to be sympathetic with evolution. If you ask me, you are not an evolutionalist; you are simply pretending to be, in order to undermine the system from within, so to speak. It's a tactic. I am not saying this is a fact, but I am saying that this is my strong opinion, as all your posts tend to claim you are a friend of evolution, except... and you say there something incredibly incongruent with current scientific theory, by your misquoting and misinterpreting some scientists.
For instance, this book, "Still a Theory in Crisis" is catchy, because it attaches the nuanced doubt of "crisis" to evolutionary theory. But the "crisis" refers to one and only one element of evolutionary theory, which is, that life forms are not the descendants of one single origin, but of several different, and independent origins. You of course did not point it out, because you figured it would be enough to stop at pointing out: "Hey! Evolution is in crisis!!" You were duped by a catchy title, Felix, that's all. And in your ignorance and ill logic, if I may say so without intending any ill respect, you danced a victory-dance, so to speak.
Ignorance is power.