Of course many people do. People who have either through experience or study have come to realize that there are far, far better alternatives. You are suck because you lack the knowledge and skills and you lack the foresight to seek something. So most probably you will end up with backs of pills to take every week just like many of my friends. It is an interesting path to follow, albeit quite unhealthy.
OK, name these "far, far better alternatives", tell me how to cure sepsis. No one takes antibiotics every week; they're a temporary drug, and they're used with caution as bacteria evolve resistance. You're talking about the use of medical drugs in general, antidepressants, painkillers, antipsychotics, etc.
Also, do me a favour, leave the ad hominem attacks out, you don't know me, you can't judge me.
Remember, it my whole family that has been so lucky. But I prefer to call it wise, studious, and interested.
I'll ask, has any member of your family had a large open wound or a compound fracture? Or a chest infection? Ear infection? Tooth infection?
You are so afraid of so many things
Wrong again, I don't fear bacteria, I know that my immune system will take care of me, and if my immune system fails, I have a range of antibiotics to fall back on.
I know. Everyone is so afraid of lawsuits if they don't do what the pharmaceuticals have mandated. And as a result, tens of thousands and hundreds of thousands of people die in hospitals each year from incorrect treatment. Do you suppose the medical profession should take ownership for all of the people that are dying because of incorrect treatment? That's quite a bit. Which do you think people should fear more? For me, it is not a tough call at all.
Again, wrong! The doctors aren't afraid of lawsuits, they're afraid of failing their patients, if someone has a life threatening infection, you use antibiotics, because they WORK. Give me the statistics of these "hundreds of thousands" of people dying through "incorrect treatments"?
Which do you think people should fear more? For ,e, its not a tough call at all
Tell me if you feel the same if you acquire a life threatening infection. You've admitted you've never needed a MD in your life, therefore you're in no position to criticise the medical profession, you may believe you're informed, but you have no experience of it. You're dangerously misinformed, you have been pumped full of propaganda, and I hope you never need life saving treatment.