GaryLouisSmith wrote: ↑September 6th, 2019, 7:50 pmJoachim Kohler has very convincingly proven that Nietzsche was gay and he minced. He may have lisped.
Essential information, no doubt.
Still, I agree with you our inability to grasp Kant's noumena.
Our brains and nervous systems cannot process enough information, or quickly enough, for us to perceive actual reality as it unfolds. As things stand, our impressions are only ever of the past (due to the 40ms cortex processing time), never the exact present moment, and those impressions are only rough sketches of what is actually going on.
More things happened in the first 40ms of the big bang than has happened in the entire history of the Earth.
Planck Epoch (or Planck Era), from zero to approximately 10-43 seconds (1 Planck Time):
This is the closest that current physics can get to the absolute beginning of time, and very little can be known about this period. General relativity proposes a gravitational singularity before this time (although even that may break down due to quantum effects), and it is hypothesized that the four fundamental forces (electromagnetism, weak nuclear force, strong nuclear force and gravity) all have the same strength, and are possibly even unified into one fundamental force, held together by a perfect symmetry which some have likened to a sharpened pencil standing on its point (i.e. too symmetrical to last). At this point, the universe spans a region of only 10-35 meters (1 Planck Length), and has a temperature of over 1032°C (the Planck Temperature).
Grand Unification Epoch, from 10[sup]–43[/sup] seconds to 10[sup]–36[/sup] seconds:
The force of gravity separates from the other fundamental forces (which remain unified), and the earliest elementary particles (and antiparticles) begin to be created.
Inflationary Epoch, from 10[sup]–36[/sup] seconds to 10[sup]–32[/sup] seconds:
Triggered by the separation of the strong nuclear force, the universe undergoes an extremely rapid exponential expansion, known as cosmic inflation. The linear dimensions of the early universe increases during this period of a tiny fraction of a second by a factor of at least 1026 to around 10 centimeters (about the size of a grapefruit). The elementary particles remaining from the Grand Unification Epoch (a hot, dense quark-gluon plasma, sometimes known as “quark soup”) become distributed very thinly across the universe.
Electroweak Epoch, from 10[sup]–36[/sup] seconds to 10[sup]–12[/sup] seconds:
As the strong nuclear force separates from the other two, particle interactions create large numbers of exotic particles, including W and Z bosons and Higgs bosons (the Higgs field slows particles down and confers mass on them, allowing a universe made entirely out of radiation to support things that have mass).
Quark Epoch, from 10[sup]–12[/sup] seconds to 10[sup]–6[/sup] seconds:
Quarks, electrons and neutrinos form in large numbers as the universe cools off to below 10 quadrillion degrees, and the four fundamental forces assume their present forms. Quarks and antiquarks annihilate each other upon contact, but, in a process known as baryogenesis, a surplus of quarks (about one for every billion pairs) survives, which will ultimately combine to form matter.
A lot of reality can happen in very short periods of time. We humans apprehend useful snippets of it, either in the moment or as stored knowledge, but our knowledge has enough holes to fill the Albert Hall, so to speak.