Anthony Edgar:
If the pattern is a result of "mathematics", how did chaos produce mathematics?
You assume that chaos produced mathematics, but the ontological status of mathematics remains an open question. The motion of the balloon is chaotic in so far as we are not able to predict its motion, but its motion is entirely consistent with physical laws. The question is not how did we get from no order to order, but rather from a low level of order to higher levels of order.
Another assumption that must be examined is whether the universe did have a beginning. This too is an open question.
The first step to enlightenment, realising there are things you can’t understand.
This might mean either that these are things we can’t at present understand or that these are things that we can never understand no matter how advanced our science becomes. All cosmologists would agree with the former but not with the latter. There may be limits to our ability to understand but I do not think we are in a position to say what they are. I remain agnostic with regard to this question.
… so welcome to the world of militant agnosticism.
I don’t see it that way. Belief and knowledge are two different things. And so, if someone were to ask me if I know that there is or is not a God I would be agnostic. But if someone were to ask me what I believe I would be atheistic. I do not think that not knowing is sufficient reason to not have a belief one way or the other, although one could reasonably hold that position. In the absence of knowledge there are other factors that come into play that shape what one believes.
-- Updated October 9th, 2016, 2:57 pm to add the following --
But if so, I don't know - and I know I don't know. Can't rule it in - can't rule it out. And furthermore, why would I want to? Hence, agnostic!
A reasonable post. Personally, I chose the label atheist because since I do not rule God in I am without theistic belief. Hence, atheist! But, since I cannot rule it out, this form of atheism differs from that of others who base their atheism on the fact that they have not ruled it out. Hence, some will insist that I am not an atheist but an agnostic. To me, however, this is simply a problem of labels.
And I think that's the only rational position to take.
I don’t see it that way. The fact that we do not know is not sufficient reason to not hold a belief one way or the other, although there is nothing that requires that one must hold a belief. Despite not knowing I do hold a belief and others do as well. And so,
although with regard to
episteme (knowledge) I am agnostic, I am
apisteme (without belief) I am atheist. I find nothing persuasive to lead me to believe there is a God.