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Humans-Only Club for Discussion & Debate

A one-of-a-kind oasis of intelligent, in-depth, productive, civil debate.

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Use this forum to discuss the philosophy of science. Philosophy of science deals with the assumptions, foundations, and implications of science.
Sy Borg wrote: May 23rd, 2024, 3:53 pm
tonylang wrote: May 23rd, 2024, 7:24 am
Sy Borg wrote: May 22nd, 2024, 9:58 pm It would be awesome if Tony's hypothesised "metamatter" exists, allowing for our identity to be kept in a kin of cold storage when our "flash disc" selves break down.

I once had an idea that, since no event can happen at the Planck scale, information from any event will be permanently stored. Thus, the exponential expansion of the universe would actually be the accumulation of a growing "universal database" at the Planck scale. There might be a touch of John Hagelin's "unified field".

The human mind is skilled at coming up with ways that we may avoid total annihilation at death, which may well be caused by a survival instinct that simply doesn't know when to quit.
Well said. However, we know that humankind has no idea how individuals inhabit this universe hence thousands of religions and evolution (yes, species evolve but you didn't).
Hmm, H. sapiens certainly did evolve, reportedly from H. habilis. We just seem strange because we either outlasted our competition, or ate them. Think of what would happen to any species that challenged humans, even today. They all simply disappear ...

Humans just have an extra feature - we can perceive time. This is an innovation equivalent to Cambrian animals first developing true eyes, as opposed to just detecting light and dark). Now, thanks to our ability to perceive the flow of time, humans can plan enough to create technology that is also evolving, or might be thought of how humans are evolving.
Species (Amoeba, Flys, Birds, Homo sapiens, Neanderthals, Dogs, Whales, etc.) evolve but 'You' didn't. Human cultures describe that you (individuals) are 'Born'. Wild cultures, such as human cultures, don't understand the actual natural process of being 'Born' (universal instantiation) in this universe.
tonylang wrote: Wild cultures, such as human cultures, don't understand the actual natural process of being 'Born' (universal instantiation) in this universe.
Right. So what are you? A non-“wild” human? Unlikely. In which case, how did you come to understand UMI and LINE? And what reason do we have to think that your "wild cultures" and "universal instantiation", your DOFs, ECs, QEFs and all the rest, are not just figments of your own wild imagination?

I've asked you this before, but you just turn it around and insinuate that I am still in the "wild" and in no position to understand your hypothesis. You say that “the 'gist' of your hypothesis is “so unintuitive to human minds that it has eluded humankind since we could be called human”. So how did it get into your human mind?

I can posit something equally outlandish. I can say, for example, that there is a quantum tunnel between white holes and black holes through which, when we die, our souls travel to a heaven or hell, n parsecs distant, without the passage of any time at all. I could say, further, that, if you don't get how or why that should be the case, then you are simply still in the "wild", that my hypothesis is so unintuitive to human minds like yours that you just can’t get it. That would be nuts. You could rightfully turn around and ask what theoretical considerations or empirical evidence I have in support of such a wild hypothesis and how, if I, with mere human intelligence, can understand it, then why can’t you?

But that is the sort of thing you are doing. You must see that what you propose, in terms of theoretical considerations and empirical support, is simply not in the scientific ballpark. And yet, when I ask you about this, your respond to my questions either by saying that I’m still in the “wild’ or you simply plonk down another impenetrable slab of gumph replete with UMIs, DOFs, ECs, QEFs, POVs, FTs, FMOs, EMs, all mixed up with mountains of excess verbiage.

You refer often to relativity and QM but you offer no mathematics to show how your hypothesis sits with the standard model. That is the minimum you would need to do to be taken seriously. Einstein’s theories of SR and GR, and the groundwork for QM, built on then current theories and showed why those needed updating and how the new proposals worked as updates. And they indicated experiments that could prove the new theories wrong.

Something along those lines is what you would need to do to get your hypothesis published in a respected, peer reviewed scientific journal (like Einstein did) and to bring what you are proposing into the realms of science. You posit something that happens at sub-Planck scales. But we are as yet unable to probe at that scale which is probably why QM and GR are still unable to be reconciled. You need to tell us how you propose to do that. Until you do, your hypothesis is not even a hypothesis. It is merely a just-so story.
Favorite Philosopher: Hume Nietzsche Location: Antipodes
tonylang wrote: May 24th, 2024, 7:30 amSpecies (Amoeba, Flys, Birds, Homo sapiens, Neanderthals, Dogs, Whales, etc.) evolve but 'You' didn't. Human cultures describe that you (individuals) are 'Born'. Wild cultures, such as human cultures, don't understand the actual natural process of being 'Born' (universal instantiation) in this universe.
Actually, Tony, I did evolve. I started out as a zygote, a blastocyst, gastrula. For a fair period I did not have a brain. At one point I had gills and a tail, but they were replaced. Gradually I grew into a foetus and continued to evolve until birth.

From there, of course, things went downhill, and the decline continued to the latest nadir. The journey from blastocyst to damaged old turd is indeed a tale of evolution.
Sculptor1 wrote: May 25th, 2024, 3:59 am
Sy Borg wrote: May 11th, 2024, 3:20 pm These are claims about quantum mechanics.

You should write a paper and present it for peer review ... unless it's too speculative ...
DO you not know that this is copy& paste, and is that not against Forum rules?
FYI; I have learned to always copy&paste my responses from Word into the textbox, so, perhaps copy&paste as an issue is not the point you should be making.
tonylang wrote: May 25th, 2024, 9:19 am
Sculptor1 wrote: May 25th, 2024, 3:59 am
Sy Borg wrote: May 11th, 2024, 3:20 pm These are claims about quantum mechanics.

You should write a paper and present it for peer review ... unless it's too speculative ...
DO you not know that this is copy& paste, and is that not against Forum rules?
FYI; I have learned to always copy&paste my responses from Word into the textbox, so, perhaps copy&paste as an issue is not the point you should be making.
THis is C&P from ChatGPT.
Why should any living being love or care for its offspring, or about its family, about ones species, for ones village and country, or about your eco-system and planet, or even your local star? How does any individual assign concern to these locally interdependent physical forms? Any assignment of concern in this regard depends on ones species and culture. The sea tortoise lays her eggs in a carefully excavated hole on a particular beach then gently covers them over with sand then leaves them forever to the not often tender graces of circumstance. The bald eagle pairs with a mate for a time to prepare a nest for her eggs and together they care and rare their young to a viable state of readiness for its new life. Human beings have taken the raring of familial members to an extreme mostly as a cultural demand. With adequate enlightenment we begin to extend our concern to other members of our and other defined species and the communities they form and the environment which makes it all possible? All this occurs in the absence of any certainty about the true nature of one’s living circumstances. How are we here? Where were we before? What or where comes next? For some, abject denial offers occasional respite from the unknown, however, eventually no human escapes the wonderment endemic to the conundrum of life.

