Felix wrote:Technical manipulation and control is not evolution, a genuine evolutionary step for man would be a change in his nature, an expansion of his consciousness, becoming less insensitive to the natural world, less greedy and warlike, etc. Technical knowledge will not take him there and in fact has become a crutch to support the negative traits I mentioned.You misunderstand me (though I acknowledge I was very vague). I am referring not to knowledge and technology per se', rather that we are no longer selecting against disadvantageous physical traits. For example, in the past, poor eyesight might mean a human might never make it to breeding age. Nowadays, technology (like glasses) allows disadvantageous traits to have an over-representation in the gene pool (compared to the past). So as a group we are moving towards lousier physical attributes. In addition (but separately) since individuals with lesser means and level of education tend to have more children, we are also selecting against those genetic traits associated with financial and academic success.
This sort of genetic drift over time IS evolution, BTW.