Terrapin Station wrote: ↑August 21st, 2020, 7:04 pm
What exactly any term, gesture, etc. is picking out, denotatively, depends on how individuals are thinking about the reference in question, and that can't be shared.
Nope. What the pointer is thinking is irrelevant. All that matters is what is pointed at. If there is any ambiguity about that the pointer can step over to the object, place his hand on it, and say "rock." Step to a different rock and say, "rock." That will allow us to form an association between that word and objects of that sort. Observing those behaviors is all we need to learn the denotative meaning of that word, at least for him. If other speakers point to the same things when using that word we can conclude that those things are the denotative meaning of that word in that speech community. We need know nothing about what is in anyone's head. We don't even need to know, or even assume, that they have brains.
Methinks you may have taken Quine's "gavagai" problem too uncritically.
There's no way to know that any two people are thinking the reference of any term etc. the same way, because you can't observe their thinking, and the terms themselves don't reference anything.
Well, then, I guess verbal communication is impossible. That is the implication of what you just said.
You're right, of course, that we can't observe their thinking. We don't have to. We only have to observe which things they act upon following some verbal cue or request or command.
The meaning IS the details of the mental process.
Well then, again, communication is impossible. Since we can have no details of anyone else's mental processes we can't know what meanings they attach to the words they utter.
Sounds, marks, gestures, etc. do not have intentionality, they can't by themselves make any associations.
Quite true. WE make the associations between words and things, by observing what things others associate with a word, by observing their behavior. Intentions, BTW, are attributes we infer and impute to others, also based on their observable behavior.