The layers of concern we manifest for the various structures that form our existence and upon which we depend for survival and well being at this emergent macroscopic level can be described as a sphere or bubble of concern. This bubble describes all of the cultural and instinctual notions which form an individual’s concerns for its surroundings. For humankind this bubble may be manifested by particularly rich narratives based on instinct, imagination, fear, ambition, perceptions, and as of relatively recently on empirical data. Each host form or species and the individuals instantiated therein may be circumstantially free to define its own unique bubble of concerns which describe the day to day trajectory of the individual’s current life. The stresses intrinsic to being alive for any living being able to fathom such notions are significant and unavoidable. The bubble of concern comes from an evolved need to survive not just physically but also cognitively. Ones bubble of concern contributes to the definition of one’s living reality.

The evolution of experience which defines the sphere of concern in living hosts often fosters a progressive increase of sensitivity to the environment. Being overly sensitive or overly sensory in an entropic universe may not be the best condition for a living being. Humans have five major senses but this by no means defines a limit for viable hosts. We need not think about all which we cannot sense just as do other creatures that share this ecosystem with us. What of the world might a being with more than five senses glean? Are there host forms possessing sensory implementations that permit a being to sense the state or condition of its ecosystem perhaps as a kind of emotion? Or sense the presence of a POV, the presence of life itself? It is difficult to imagine what experiences there can be which you can't, however, the fundamental natural implementation of life in this universe, natural entanglement, which brings no experience of its own, does indeed accommodate an untold diversity of living forms and their emergent skills and accompanying spheres of concern limited only by the metaphorical imagination of nature herself.

However, Just beyond the proverbial skin of this sphere are the natural laws of cause and effect that determine when where and how any living being is located in space-time, ones position-of-view (POV). A POV, instantiated by natural entanglement, is the rigid framework which defines and drives the presence of individuality throughout this universe. With distance being no barrier to this teleportation channel, as living hosts emerge and evolve out of the isolation of initial living forms, biological or otherwise, and as living hosts evolve to permit survival of the entangled state and experience, these also define ones unique sphere of concern centered upon ones the POV, upon you. The POV is the naturally teleportable definition, the instantiation, the kernel, of one’s individuality in this universe.

This behavior of concern or caring, whether instinctual or cognitive, although mostly culturally defined at the emerged host level, fundamentally derives from the basic natural cause and effect implementation of life itself, an implementation about which most life on earth today is utterly unaware including humankind. The imprinting of metamatter caused by the instantiation by natural entanglement that defines you, the individual, your position-of-view, is the source of this perceived concern. For offspring of basic hosts, like a single cell that divides to create new cells, it is only the cause manifested from the imprinting or tuning of metamatter by similar genetic progeny that renders apparent attachment to offspring. For a cell or microbe it is nothing more than the evolved tendency of like to seek like.

Metamatter imprinted by a newly available host’s progeny enters more easily into an entangled state with that new host, thereby increasing the value or scalar magnitude of the individuals’ Quantum Entanglement Frequency (QEF) and fidelity of teleportation (FT) and thereby ones reinstantiation prospects with similar species. Species evolution simply selects for this similarity by genetic variation as it does for many other properties. It gives the species an evolutionary benefit via access to non-local cellular state information stored in more similarly imprinted metamatter. The drive to proliferate ones’ own similarly imprinted matamatter is advanced by spreading ones current genetics (DNA), however, genetics are local to ones current position in space-time. Whereas the coherent state information stored in metamatter during the course of each lifetime, made accessible to living hosts throughout nature via ones uniquely defined natural teleportation channel, is one major driver of evolution throughout the cosmos even when the viability of local circumstances catastrophically cease to exist. Today most understand the drive to procreate only as the individual’s dedication to host offspring or to species. Seen from humankind’s evolved cognitive vantage point we narrate this effect as love and caring described by a lexicon of emotional terms, from these perceptions emerge community, religion, politics and culture.

In what order does the instantiation of life by natural entanglement select, and assign, any individual QEF to ones next host form, among the great diversity of genetic lineages on Earth, and perhaps elsewhere in this universe? As we live, we fixate on our current host species and its genetically related ancestry, and its future prospects, not realizing that one’s current defined species may be only one of many viable forms that have hosted your POV in past instantiations. In the short term, this diversity of lineages that has played host to you, to your position-of-view, may very well include a few different species and near-species. However, in the longer term history of earth-life, for any individual, ones host history may include a great many, often very different host forms. Further, Parents and ancestors are current and bygone individuals (QEF’s) that were also hosted by Earths tree of life.

The degrees-of-freedom (DOF), of the QE spectrum, and their implementation in the LINE process, may reveal underlying complexities which defines categories of QEF types which determines which host forms are able to instantiate certain QEF types. Ergo, not all QEF can immediately be hosted by all forms. A single cell may not be capable of hosting your QEF. Metaphorically speaking, as your FM radio cannot tune a TV signal. Not because your QEF is in any way dedicated specifically to the human form, but due to the underlying defining structure of the QE spectrum, and the underlying metaverse (Hilbert-space), and the topographies of their interface with this universe. Such a determination will require invasive research to discover the truth of it. Because this is a nuanced, and not at all as simple a thing as it may at first seem. Further, the LINE hypothesis suggests that QEF are described by the DOF’s of the QE spectrum, which are governed by nuances of the underlying metaverse. Consequentially, only a certain range of the entanglement spectrum may be exposed to any particular universe. Ergo, the QE spectrum may be essentially pre-filtered by overriding conditions, and circumstances, to expose this universe to only a certain band of QEF. That is, of potential individuals, which is then further filtered, or tuned, by more local circumstances described by ones fidelity of teleportation (FT), which instantiate these available QEF to compatible viable hosts. All of this contributes to the natural description of how you came to be what you are, where you are, and what comes next.

