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Re: Can idea be considered spirits?

Posted: April 9th, 2016, 1:38 pm
by Belinda
Grunth wrote:
I suppose you realize you use a language foreign to most of us. Consequently your stuff is both practically impossible to challenge and refute or support and expand. Maybe someone else will come along to mediate between your language and other user-friendly forms.
Rr6's direct reply itself contains wrong use of a comma. I guess that Rr6 is either not an experienced reader or he /she is not a native English speaker. Habitual use of bad punctuation indicates an inexperienced reader.

I could overlook the poor punctuation if the material was interesting but the style is too silly to reply to or even to try to read.

Re: Can idea be considered spirits?

Posted: April 9th, 2016, 2:44 pm
by Rr6
Rr6's direct reply itself contains wrong use of a comma.
I guess that Rr6 is either not an experienced reader or he /she is not a native English speaker.

So Grunth, you've gone from inferring my comments are a foreign language to only a concern of single comma. Sorry. I flunked English in 9th and 10th grade in U.S. schools where they used English, and then I quit school.

So because I made grammar error you now also infer that I'm not a native English speaker.
I could overlook the poor punctuation if the material was interesting but the style is too silly to reply to or even to try to read.
For those the not interested, go find yourself something interesting. That is a no brainer. imho Silly style. A hierarchical outline/list as table of contents is used quite commonly in many educational books.

I think the real problem with Grunts mental blockages-- and some others --- to pretty much any of my comments are one or more combinations of possible options. One option is that, they cannot actually find in rational, logical common sense comments that invalidate anything Ive stated, ergo, as result of a need to participate they lash out a comma, or infer it is foreign language or whatever.

Hopefully he will pull his mind into rational, logical common sense order and use it there sun shines brightly on him and leave-- what is foreign, lacking a comma, or his idea of silly style to him, --leave to us who are happy and content with what the style we have presented in English language and clearly in outline/list.

Enjoy :D or not :evil:

The choice is ours to make. The truth is out there for those who seek it and those who don't.

Gravity as positive curvature space and represented with the texticon ( ) is not a foreign language. Time as sine-wave pattern/frequency and represented by texticon ^v is not a foreign language. Dark energy space as represented by texticon )(, as negative curvature of a torus, appears to me to be English language, not foreign.
If people want to see foreign there may exist many sites in a foreign language. Just do internet search for non-English, foreign language sites.
There is only so much I can do to aid those people with mental blockage to English language, as stated by myself.
If they cannot allow their-self to ask for aid, then I am much more limited in my ability to assist them. These are all relatively simple ideas/concepts to grasp/understand/get head around expressed in English language.
Numbers to denote sequence or and order. Some numbers denote a specific distinction of different definitions of same word.
Enjoy :D or not :evil:
The choice is there for each of us to choose.
Can ideas be considered as spirit? Yes
See 1a below.
"U"niverse: The Cosmic Hierarchy
....1a} metaphysical-1, mind/intellect/concept ergo concepts of God, Universe, Space, Concept etc.....
........spirit-1 aka spirit-of-intent........
...1b} macro-infinite non-occupied space aka metaphysical-2
....1c} finite, occupied space Universe aka UniVerse
2) Universe: Occupied Space aka God, Cosmos, UniVerse etc....
....2a} fermions and bosons
......aka observed physical/reality aka spirit-2.........
......2b} gravity
...........aka quasi-physical or metaphysical-3 and spirit-3......
......2c} dark energy
.........aka quasi-physical or metaphysical-4 and spirit-4...........

Re: Can idea be considered spirits?

Posted: April 9th, 2016, 3:24 pm
by Belinda
Rr6 wrote:
So Grunth, you've gone from inferring my comments are a foreign language to only a concern of single comma. Sorry. I flunked English in 9th and 10th grade in U.S. schools where they used English, and then I quit school.

So because I made grammar error you now also infer that I'm not a native English speaker.

I could overlook the poor punctuation if the material was interesting but the style is too silly to reply to or even to try to read.

For those the not interested, go find yourself something interesting. That is a no brainer. imho Silly style. A hierarchical outline/list as table of contents is used quite commonly in many educational
I ,not Grunth, commented on your unconventional use of English. I do applaud your effort to express yourself. Your vocabulary is good e.g. proper use of 'infer'. I'd be surprised if you don't want to be readily understood. If you do want your work to be easier to understand you need to use standard English .

The best way to learn to write standard English is to read a lot of well enough written material, and you put so much effort into your work that it seems to me you'd do well to transfer the effort to productive reading .

