Robert66 wrote: ↑August 22nd, 2021, 5:02 pm
Last American
I tried to send you a private message yesterday but I see it didn't work. I don't know what I did wrong - anyway I will try again now.
(* Tried again but can't reply to your PM - so here it is instead:)
I too get frustrated when arrogance prevents proper debate. I used to be arrogant - thinking why are these people unable to see that my point of view is correct - until I grew up and learned that everyone has different circumstances and reasons for their points of view and actions.
Now I just try to learn about different ways, and try (when I'm not being still too arrogant) to examine my own responses.
I started the thread about guns because on another thread there were people arguing that everyone should have a gun. My view is that when you have so many guns in a society you are bound to have accidents and mistakes, and mental illness episodes, which lead to deaths.
From your responses I have been thinking more about the role of what you might call "societal breakdown" leading to gun misuse.
Still I believe there are certain steps which could be taken which would reduce the number of gun deaths. I have listed some of these in a recent post. They are based on the recent (post-1997) effects of gun law reform in Australia, where I live.
I appreciate there are significant differences between Australia and USA, however we too are a federation of states, and those states had to conform to the federal government's will for the enactment of gun reform legislation. Of course this would be much more difficult with 50 states. But we are talking about a nation which decided to, and then put man on the moon.
I had private messaging disabled and had forgotten I had done so when I messaged you. My apologies.
I believe that there are many issues that are driving the increasing acquisition of firearms by private Citizens in America. Let me see if I can describe, briefly, what I believe are a few of the primary issues. I will try to focus on causes rather than symptoms, as seem to be the sole focus of debates like these, and that I find exasperating.
Washington DC is completely broken - I believe, beyond repair - and it is only a matter of time before America erupts. We are lied to by the side that hates us (yes, hate is absolutely the proper word), and we are lied to by the representatives we send to Washington to represent our views, with exception of very few individuals. Therefore, many of us simply do not trust our lawmakers to do anything they say - much less enforce firearms laws that are already on the books, which I am not going to list because it would take all day. However, it already
is illegal for anyone with mental problems to own firearms in America but the second you try to enforce that law the left will erupt about privacy and violating their Rights... and it is already illegal to to commit murder, except in defense of self or others in the face of a reasonable belief of harm.
Elsewhere in America, violent riots that include outright cold-blooded murder and destruction are painted as peaceful protests and are met with smug laughter by the left while rational law abiding citizens that would
never assemble and murder shop owners or loot and burn property to the ground - for
any reason - become the excuse for, and the political target of, the anarchy. This is supported fully by the very same political left and their voters that keep telling us that society will be safer if only WE would surrender our Rights.
The nuclear family has been destroyed. In my opinion, a child NEEDS the influence of a moral mother AND a moral father, to teach their children, at the very least, to
want to be moral people. Men and women ARE different - by nature - and each bring DIFFERENT qualities to raising children, in rational societies. Even children know this, innately. But we have a socialist left that tells us there is
no difference between men and women and that women are perfectly capable of raising sound citizens without the need for a strong responsible male figure, and that encourages and supports the very behaviors that have produced children that are psychopaths that will shoot up school full of innocent 6-years olds, because they woke up mad. FFS there are young people today that believe it is just to slaughter a few people because they can't get laid!
I could go on but unfortunately, I already know that it is pointless - not to you personally - but to the larger community that will brush all of this aside and demand that I surrender my Right to solve the problems that they created directly or by blind support.
The problems in America are not being caused by Law Abiding Citizens or little people, and it will be a very long time before they acquiesce to surrendering their Rights to satisfy what they perceive as the irrational emotion driven demands of the people they see as responsible for the destruction of their communities.
The bottom line is that myself, and many like me, simply do not trust progressive liberals to honor their promises, on any level. Furthermore, America is no longer the Country that put the first man on the moon - though I wish it was.
A' ho