Like you, each ancestor, via their instantiated hosts, have participated in the local dissemination-of genetic information through various processes of procreation. More significantly, however, also by storing its cellular state to entangled metamatter over the course of each lifetime. Ones ancestors are bygone lives of individual QEF’s that, like you, were temporarily instantiated to hosts that contributed genetically to yours, in any given instance of life. However, more influentially, also by contributing to the universal repository of evolutionary information. This tuning influences ones FT value, and future prospects for reinstantiation. Each of those individual QEF’s are also on their own trajectory through the universal network of life. Via this mutual, cellular-QEF tuning of universal evolutionary information, individuals of ancestral QEF’s, could cross paths with your trajectory again. Realizing and comparing the DNA mediated tree of host forms on Earth, with the natural teleportation network that governs the assignment of individuality to those forms, will no doubt be a new and unfamiliar cognitive hurdle for humankind. If you feel evolution has been rough going, then buckle up.
Sy Borg wrote: May 24th, 2024, 4:59 pm
tonylang wrote: May 24th, 2024, 7:30 amSpecies (Amoeba, Flys, Birds, Homo sapiens, Neanderthals, Dogs, Whales, etc.) evolve but 'You' didn't. Human cultures describe that you (individuals) are 'Born'. Wild cultures, such as human cultures, don't understand the actual natural process of being 'Born' (universal instantiation) in this universe.
Actually, Tony, I did evolve. I started out as a zygote, a blastocyst, gastrula. For a fair period I did not have a brain. At one point I had gills and a tail, but they were replaced. Gradually I grew into a foetus and continued to evolve until birth.

From there, of course, things went downhill, and the decline continued to the latest nadir. The journey from blastocyst to damaged old turd is indeed a tale of evolution.
As we live, we fixate on our current host species and its genetically related ancestry, and its future prospects, not realizing that one’s current defined species may be only one of many viable forms that have hosted your POV in past instantiations even if only here on Earth. In the short term, this diversity of lineages that has played host to you, to your position-of-view, may very well include many different species and near-species.
tonylang wrote: May 26th, 2024, 8:44 am Why should any living being love or care for its offspring, or about its family, about ones species, for ones village and country, or about your eco-system and planet, or even your local star? How does any individual assign concern to these locally interdependent physical forms? Any assignment of concern in this regard depends on ones species and culture. The sea tortoise lays her eggs in a carefully excavated hole on a particular beach then gently covers them over with sand then leaves them forever to the not often tender graces of circumstance. The bald eagle pairs with a mate for a time to prepare a nest for her eggs and together they care and rare their young to a viable state of readiness for its new life. Human beings have taken the raring of familial members to an extreme mostly as a cultural demand. With adequate enlightenment we begin to extend our concern to other members of our and other defined species and the communities they form and the environment which makes it all possible? All this occurs in the absence of any certainty about the true nature of one’s living circumstances. How are we here? Where were we before? What or where comes next? For some, abject denial offers occasional respite from the unknown, however, eventually no human escapes the wonderment endemic to the conundrum of life.
Evolution did it all. Why should we have been anywhere before? Why should anything come next?
tonylang wrote: May 26th, 2024, 8:44 amThe layers of concern we manifest for the various structures that form our existence and upon which we depend for survival and well being at this emergent macroscopic level can be described as a sphere or bubble of concern. This bubble describes all of the cultural and instinctual notions which form an individual’s concerns for its surroundings. For humankind this bubble may be manifested by particularly rich narratives based on instinct, imagination, fear, ambition, perceptions, and as of relatively recently on empirical data. Each host form or species and the individuals instantiated therein may be circumstantially free to define its own unique bubble of concerns which describe the day to day trajectory of the individual’s current life. The stresses intrinsic to being alive for any living being able to fathom such notions are significant and unavoidable. The bubble of concern comes from an evolved need to survive not just physically but also cognitively. Ones bubble of concern contributes to the definition of one’s living reality.
We might feel a need to survive cognitively. But why is there an evolutionary need for us to survive cognitively? I cannot see that it is required.
tonylang wrote: May 26th, 2024, 8:44 amThe evolution of experience which defines the sphere of concern in living hosts often fosters a progressive increase of sensitivity to the environment. Being overly sensitive or overly sensory in an entropic universe may not be the best condition for a living being. Humans have five major senses but this by no means defines a limit for viable hosts. We need not think about all which we cannot sense just as do other creatures that share this ecosystem with us. What of the world might a being with more than five senses glean? Are there host forms possessing sensory implementations that permit a being to sense the state or condition of its ecosystem perhaps as a kind of emotion? Or sense the presence of a POV, the presence of life itself? It is difficult to imagine what experiences there can be which you can't, however, the fundamental natural implementation of life in this universe, natural entanglement, which brings no experience of its own, does indeed accommodate an untold diversity of living forms and their emergent skills and accompanying spheres of concern limited only by the metaphorical imagination of nature herself.
Yes, we cannot know what it is like to be a bat. So what?
tonylang wrote: May 26th, 2024, 8:44 amHowever, Just beyond the proverbial skin of this sphere are the natural laws of cause and effect that determine when where and how any living being is located in space-time, ones position-of-view (POV). A POV, instantiated by natural entanglement, is the rigid framework which defines and drives the presence of individuality throughout this universe. With distance being no barrier to this teleportation channel, as living hosts emerge and evolve out of the isolation of initial living forms, biological or otherwise, and as living hosts evolve to permit survival of the entangled state and experience, these also define ones unique sphere of concern centered upon ones the POV, upon you. The POV is the naturally teleportable definition, the instantiation, the kernel, of one’s individuality in this universe.
You have not yet demonstrated that "natural entanglement" exists for individuals nor why there is any need for it. And teleportation is science fiction. The fact that it is possible to have two entangled particles on opposite sides of the universe and that we don’t know what, if anything, happens below the Planck length, offer no scientific support for the notion that individual “instantiations” can be instantly teleported across the universe. This is all just psuedoscientific hand-waving but I see why you want it in your story.
tonylang wrote: May 26th, 2024, 8:44 amThis behavior of concern or caring, whether instinctual or cognitive, although mostly culturally defined at the emerged host level, fundamentally derives from the basic natural cause and effect implementation of life itself, an implementation about which most life on earth today is utterly unaware including humankind. The imprinting of metamatter caused by the instantiation by natural entanglement that defines you, the individual, your position-of-view, is the source of this perceived concern. For offspring of basic hosts, like a single cell that divides to create new cells, it is only the cause manifested from the imprinting or tuning of metamatter by similar genetic progeny that renders apparent attachment to offspring. For a cell or microbe it is nothing more than the evolved tendency of like to seek like.
No, we have a good idea of cause and effect in relation to all organisms. We call it evolution by natural selection.

