- October 31st, 2016, 9:29 am
I'm a vegetarian, I'd be a vegan if I lived up to my own values of not inflicting unnecessary suffering on conscious critters, but I'm too lazy and selfish. So I take my hat off to those that do. The bigger picture of how the world would, or could be, if everybody was vegan and lived by those values is beyond my ken, and I have to live in the here and now, so I just try to do my bit.
Pretty much agree with what people are saying about agribusiness. My auntie and uncle have a small farm, about 130 acres. They ditched the rat race (an IT consultant and a civil engineer so they had a few quid to get them started) to see if they could find a more fulfilling lifestyle. And they made a go of it. It's a rare breed organic sheep farm, with a few chickens and ducks, some cereal crops for hay and a bit of organic veg. They care about the animals' welfare and farm ethically - if you don't count slaughtering the sheep at peak profitability time, many as lambs. Otherwise the animals have a pretty good life, plenty of room to roam, are protected from predators and disease, get good food, shelter when they need it, get to **** once a year. It's a great way to farm, and these are exceptionally lucky farm animals.
But to make a living they have to rely on grants, which they get for supporting rare breeds and being organic. Mainly from the EU, so they're really worried about Britain leaving. They also get involved in funded projects to improve the land, retain bio-diversity habitats and re-forestation. They act as oldskool stewards of the land if you like. It's a brilliant sustainable model for how we ought to think of our relationship with the natural world, but it's all reliant on grants. Otherwise they couldn't compete with the giant farming corporations who treat sentient animals like raw material commodities. I've been to a chicken 'factory farm', a huge warehouse jammed with small cages, the noise, stench and sights were like entering hell.
So yeah it's a choice, cruel exploitation for price and convenience, or pay more for a decent, sustainable farming system.