Philosophy Discussion Forums | A Humans-Only Philosophy Club

Philosophy Discussion Forums
A Humans-Only Philosophy Club

The Philosophy Forums at aim to be an oasis of intelligent in-depth civil debate and discussion. Topics discussed extend far beyond philosophy and philosophers. What makes us a philosophy forum is more about our approach to the discussions than what subject is being debated. Common topics include but are absolutely not limited to neuroscience, psychology, sociology, cosmology, religion, political theory, ethics, and so much more.

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Use this forum to discuss the philosophy of science. Philosophy of science deals with the assumptions, foundations, and implications of science.
By 1i3i6--
Thinking critical wrote:Why is not the correct question to be asking, as it appears your asking why as in what is the reason.
That question can never be answered.

If the BB theory is in fact the correct explination for the origin of our Universe, the questions to ask are what was the initial cause that sparked the chain of events as descried in the theory? How did something come from nothing? What is the NOTHING?
More true to the seeming reality :
"[/i] How did something come from infinity? What is infinity?[/quote]

and seemingly that is a hard cookie to crack from a finite frame that has a beginning and end.
By 1i3i6--
Anthony Edgar wrote:Before this alleged Big Bang event, were the laws of physics already in place? I mean, without any laws of physics, maybe no explosion at all could have occurred. Or did the laws of physics arrive after this Big Bang? My brain hurts when I contemplate these things.
It shouldn't. In the beginning was the 'word'.
Consider the 'word' as an infinite detail of all that can occur to an infinite degree.

With cause, a segment of possibility came to be. If you want to get into 'causation', A good coverage is provided at plato-stanford-edu under 'causation-metaphysics'. I can't link as I am too new a member.

So, let me just provide you with an example :
An infinite ether of possibility exists :
[infinity, - , -, - , - , - ,.. infinity]
I decide as a infinite creator to pick 3 hypothetical units of it {-,-,-}.

Laws, events, space, time, etc exist in this subset.
Then I manifest them.
Time/space/matter/energy/etc unroll or go boom.
Laws are made manifest as well.

The show gets going...
I grab popcorn.

What was the cause? Maybe it provides me glory and satisfaction to do it.
Why do you do what you do? Sometimes you do things simply because it makes you happy and gives you pleasure to do so.
Not saying this is the reason, but it could be and that would be sufficient.
By 1i3i6--
Renee wrote:
Instead of "feeling" what others are trying to do, why don't you just simply explain what others ask of you? I ask also, because there is no doubt about it, I lack the wisdom that you have, which wisdom tells you how an infinitely long thing has had a beginning.

All we need of you, Fanman, is to explain that. No other argument is needed for my satisfaction that you are right, but this explanation by you is very needed. Please supply.
It's not a matter of not having 'wisdom'. It's a matter of accepting it.
That which has a beginning and an end is not infinite.
The universe seemingly has a beginning per this theory and heat death is the end.
So, the self-evident truth is right there for you to accept.

Given the near infinite sea of possibility that surrounds us, people seemingly have a hard time accepting this.
This would appear to be a 'feature' and in a weird way you are faced ultimately with what a creator is faced with.
Given every range of possibility surrounding you, what do you chose to create/believe/manifest.

So here we are, given a mini-god world and universe.
Look what we do/have done with it and to each other.

What an ultimately 'creation'...
To be given a diverse kaleidoscope of experience and capability and given the capability to decide what we create.

As for consequences, all creations come with this caveat.
Maybe mathematicians/scientist will one day come up with a satisfying proof for this self-evident truth.
By Anthony Edgar
Renee wrote:A brief explanation, without going into specifics, to what laws of physics were in place and what were not:
Some laws of physics are decided by the ratio of different kinds of electromagnetic quantums.
Ah ... electromagnetic quantum ratios. Yes, well, it's interesting that initially Mr. Spock, Doctor Who and Darth Vader believed these ratios to be very important, but now they all think they're overrated.  Vader, in his paper, "WTF?", goes so far as to suggest that EQRs may be a flawed theory and that Pandaemonium Continuities offer a much better explanation. 
The Bing Bang theory should make clear sense to you with regard to the specifics if you at least, for crying out loud, finally made us all happy and took a four-year intense physics honour degree course at a better university.
If I chose to study at university for four years I wouldn't waste my time on theoretical physics for Space Cadets.  This would be as useless to the progress of science as studying speciation in evolutionary biology or theology.  No, instead I would study something tangible and productive.
Incidentally, if governments want to save tax-payers' money, they could start by telling academics who do nothing but produce pseudo-scientific fairy tales, "You're fired!"  Professional philosophers are also a waste of money.
Favorite Philosopher: Paula Haigh Location: Forster NSW Australia
By Dolphin42
Anthony: I'm curious about something. Is your mockery just due to Renee's slightly clumsy use of technical language, or do you regard all parts of physics that you haven't personally studied to be science fiction? For example, if I started going on about Quantum Electrodynamics, would you return to the Star Trek references? How about if somebody talked about Newton's Laws?

Would you apply the same principle to other subjects? For example, Geography: Would you regard the existence of any country that you haven't personally visited as a fairy tale?
Location: The Evening Star
By Anthony Edgar
Dolphin42 wrote:Anthony: I'm curious about something. Is your mockery just due to Renee's slightly clumsy use of technical language, or do you regard all parts of physics that you haven't personally studied to be science fiction? For example, if I started going on about Quantum Electrodynamics, would you return to the Star Trek references? How about if somebody talked about Newton's Laws?

Would you apply the same principle to other subjects? For example, Geography: Would you regard the existence of any country that you haven't personally visited as a fairy tale?
Neither.  My mockery stems from the childlike faith many people place in unverified and even untestable theories.   Such credulity is most apparent amongst atheists, to whom theoretical science is theology.  They have a psychological need to believe Space Cadet theories - and it shows. I suspect that many scientists are arrogant and deluded enough to believe that can figure out what happened billions of years ago, regardless of the distinct possibility that their untested theories could be dead wrong.

Newton's Laws are verified by the fact that they have multiple uses in applied science.

Has Quantum Electrodynamics been verified?  Better still, has it found a use in applied science?  If not, then my next question is, which episode of Star Trek did these theories feature in?  

-- Updated November 28th, 2016, 3:00 am to add the following --
Dolphin42 wrote:Anthony: I'm curious about something. Is your mockery just due to Renee's slightly clumsy use of technical language, or do you regard all parts of physics that you haven't personally studied to be science fiction? For example, if I started going on about Quantum Electrodynamics, would you return to the Star Trek references? How about if somebody talked about Newton's Laws?

Would you apply the same principle to other subjects? For example, Geography: Would you regard the existence of any country that you haven't personally visited as a fairy tale?
There seems to be considerable evidence that Iceland, for example, exists.  I can verify it definitively by catching a flying machine or two and going there myself.  (Flying machines exist - I observed one once.)
Favorite Philosopher: Paula Haigh Location: Forster NSW Australia
By Raymond
Once contemplated it's curiously simple. The big bang is the inflating into existences of two 3D (4D, if time is included) universes from the mouth of a 4D wormhole connecting two infinite 4D spaces. The turmoil of virtual particles on the mouth of the hole, a state fluctuating in time, is the cause of the inflation, which is triggered again by a two previous universes accelerating away on the 4D spaces.
Simplecyx wrote: June 11th, 2013, 12:38 am
I am certainly curious about what is "nothing".
The whole and complete "Nothing" is nothing that you would need to worry about, because otherwise you would make much ado about nothing.
Favorite Philosopher: The BUDDHA Location: Zürich, Switzerland
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