There is no support for the concept of "metamatter", its "imprinting by the instantiation by natural entanglement that defines the individual" or for the idea that this imaginary process is the source of our "concern". Again, this is all just words. The only thing you have said that is likely to be true is that our concern is nothing more than the evolved tendency of "like to seek [or look after] like".
tonylang wrote: May 26th, 2024, 8:44 amMetamatter imprinted by a newly available host’s progeny enters more easily into an entangled state with that new host, thereby increasing the value or scalar magnitude of the individuals’ (QEF) fidelity of teleportation (FT) and thereby ones reinstantiation prospects with similar species. Species evolution simply selects for this similarity by genetic variation as it does for many other properties. It gives the species an evolutionary benefit via access to non-local cellular state information stored in more similarly imprinted metamatter. The drive to proliferate ones’ own similarly imprinted matamatter is advanced by spreading ones current genetics (DNA), however, genetics are local to ones current position in space-time. Whereas the coherent state information stored in metamatter during the course of each lifetime, made accessible to living hosts throughout nature via ones uniquely defined natural teleportation channel, is one major driver of evolution throughout the cosmos even when the viability of local circumstances catastrophically cease to exist. Today most understand the drive to procreate only as the individual’s dedication to host offspring or to species. Seen from humankind’s evolved cognitive vantage point we narrate this effect as love and caring described by a lexicon of emotional terms, from these perceptions emerge community, religion, politics and culture.
Define “metamatter”. What is it? Where is it. And how do you know? Until you do that your “value or scalar magnitude of the individuals’ (QEF) fidelity of teleportation (FT) and thereby ones [sic] reinstantiation” is just more pseudoscientific hand-waving.

And evolution by natural selection on Earth explains our emotions, our “loving and caring” and cultural evolution explains “religion, politics and culture”.
tonylang wrote: May 26th, 2024, 8:44 amIn what order does the instantiation of life by natural entanglement select, and assign, any individual QEF to ones next host form, among the great diversity of genetic lineages on Earth, and perhaps elsewhere in this universe? As we live, we fixate on our current host species and its genetically related ancestry, and its future prospects, not realizing that one’s current defined species may be only one of many viable forms that have hosted your POV in past instantiations. In the short term, this diversity of lineages that has played host to you, to your position-of-view, may very well include a few different species and near-species. However, in the longer term history of earth-life, for any individual, ones host history may include a great many, often very different host forms. Further, Parents and ancestors are current and bygone individuals (QEF’s) that were also hosted by Earths tree of life.
There is no evidence for the “instantiation of life by natural entanglement” or for “past instantiations” and we have no reason to think it could exist.
tonylang wrote: May 26th, 2024, 8:44 amThe degrees-of-freedom (DOF), of the QE spectrum, and their implementation in the LINE process, may reveal underlying complexities which defines categories of QEF types which determines which host forms are able to instantiate certain QEF types. Ergo, not all QEF can immediately be hosted by all forms. A single cell may not be capable of hosting your QEF. Metaphorically speaking, as your FM radio cannot tune a TV signal. Not because your QEF is in any way dedicated specifically to the human form, but due to the underlying defining structure of the QE spectrum, and the underlying metaverse (Hilbert-space), and the topographies of their interface with this universe. Such a determination will require invasive research to discover the truth of it. Because this is a nuanced, and not at all as simple a thing as it may at first seem. Further, the LINE hypothesis suggests that QEF are described by the DOF’s of the QE spectrum, which are governed by nuances of the underlying metaverse. Consequentially, only a certain range of the entanglement spectrum may be exposed to any particular universe. Ergo, the QE spectrum may be essentially pre-filtered by overriding conditions, and circumstances, to expose this universe to only a certain band of QEF. That is, of potential individuals, which is then further filtered, or tuned, by more local circumstances described by ones fidelity of teleportation (FT), which instantiate these available QEF to compatible viable hosts. All of this contributes to the natural description of how you came to be what you are, where you are, and what comes next.
There is no empirical evidence in support of anything like a QE spectrum and nor is there any theoretical reason to posit a QE spectrum other than to further your story.

tonylang wrote: May 26th, 2024, 8:44 amLike you, each ancestor, via their instantiated hosts, have participated in the local dissemination-of genetic information through various processes of procreation. More significantly, however, also by storing its cellular state to entangled metamatter over the course of each lifetime. Ones ancestors are bygone lives of individual QEF’s that, like you, were temporarily instantiated to hosts that contributed genetically to yours, in any given instance of life. However, more influentially, also by contributing to the universal repository of evolutionary information. This tuning influences ones FT value, and future prospects for reinstantiation. Each of those individual QEF’s are also on their own trajectory through the universal network of life. Via this mutual, cellular-QEF tuning of universal evolutionary information, individuals of ancestral QEF’s, could cross paths with your trajectory again. Realizing and comparing the DNA mediated tree of host forms on Earth, with the natural teleportation network that governs the assignment of individuality to those forms, will no doubt be a new and unfamiliar cognitive hurdle for humankind. If you feel evolution has been rough going, then buckle up.
We have no reason to think that "metamatter, much less “entangled metamatter” exist. Until you provide some reason to think it might exist, “future prospects for reinstantiation” are not worth talking about. For now, your “teleportation network” has no more reality than the “floo network” in J K Rowling’s Harry Potter series.

I like a good science fiction story as much as anyone. And science fiction is what you are presenting here. It has the makings of a really good story. The idea of entangled particles is a nice device because they are already a thing. And people will love a story that speaks to them of a possibility of survival after death – that’s a real winner. But, for goodness sake, work on your writing. No one will read science fiction thus presented.

A few pointers (again). Shorter sentences. More varied paragraphs – you don’t want them all as thick as doorsteps. Establish neologisms early but gently, one at a time, so the reader can internalise them without having to constantly go back and try to find out what a bunch of them, all in the one sentence, mean.

I hope you don’t mind me pointing out all of the above. It's a really great idea for a story. Really!
Favorite Philosopher: Hume Nietzsche Location: Antipodes
Lagayscienza wrote: May 26th, 2024, 10:31 am I hope you don’t mind me pointing out all of the above. It's a really great idea for a story. Really!
I appreciate your interest greatly. The UMI principle and LINE hypothesis together constitute a framework that although its presentation begins with the description of life, by the frameworks detail, would inform and guide the epistemology of emerging and advanced universal cultures because it also describes the fundamental ontology of reality in this universe.
What is individual presence? Presence is that natural phenomenon that you are experiencing at this moment. As unintuitive as it may seem, ones' presence has very little to do with one's consciousness, mental state, or even one's physical form or any of its emergent functions. In fact, in nature, a single living cell is enough to instantiate the presence of a living individual. Surely, one must realize that your presence can exist even if you cannot experience it. Whether it is because your host has not evolved to experience or recognize its own presence, or because you are comatose or under general anesthesia or circumstantially otherwise not functioning to full capacity. Still, if you are among the living, your presence, your instantiation persists. So what is this natural phenomenon unlike any other in normal experience which establishes a living individual position-of-view? That phenomenon is the Solution of State (SoS).