Re: Can idea be considered spirits?

Posted: April 9th, 2016, 8:46 pm
by Grunth
Rr6 wrote:
Rr6's direct reply itself contains wrong use of a comma.
I guess that Rr6 is either not an experienced reader or he /she is not a native English speaker.

So Grunth, you've gone from inferring my comments are a foreign language to only a concern of single comma. Sorry. I flunked English in 9th and 10th grade in U.S. schools where they used English, and then I quit school.

So because I made grammar error you now also infer that I'm not a native English speaker.
I could overlook the poor punctuation if the material was interesting but the style is too silly to reply to or even to try to read.
For those the not interested, go find yourself something interesting. That is a no brainer. imho Silly style. A hierarchical outline/list as table of contents is used quite commonly in many educational books.

I think the real problem with Grunts mental blockages-- and some others --- to pretty much any of my comments are one or more combinations of possible options. One option is that, they cannot actually find in rational, logical common sense comments that invalidate anything Ive stated, ergo, as result of a need to participate they lash out a comma, or infer it is foreign language or whatever.

Hopefully he will pull his mind into rational, logical common sense order and use it there sun shines brightly on him and leave-- what is foreign, lacking a comma, or his idea of silly style to him, --leave to us who are happy and content with what the style we have presented in English language and clearly in outline/list.

Enjoy :D or not :evil:

The choice is ours to make. The truth is out there for those who seek it and those who don't.

Gravity as positive curvature space and represented with the texticon ( ) is not a foreign language. Time as sine-wave pattern/frequency and represented by texticon ^v is not a foreign language. Dark energy space as represented by texticon )(, as negative curvature of a torus, appears to me to be English language, not foreign.
If people want to see foreign there may exist many sites in a foreign language. Just do internet search for non-English, foreign language sites.
There is only so much I can do to aid those people with mental blockage to English language, as stated by myself.
If they cannot allow their-self to ask for aid, then I am much more limited in my ability to assist them. These are all relatively simple ideas/concepts to grasp/understand/get head around expressed in English language.
Numbers to denote sequence or and order. Some numbers denote a specific distinction of different definitions of same word.
Enjoy :D or not :evil:
The choice is there for each of us to choose.

(Nested quote removed.)

See 1a below.
"U"niverse: The Cosmic Hierarchy
....1a} metaphysical-1, mind/intellect/concept ergo concepts of God, Universe, Space, Concept etc.....
........spirit-1 aka spirit-of-intent........
...1b} macro-infinite non-occupied space aka metaphysical-2
....1c} finite, occupied space Universe aka UniVerse
2) Universe: Occupied Space aka God, Cosmos, UniVerse etc....
....2a} fermions and bosons
......aka observed physical/reality aka spirit-2.........
......2b} gravity
...........aka quasi-physical or metaphysical-3 and spirit-3......
......2c} dark energy
.........aka quasi-physical or metaphysical-4 and spirit-4...........
Dindoo nuffin.

-- Updated April 10th, 2016, 1:52 pm to add the following --

Maybe Rr6 has a mental blockage for recognizing names of those responding..

Re: Can idea be considered spirits?

Posted: April 9th, 2016, 8:58 pm
by Sy Borg
Rr6 needs to stop copying and pasting his hypothesis on so many threads because it's starting to border on spam.

Re: Can idea be considered spirits?

Posted: April 10th, 2016, 12:14 am
by Rr6
Greta wrote:Rr6 needs to stop copying and pasting his hypothesis on so many threads because it's starting to border on spam.
My first post was relevant to the topic here. Others have taken the topic elsewhere. Not that many topics here do not go off topic to varying degrees. Let those who have not strayed from a topic to some degree, cast the first stone.

It appears to me that recently have off topi concern for my style and use of a foreign language.

What is really happening here is the none have any rational, logical common sense comments, that, in any way invalidate my comments as stated.

So the have to go off topic and begging looking for insignificant/minor and for most part nit-picky irrelevant to topic.

So lets stick with my comments as stated. Do spirits exist? Yes was my answer.

See 1a, 2a, 2b and 2c in my cosmic hierarchy. Relatively simple answers to grasp and none have any rational, logical common sense comments that invalidate my comments, as stated.

The problem here is not my English, it is people mental blockage to truth as presented to them. Go figure. It is obvious to me what causes some mental blockage in others. Why go there. I'm good so let it be. Crystal words of wisdom, let it be. Simple not difficult to grasp. imho

Now where were we before whoever it was, Belinda{?} or others who cant handle my style cause it is too foreign for them.

