- March 14th, 2016, 2:03 pm
Time that we observe is inherent to XY and Z dimensions but only in respect to all three i.e. time that we observe is "moderation of angle and frequency" { thank you B. Fuller } in 3 dimensions.
Initially we have the inviolate ergo eternally existent, abstract concept of five, and only five, regular/symmetrical 3D polyhedra that can exist in all of one finite, occupied space Universe, or in scenarios that involve a multiple yet still finite set of, occupied space, local universe's.
Space-time is fairly well accepted irrespective of how space-time is really defined. Gravity{ we do not observe directly } is accepted as a property of space-time.
Well their appears to be a new kid on the cosmic block with an identity repulsive dark energy. Not knowing exactly what dark energy is, some are left to speculate it is another property of space-time and again, whatever space-time may be.
Here is what I believe. That there exists at least three fundamental, or essential aspects of space-time;
1) gravity as space and specifically a positive shaped geodesic arc of space,
2) time we observe and specifically as those events associated with a sine-wave,
3) dark energy as space and specifically a negative shaped geodesic arc of space.
In this scenario, space-time is more correctly labeled as space-time-space. The torus three surface aspects of curvature.
1) positive curvature ergo associated with gravity
2) flat curvature--transitional zone
3) negative curvature---associated with dark energy.
The above only addresses the surface of a torus. If we want to embrace a more wholistic view of the torus manifest as aspect of our directly observed Universe, then we assign time to the body of the torus. In my specific scenarios, time is inversions from gravity and dark energy surface to give 3D body to our torus as observed time.
This above is not to say that the finite, occupied space Universe, has an associated shape of a torus. I believe every fermonic and bosonic particle of Universe, have no less than three tori as three vectors. Each of these toroidal vectors we can associate with three generalized great circles as the abstract general great circle axis of each.
Then there is an abstract great circle associated with gravity, two time great circles, dark energy and two flat transitonal zones for a total of 7 abstract great circles to be associated with each great toroidal vector.
Finally, my explorations that led to the above beliefs, were involved with a 4-line/level numerical sine-wave, wherein all prime numbers{ except 2 and 3 } fall on the 2nd line/level. When I inside-outed the his numerical sine-wave, all the prime numbers now fall on top line-level.
This top line/level would be the abstract great circle associated with positive shaped gravity, where-from all gravitational, time inversions and out-version events occur.
Bottom line/level is the associated with all abstract great circle of an iinner negative shaped dark energy, time inversions and out-version events.
The two inside line/levels of this inside-outed, numerical sine-wave, now define a the two abstract great circles associated with the inside sine-wave set of time inverted events.
We do not see observe directly the gravitational positive shaped space, nor do we see the dark energy negative shaped space. We do see sine-wave events that of which two opposing events are directly connected to gravity and dark energy surface of the overall great toroidal vector, of an overall fermionic,or bosonic particle.
This has been difficult concept for me to accept, that every sine-wave we observe from quantum level interactions, is defined not by a particle that is moving in wave-linear fashion, but rather, a particle-like something-ness that has interactions with gravity and dark energy.
I dont think I can post URL yet as I'm still trial member but here is the basic numerical pattern.
Here below is a texti-conic representation so it is not accurate but gives rough of idea of cross-sectional view from side of torus. I also cannot do fancy formatting yet. Below we see;
(><) (><)
two gravity arcs, ( )
4 time inversions, >< ><
two dark energy arcs )( of a torus.