The underlying implementation of this universe and all possible verses is called the metaverse. The metaverse can be described as an ocean of quantum wave functions (QWF's) that exists in a state of perpetual superposition. As such, the metaverse possesses the potential to procedurally render all possible states and realities, while rendering none. That is until SoS are instantiated therein. SoS's are circumstantially emergent transformations of more fundamental forms of information in any verse. As turbulence in a vast ocean of water circumstantially emerge and interacts, so too does a solution of state (SoS) inform all manner of metaverse phenomena which become the seeds, the pebbles tossed into the metaverse ocean if you will.

SoS's are the metaverse amalgams of information, once teleported into this universe, undergoes quantum superposition collapse to manifest all of the entities and their defining degrees of freedom of ones' space-time and thereby create the indigenous reality of any universe. SoS become rendered entities such as electrons and quarks and all of the fundamental particles, known or unknown, and the forces which compose the reality of ones' universe. These fundamental entities, once collapsed from the metaverse by appropriate SoS's, combine and evolve to become atoms composed of electrons bonded to protons and neutrons which produce molecules of matter. This interaction also renders all of the fields and properties of this universe such as the electromagnetic and QE spectrums. These emergent properties combine to form the entanglement molecule (EM), an interstellar molecule that naturally establishes a coherent state with non-local metamatter. In the right habitat, under the right conditions, this molecule may evolve to instantiate a position of view (POV), a living individual. A POV is also a type of SoS which, to a much lesser extent, further procedurally collapses natures' superposition state within this universe to render an individual's living reality.

Solution's of State also exist in this universe, whether manifested as a subatomic particle, or as a QEF instantiated as a living POV in a living being, both establish a place and a time and thereby a state or a life in this universe, to something that otherwise has neither. Metaphorically, as a pebble tossed into a vast body of water creates a series of effects referred to as ripples, so too does each SoS instantiated into natures' ocean of QWF's create a series of effects we refer to as reality. Any of these realities may be simultaneously rendered, but cannot be simultaneously experienced, observed, or measured. Further, these renderings cannot instantaneously interact, except via the degrees of freedom (DOF) of the QE spectrum. So where does an SoS originate? To understand the origin of SoS one need not comprehend the intricacies of the metaverse which are fundamentally incompatible with any intellect indigenous to this universe. Solutions of state also exist in this universe in the form of any rendered state able to specifically interact with another state to precipitate a newly emerged state. Not all states can circumstantially fulfill a specific condition in the same way; therefore will not produce the same if any outcome. Like a key in its lock, particular states are evolved to interact and render or resolve other particular states to produce a new state, entity, or phenomenon. As the far wall in the double-slit experiment participates as an SoS to collapse the emitted probability wave to render into the observers' reality the particles of electrons or photons, so too does the observers' POV contribute, however weakly, as SoS within that environment to render those same particles. This is no different from the mundane effect of illumination whereby most matter acts as a SoS for photons of ambient light in any environment.

However, far less mundane are metaverse phenomena such as the big bang. A big bang requires a certain type of SoS, unfamiliar to this universe. Such SoS is capable of collapsing the metaverses' QWF to spawn a new universe. Such SoS interactions produce much more than mere ripples in the metaverses' ocean of QWF's but cause the biggest splashes imaginable. Such collapses instantiate a new realm of physics, and thereby, a new realm of reality. Such realms of reality evolve in the metaverse by the laws of metaverse physics. The ecosystem that is the metaverse complex is defined and governed and evolved by its own laws of interaction, an understanding of which would be a heavy, but perhaps not impossible, evolutionary lift for any instantiated living forms it produces to imagine. It is upon the formation of viable universes, such as this one, which define unique relationships and laws of interaction and of change known as physics, able to evolve environments which may become viable ecosystems to instantiate the SoS defined by the degrees of freedom of the quantum entanglement spectrum (QEF) to instantiate individuality, life. This ongoing rendering of reality and its zoo of instantiated entities by the metaverses' unique laws of physics is experienced by all indigenous POV's as this universe.

In the absence of the introduction of SoS's into the metaverse complex, like a perfectly still ocean of water, neither space nor time as we perceive them, exist. However, upon the introduction of appropriate SoS's, the reality we call this universe comes into existence for all matter living or not. The possible interactive, measurable, and observable variations between individual experiences of rendered entities are severely limited by the pre-rendering caused by electrons and other such primary observers (PO) in nature. All renderings occur simultaneously everywhere within this universe. However, for each solution of state, for each individuals' POV, nature renders each reality relativistically (with each POV a factor) and thereby manifests an individualized rendering of the local environment and of the measurable, observable changes caused by those states. It is this local rendering of ones' observable, measurable rates of change in local renderings of reality which we refer to as time and its observed relativistic dilations. As Einstein discovered, relativity is the description of the dilations or differences between each individually rendered rate at which change occurs relative to the speed of light. The closer to this speed limit an observer moves the slower the internal rendering appears to outside observers. Two observers in the same reference frame will render their environment significantly similarly but nonetheless, individually.

To the environment, a living host entangled at one QEF is identical to that same host entangled at any different QEF. There is no classically detectable outward influence or behavior of the POV that can immediately affect one's surroundings which includes one's host. because the host, the species is a part of that local environment. No causal difference between one POV and another is available to the outside world, only to the individual is the difference rendered manifest by the isolation of individuality. It is only the isolation of individual instantiation and also of experience centered upon one's position-of-view that affords a clear distinction of self, being, and individuality via the acquired skill of self-awareness in each being capable of fathoming the distinction. The isolation imposed upon the individual POV by a protective composite, and often disconnected host, is a solitary condition which the instantiated being strives to overcome. This is widely achieved through communication in all of its forms which includes mobility. From the single living cell to bacteria to vegetation to human beings, genetically all strive to break the isolation imposed by this fundamental living condition of life. This journey out of the isolation of the basic natural entangled state of life not only began but continues with the living cell in all of its forms and has evolved to become the prolific, diverse eco-system we see today.

Communication requires the development, usually via evolution, of structures and functions that augment the basic implementation by which natural entanglement is hosted. Evolution no doubt favors the group, which also benefits from communication. This is not to suggest that the perception of individuality cannot be clouded perhaps by intimately integrated communication systems of both a technological and biological nature. Such augmentation could fade the experiential distinction between self and others. Even so, make no mistake, there can be no classical infiltration of the individual POV as there are strict natural monogamistic laws of quantum coherent interaction that guarantee the isolation (or forfeit) of the individual entangled state that is the position-of-view.