I hope this forum has some intellectually stimulating content to it and not just irrelevant nit-picking of each others psyche into oblivion.


Re: Can idea be considered spirits?

Posted: April 10th, 2016, 12:54 am
by Sy Borg
r6, do you believe yourself to be right and everyone else to be at fault, too limited to understand your ideas or do you take responsibility for your inability to gain positive responses to your repeated cut-and-pastes? Surely if the first cut-and-paste doesn't work then the chances are that the next dozen of them sprinkled around the forum will also fail to get through?

Re: Can idea be considered spirits?

Posted: April 10th, 2016, 1:03 am
by Grunth
Rr6 wrote:

So lets stick with my comments as stated. Do spirits exist? Yes was my answer.

See 1a, 2a, 2b and 2c in my cosmic hierarchy. Relatively simple answers to grasp and none have any rational, logical common sense comments that invalidate my comments, as stated.

The problem here is not my English, it is people mental blockage to truth as presented to them. Go figure. It is obvious to me what causes some mental blockage in others. Why go there. I'm good so let it be. Crystal words of wisdom, let it be. Simple not difficult to grasp. imho
So you are saying your cosmic hierarchy is the truth, that it is crystal words of wisdom, that others who cannot as yet decipher it have a mental blockage,and that all of it is in your humble opinion?

'Crystal' to me implies it is crystal clear. I would like to know what it is that causes others this mental blockage to understanding your opinion on this topic. Could you explain my mental blockage, please?

Re: Can idea be considered spirits?

Posted: April 10th, 2016, 10:00 am
by Rr6
Greta wrote:r6, do you believe yourself to be right and everyone else to be at fault, too limited to understand your ideas or do you take responsibility for your inability to gain positive responses to your repeated cut-and-pastes? Surely if the first cut-and-paste doesn't work then the chances are that the next dozen of them sprinkled around the forum will also fail to get through?
I believe what I stated is correct. Simple to grasp, not difficult.


-- Updated April 10th, 2016, 10:08 am to add the following --
Grunth---So you are saying your cosmic hierarchy is the truth, that it is crystal words of wisdom, that others who cannot as yet decipher it have a mental blockage,and that all of it is in your humble opinion?
I believe most of what I state is true, altho I often make clear some of it is rational, logical common sense speculation that stems from observational truths.

See 1a, 2a, 2b and 2c as context for further reference. Relatively simple ideas/concepts to grasp ideas, not difficult
Crystal to me implies it is crystal clear. I would like to know what it is that causes others this mental blockage to understanding your opinion on this topic. Could you explain my mental blockage, please?
Here is we go with others wanting to go to go further off topic with nit-picking each others psyche. There are plenty of posts here at forum that do also go off topic.

See 1a, and 2a, 2b and 2c as context for further reference. Relatively simple ideas/concepts to grasp ideas, not difficult.


Re: Can idea be considered spirits?

Posted: April 10th, 2016, 10:16 am
by Grunth
Rr6 wrote:
Greta wrote:r6, do you believe yourself to be right and everyone else to be at fault, too limited to understand your ideas or do you take responsibility for your inability to gain positive responses to your repeated cut-and-pastes? Surely if the first cut-and-paste doesn't work then the chances are that the next dozen of them sprinkled around the forum will also fail to get through?
I believe what I stated is correct. Simple to grasp, not difficult.

But it IS difficult to grasp the reason for your stated conclusion because of what you also state as mental blockage.

Rr6: "It is obvious to me what causes some mental blockage in others"

Should we just believe what you say is true without question? Is this your expectation? So I do ask you, what is the cause of this 'mental blockage' others, who do not simply grasp your language forms, suffer? You have said that the cause is obvious. Simply stating to others it is obvious does not therefore necessarily make it obvious to others.

-- Updated April 11th, 2016, 3:30 am to add the following --
Rr6 wrote:
Here is we go with others wanting to go to go further off topic with nit-picking each others psyche. There are plenty of posts here at forum that do also go off topic.

See 1a, and 2a, 2b and 2c as context for further reference. Relatively simple ideas/concepts to grasp ideas, not difficult.

Here "we" go? You introduced this idea of 'mental blockage'. It is your 'nit pick'.