Most often the information of self that is acquired during a lifetime is dissipated from the individual upon deinstantiation. Some information of one's past instantiations may persist in the memories of other instantiated beings for a time or within indelible works or, in the archival repositories of advanced societies. However, currently with no means by which any reinstantiated QEF can be identified, for now, the anonymity of the reinstantiated individual remains assured. It would require the development, evolutionary or technological, of persistent personal individual inter-longevous memory or the societal archiving of such information, coupled with the capability to identify and distinguish the unique individual QEF to then inform reinstantiated individuals of their past histories. Also with this capability would emerge the even more profound capability to influence one's future instantiations by manipulating aspects of ones’ fidelity of teleportation (FT), and further, to eventually develop controlled universal travel via targeted reinstantiation as advanced enlightened species in this universe already would. In so doing a threshold would have been crossed in the maturity of a species as the accompanying enlightenment transforms life as we know it.
Dark Energy is one of the great enigmas of modern cosmology and physics today. To shed light on this piece of the cosmic puzzle we need to view existence through the prism of the LINE hypothesis .The multiverse hypothesis is a misrepresentation of the underlying procedural potential of the metaverse. Therefore, the multiverse is described as a vast number of simultaneously existing, pre-rendered realities or universes. Each usually imagined to exist within its’ own allocated vicinity or bubble. The multiverse hypothesis suggests that within any number of these bubble universes, you, or indeed any possible state, may or may not exist. The LINE hypothesis suggests that nature is far more frugal and elegant than this.

As a computer generated virtual environment emerge from this space-time, yet maps to no space or time within this universe, likewise, ones universe occupies no space or time as we perceive it within the metaverse from which all possible realities nonetheless emerge. In this behavior the metaverse can be compared to a computers’ CPU and its supporting electronics which concurrently embodies the potential for all of the virtual states which may be rendered therein. Virtual states which may also be experienced by a sufficiently implemented individual position of view (POV) instantiated perhaps by an individual such as the iconic game character Mario. In this CPU analogy there simultaneously exists the potential for finite yet unbounded virtual space, and also the potential to create all of the possible states, environments or simulations the programmer may imagine, as well as those possibilities the programmer can’t imagine, or none at all. Similarly, in nature, a living being is very much an instantiated character within a natural but procedurally rendered environment, one perhaps requiring no programmer as we may conceive it.

Living individuals are instantiated entities, not unlike Mario, inquiring of nature; how am I here? How large is my universe, and how is it structured? For example, as it would be for Mario, distance for us is very real regardless of its true nature within the metaverse. However, realize that for us, like Mario, distance, like all else within this universe, is nothing more than nature, procedurally, relativistically, individually, despite its very real consequences, rendering how many laps on the treadmill called space-time, a baryonic entity like us, or your pet rodent, or any particle or comet, or any star or galaxy, must tread to ‘reach’ any other rendered state (destination) within this universe. Distance is but a procedurally generated illusion of reality. So, speaking about the size of this universe at the big bang is to describe the universe when it was first instantiated. This is akin to Mario attempting to describe the size of his computerized virtual universe within the CPU when it was first turned on. Whatever the perceived ‘size’ that Mario’s universe appears or is calculated to be by him at any given moment, only higher dimensional beings like us can fathom its true implementation, an implementation which cannot be fathomed by Mario. Likewise for us, in this universe, all realities are circumstantially instantiated, or collapsed by solutions of state (SoS) which render the QWF’s that manifests ones universe. A POV is the SoS, the pebble tossed into the metaverse’ ocean of QWF’s, which, for a time, positions each instantiated individual, you, in that universe.

Consequently, rendering is reality. Rendering is change, from the smallest to the largest scales. Rendering is simultaneous and everywhere in nature. So, what is the engine which performs all of this rendering? Furthermore, does the amount, or volume, or other aspects of the information (SoS’s) within a universe impart a load or a drag on this natural rendering engine? Might this load at all times tax the universal rendering engine to mediate how fast entities within a universe may render or change? Does this load mediate how matter may maximally tread the treadmill we refer to as space and thereby effect ones’ local rendered rate of change we refer to as time? In essence might the total contents of a universe determine the maximum treadmill speed, that is the universal speed limit? Ergo the speed of light? Thereby, altering the rendering engines’ clock-speed, if you will? Nothing can travel through vaccum faster than light, whatever that speed may be. This is because the rendering engine is at all times loaded to its current rendering capacity by the current information content of that verse. As such, c= 299,792 km/s is directly related to the amount of information currently in this universe and also says something of the capacity of the rendering engine per unit of information therein. Hence, variations in the speed of light must be linked to the rate of any universal information loss or gain. Science dictates that there can be no loss of information. However, information can certainly be moved or transferred. Such a transfer describes the LINE hypothesized natural teleportation of information between all living entities in this universe to metamatter, but also, more influentially by black holes.

If indeed the universal information load can be mediated by ongoing circumstances, then changes in the information content of this universe, something that appears to break the laws of physics of this universe, could potentially alter the load on the rendering engine which mediates the state of all information herein moment by moment, ergo; time. Thereby, potentially altering this universes cosmic speed limit, the speed of light. Observations of change in this universal latency in the rendering of reality could be made only if variations in the universal information load occurred at various stages of the universal expansion, and could be seen as variations in the otherwise normal expected Doppler shift of ancient light. Further, if such variations were only caused by a gradual reduction in the universal information load placed on the rendering engine over time, then the corresponding changes in the speed of light would appear as variations in the acceleration in universal expansion. Ergo dark-energy. Alan Guths’ inflation hypothesis is the low latency period of the universal expansion when the rendering engine was initially minimally taxed due to the low information load of the first instants of the big bang.

As information poured into the new expanding universe and as its interactions evolved in complexity, this increased the rendering load, in the form of more fundamental particles evolving into hydrogen protons and into other less fundamental particles and eventually atoms. All taxed the universal rendering engine and progressively lowers the maximum rendering speed, and with it the speed of light, and also the apparent rate of universal expansion when measured by stellar spectroscopy. Not until the universal formation of a critical mass of black holes and living entities which transfers information out of this universe into the metaverse from which it came, did the load on the rendering engine begin to diminish thereby lowering the universal latency and increasing the maximum rendering speed, the rate of change, and the speed of light. That is, light travels faster as this universe transfers information to the metaverse. If it so happens that information could indeed be, not lost, but teleported or otherwise transferred from this universe into the metaverse, information transferred in part via the imprinting of metamatter by the LINE hypothesized natural entanglement of its’ living tenants, and to a greater extent via other natural structures such as black holes. These would constitute causes of a reduction in universal rendering load and would serve, over time and in sufficient magnitude, to mediate the maximum speed limit in this universe to produce an observable red-shift as the speed of light from distant objects change accordingly to produce the otherwise mysterious dark-energy acceleration profile observed in these cosmos. On its face, the universal loss of information may be expected to cause an apparent bluing of the Doppler shift in a star’s spectral lines. The universal gain of information should produce a reding of that same spectrum, but this may be a more complicated effect than it first appears.
The LINE hypothesis proposes that any unchanging state is definable as nothingness. Ergo; nothing is solely the absence of change at all scales. Something (information) is definable by the presence of change at any scale. Hence, the question; "Why is there something rather than nothing?" is the wrong question. So, what is the right question? The LINE hypothesis suggests that the right question is; "Why is there change rather than no change?". Change is the most fundamental property of nature definable as information. Change exists at all scales. The question then becomes; "Did change have a beginning?". If you exist to ask this question, then change exists. This is asking; is or was there states of nature of no change, of no information, states of nothingness?