But anyway, there is more to this than you seem to realize. The idea of conversation and argument is to test one's ideas with others. Everyone surely has a blockage to a view they have yet to hear...until they hear it. So far I have not heard an explanation of this 'mental blockage'. Once I hear it it may well be so that its cause will also become obvious to me. From there I then may well find your other statement free of my blockage. After all, general conversation is not really different to a concept of clearing blockages. Its called 'communication' and it usually takes two, or more, to tango.

Re: Can idea be considered spirits?

Posted: April 10th, 2016, 10:37 am
by Rr6
Grunth--But it IS difficult to grasp the reason for your stated conclusion because of what you also state as mental blockage.
People can and do make false comments all the time. Here again, you nor anyone has offered no rational, logical common sense that invalidates anything Ive stated.

See 1a, and 2a, 2b and 2c if not the the also whole hierarchy for contextual reference.

Cosmic hierarchy is relatively simple concepts and addresses the the topic thread. Moderators are getting nit-picky so best others stick to topic of thread.

I answered yes.


Re: Can idea be considered spirits?

Posted: April 10th, 2016, 10:44 am
by Grunth
Rr6 wrote:
Grunth--But it IS difficult to grasp the reason for your stated conclusion because of what you also state as mental blockage.
People can and do make false comments all the time. Here again, you nor anyone has offered no rational, logical common sense that invalidates anything Ive stated.

See 1a, and 2a, 2b and 2c if not the the also whole hierarchy for contextual reference.

Cosmic hierarchy is relatively simple concepts and addresses the the topic thread. Moderators are getting nit-picky so best others stick to topic of thread.

I answered yes.

Well I think 'spirits' is a silly idea for ideas. Sure, no one has offered something rational to counter your opinion. Your opinion, however, is, so far, as irrational as the equation you use to conclude your opinion. You could, if you choose, try a different visual rather than the equation you presented. The current is just not cutting it. There is nothing to believe about it. It needs work.

Re: Can idea be considered spirits?

Posted: April 10th, 2016, 10:55 am
by Rr6
Grunth--Well I think 'spirits' is a silly idea for ideas.
Think what you choose. Spirit in some dictionary may have more definitions than most other words and many of those are not supported with any validating evidence.
Sure, no one has offered something rational to counter your opinion. Your opinion, however, is, so far, as irrational as the equation you use to conclude your opinion.
I give rational, logical common sense definitions for the word spirit and each of those have supporting evidence ergo your above comment is irrational, illogical and lacking common sense.
You could, if you choose, try a different visual rather than the equation you presented. The current is just not cutting it. There is nothing to believe about it. It needs work.
Visual? I have no idea what visual your referring too. You need to reread my cosmic hierarchy if you seek truth the topic this thread.

Maybe then we can have a stimulating intellectual discussion of the topic as stated. Enjoy :D or not :evil:

Our choice to make, irrespective of how difficult others frustrate us with repeated false concepts.


Re: Can idea be considered spirits?

Posted: April 10th, 2016, 10:57 am
by Grunth
Rr6 wrote:
Grunth--Well I think 'spirits' is a silly idea for ideas.
Think what you choose. Spirit in some dictionary may have more definitions than most other words and many of those are not supported with any validating evidence.
Sure, no one has offered something rational to counter your opinion. Your opinion, however, is, so far, as irrational as the equation you use to conclude your opinion.
I give rational, logical common sense definitions for the word spirit and each of those have supporting evidence ergo your above comment is irrational, illogical and lacking common sense.
You could, if you choose, try a different visual rather than the equation you presented. The current is just not cutting it. There is nothing to believe about it. It needs work.
Visual? I have no idea what visual your referring too. You need to reread my cosmic hierarchy if you seek truth the topic this thread.

Maybe then we can have a stimulating intellectual discussion of the topic as stated. Enjoy :D or not :evil:

Our choice to make, irrespective of how difficult others frustrate us with repeated false concepts.

How is it up there?

Re: Can idea be considered spirits?

Posted: April 10th, 2016, 11:17 am
by Rr6
Grunth wrote:How is it up there?
How is what up there? There is no scientific basis for the words up or down.

You need to read my cosmic hierarchy and address 1a, 2a, 2b and 2c, if we want to remain on topic of thread.

Maybe then we can have a stimulating intellectual discussion of the topic as stated. Enjoy :D or not :evil:

Our choice to make, irrespective of how difficult others frustrate us with repeated false concepts.

I offer some truths regarding spirit and our finite, occupied space Universe as a composition of many spirits of varied kinds. Relatively simple to grasp, and none have ever offered any rational, logical common sense comments that would invalidate my hierarchy or those comments related to it.