Regardless, change is the only state of nature that may be considered sacrosanct as a prime-mover. This is so because for information to exist any existing state of nothingness must change, thus becoming information. Hence change is a prerequisite for information ergo; a prerequisite for reality. Further, the only state that requires only itself to exist is; change. This defines the capacity for change as the prime-mover of nature by which information evolved into topologies describable as; Hilbert spaces.

The LINE hypothesis suggests that there is no multiverse, however, there is a metaverse (aka Hilbert-space). In a metaverse, universes evolve by a process of Darwinian evolutionary natural selection, not unlike the evolutionary process we see in viable ecosystems for life in this universe. The universe or verse in which one finds one’s self is but one viable species of verse on this tree, or complex of verses, which has evolved to host individual life by its unique laws of physics. Many verses will not have this fortune of circumstance. A verse with no evolved mechanism by which to instantiate individual life may nonetheless inherit this capability from the evolutionary information imprinted in metamatter by other compatible verses which in turn inherited likewise from others. This is different from a multiverse in that, within the metaverse, verses may actually evolve, inherit, and in a sense compete, and even consume one another for existence, not unlike the way galaxies do, all on a time scale which makes the age of one's universe seem infinitesimal by comparison. Within the metaverse complex, the state or health if you will, of a verse is indicated by whether it is contracting or expanding and the rate of each. So where does the big bang fit in?

The metaverse is essentially an ecosystem where verses are the evolving species. However, resist the temptation to over extend this analogy with life as we know it. The goings on in the metaverse is governed by physics that are necessarily unfamiliar to the physics within any universe that it may produce. What we refer to as a big bang is but one of many metaverse phenomena which only hints at the goings on in this unfamiliar realm of nature. The appearance of the big bang to us as some kind of an explosion is as nondescript as the way a rain drop falling from the clouds may appear to a microbe caught therein, attempting to describe the hurricane, planet and solar system from which the drop emerged. In this, the microbe is just along for the ride. The degrees of freedom at work in the metaverse are far from fathomable by humankind. This is not a limitation of intellectual capacity, but rather a limitation of the type of intellect that is possible in ones universe.

The unique laws of physics of different verses manifest not just fundamentally different types of host forms, but also their very own unique type of position of view (POV). This is due to the unique degrees of freedom and topographies which define a particular verse and its laws of physics. Further, as in our universe, all life in each unique verse can only instantiate that same unique type of POV to become the kernels, the seeds of evolution for any living individual hosted by that universe regardless of the specifics of the indigenous ecosystems therein. Each viable verse is a different realm for instantiation and produces living individuals which can evolve to fathom its own living circumstances in that verse as humankind may in this universe while finding the nature of other verses impenetrable. You see, intellect is but one tier of an inverted pyramid of capability which evolves from the seed that is the instantiated POV. However, in the rich pallet of possibilities for life described by the metaverse, there are no doubt verses which evolve living beings which can transcend some of these limitations. This may ultimately prove to be such a verse.

A Metaverse by its hypothesized nature permits universes like ours to evolve with uniquely tuned degrees of freedom that seem too specific to be randomly emerged, this is because they are not, they are evolved. Like species verses do not lose evolutionary information like inanimate entities do. As in living beings, via the entanglement spectrum, each verse can store and inherit evolutionary information imprinted by its living tenants to metamatter. This imprinted cloud-storage repository of intra, and inter-universal evolutionary information mediated by natural laws of conservation of information, such as the monogamy of natural entanglement, not only guides the evolution of species, but also influences the evolution of verses to become finely tuned, unique habitats for life in the Darwinian complex of the metaverse.
Gravitation is perhaps the most vexing enigma in the history of physics. It was long considered to be Newton’s attractive force between masses. Later, gravity came to be understood more accurately as Einstein’s curvature of space-time which guides matter toward the center of gravitation. However, the metaphor of a curvature of space-time doesn’t capture the more fundamental reality which governs this enigmatic phenomenon. In the ongoing description of gravity, there remain defining features yet unbeknownst. The LINE hypothesis suggests that gravity is the effect more fundamentally caused, at all scales, by the transfer of information from within this space-time into the metaverse. It is this localized information drain which produces the directed acceleration in matter currently described as the space-time curvature known as gravity. Einstein showed that gravitation to some useful degree of accuracy may be regarded as a curvature of the dimensions we refer to as space-time. The LINE hypothesis suggests that this description of gravity can be further refined as a stretching of space-time in the presence of certain degrees-of freedom (DOF) of matter (i.e. mass) which locally deforms other hidden dimensions.

These hidden dimensions, described as Planck-holes (PH), are undilated or curled-up in vacuum and therefore interact minimally. These lower dimensions, long predicted by string-theory, not only proliferate this universe but are a defining DOF of the fabric of space-time. PH causes space to behave as a porous membrane for information and for certain degrees-of-freedom indigenous to the metaverse. PH are the key to many features of this universe. For example, PH are the conduits which establish the flow of information into the metaverse which cumulatively produces the effect known as gravitation in this universe. PH are also the conduits which establish the quantum teleportation channels with the metaverse (Hilbert –space) that permit the coherent sharing of state information known as quantum entanglement. Furthermore, as the Higgs field imbues matter with mass, it is the Higgs field that is directly responsible for PH dilation and thereby, gravitation. Like a bullet shot through water, mass is imbued to certain configurations of particles by the Higgs field as it imparts a rendering latency upon all such entities. By this interaction, matter lingers in space-time and thereby affects the vacuum by dilating its PH and produces all of the effects that come with it.

PH are Planck scale dimensions which act as drains or pours in the fabric of space-time. PH are the holes which may become sufficiently dilated by sufficiently high mass densities to produce a sufficiently high transfer of information into the metaverse, ergo; gravitation, which becomes capable of capturing light and thereby, causing a Planck hole to become a black hole. Metaphorically, PH’s may be compared to the openings between the threads in fabrics. The effect of the presence of increasingly larger mass densities (or some other property of matter) upon the PH is to stretch or widen their teleportation bandwidth. This locally induced PH dilation proportionally increases the rate of information drain into the underlying metaverse. This is what produces the effect of gravitation toward the center of mass. The cause of the nonlinear, stretched or curved, space-time around matter produced by PH dilation in the presence of mass and the information drain it produces is due to the affected space being rendered unable to translate a Higgs effected entities entire information budget linearly from one PH regime to another as it does in the undilated space of the vacuum. Hence, the transiting entities most vulnerable information states, often its momentum and position, is absorbed to produce a shift or movement in position to fill the information deficit. This is nothing more than the law of conservation of information at work. On the plank scale, this shift in position is always away from less dilated PH of the vacuum and toward regions of more dilated PH. This shift accumulates to produce the acceleration and trajectory adjustment referred to as gravitation.

This information transfer occurs in this universe due to the porosity of the fabric of space-time. Further, this porosity is never zero and is affected by all Higgs constrained entities of non-zero mass density among others. At one extreme PH are stretched ‘open’ by high mass densities to become black holes, the gravitating abyssal cosmic torrents of information transfer from this universe into the metaverse. Similarly, at the other extreme, PH also produce the subtle but ultimately pivotal teleportation channels needed for the emergence of individuality. This permits a far more diminutive transfer of information to metamatter during the course of each lifetime. This occurs by the low mass density particles within the living cell called the entanglement molecule (EM). Within the realm between these two extremes lies the potential of gravitation to manifest planets, stars, solar systems, and galaxies. As a consequence, life must stay far clear of the region of influence of black holes which likely extends far beyond the event horizon. Not because of physical danger to the host form, but due to the entropic turbulence which may cause the destruction of the delicate information states imprinted upon metamatter. This delicate imprinting by the living form is required to maintain a stable FT which promote the prospects for reinstantiation of an individual’s QEF. Humankinds’ attempts to calculate information retention in black holes give rise to ideas such as the holographic principle. This amounts to an attempt, unbeknownst, to map our dimensions of space-time onto the metaverse. However, such ideas, although headed in the right direction, are as nondescript as would be attempts by Mario to map the dimensions of his virtual realm onto our universe. This is because, via the PH, information is not lost but transferred or teleported into the metaverse.

Particles of all kinds are congealed from information gained into this universe. Particles are formed by a combination of PH dilation during a period of universal latency appropriate for the creation of specific particles. The very low universal latency in the first instants of the big bang was initially inappropriate for the creation of PH and particles. Hence, the rendering speed during that very early period of the universal expansion, known as inflation, was too high for the formation of the known forces, energy, or matter. Not until the universal information load into the early universe reached a threshold, causing a rise in universal latency and a type of universal viscosity, and a slowing of the rendering speed, did the fabric of space-time coalesce and its defining features, among them the PH, formed to become functional conduits for the exchange of information with the metaverse able to produce particles, known or unknown, and the forces they carry.

We currently live in the very stable low universal latency epoch of the big bang event. The health of any verse is described by the stability of its information budget. That is the state of information loss and gain which describes the universal expansion or contraction. A healthy universe is one which, by this balance, maintains the physics necessary for the existence of instantiated POV, life. Physics will differ among verses but the health of any verse lies in its stability in maintaining its necessary information budget for individuality. Loss of information is the transfer of the information initially gained at the big bang, and since, back into the metaverse. This transfer is continuous and ongoing due to the natural formation of all manner of Higgs effected entities which describe various mass (or other property) densities which dilate the PH to various degrees ranging from the subtle to the extreme. The transfer of information back into the metaverse is not only the phenomenon which causes gravitation but is also the phenomenon which implements life.

As swirling water guides more water, and also any objects floating therein, into an open drain, so too on macroscopic and cosmic scales, does this flow of information produce the seemingly analogous effect of guiding mass toward the center of information teleportation into the metaverse. However, make no mistake, this effect is not at all equivalent to the familiar phenomenon seen in fluid dynamics but is a quantum informational manifestation born of the interaction of the metaverse with this space-time. In low mass particles and diminutive collections thereof, this information transfer is very weak and likewise so is its gravitation. PH dilation may be effected by properties other than mass; this is suggested by the observed effects of massless entities such as dark matter. The aberration seen as dark energy is due to the reduction of universal latency caused by the universal transfer of information over time and in sufficient magnitude, into the metaverse via the PH, ergo gravity. However, the effect of this information drain is not via its gravitation, but because it also produces an increase in the universal rendering speed which not only changes the speed of light, but more fundamentally, results in a measurable increase in the rendering of cosmic distances to give rise to the accelerated expansion of space-time, ergo Dark energy. What a wonderfully elegant chain of cause and effect does nature conjure.

So, how might one prove that the PH exists? Perhaps for the first time in the history of science, fundamental cosmological and physics questions may be answerable by a microbiological test. The discovery of the LINE hypothesized entanglement cell (EC) and entanglement molecule (EM) would present an initial basis for the description and function of the PH. The quantum teleportation channel which describes the instantiated POV which defines individuality in every living entity is made possible only given the existence and function of the PH as described by the LINE hypothesis. As the big bang is born from an immense infusion of information transferred into this space-time, so too is the ongoing evolution of this universe, its expansions, and its contractions, mediated by the ongoing information transfer by matter densities great and small throughout these cosmos. The current phase of universal evolution may be dominated largely by information being transferred out of this universe and into the metaverse. The viability or health, if you will, of any verse is characterized by the stability of its information budget to essentially maintain a universal ecosystem of information and manifestations thereof for the continued evolution of life.
To better understand dark matter conceptually remove from the earth or any living planet, its total biomass consisting of every living cell within that ecosystem. Then virtually have that biomass suspended as a separate body adjacent to the earth. Now virtually remove from the barren earth a second body, this time consisting only of an amount of purely inanimate matter exactly equal in mass to the biomass body. We now have three masses all mutually at rest and suspended in space, one consisting only of living entities, the second mass consisting only of an amount of inanimate matter exactly equivalent to the first, and thirdly we have what’s left of the earth after both subtractions.

The LINE hypothesis suggests that if we were to now separately calculate, with appropriate accuracy and resolution, both the Newtonian and Einsteinian gravitational effect for each of the two subtracted masses, the inanimate, and the biomass, each calculation will yield a result measurably different from the actual measured gravitational influence of the biomass. That is, the biomass is hypothesized to produce a measurably greater actual gravitational influence than its equivalent in purely inanimate matter, and its Einsteinian calculated values. This extra gravitation possessed by the biomass is the LINE gravitation (LG or GL). In living entities the LG is hypothesized to be due to the increased information drain into the metaverse which is not accounted for in either Newton’s or in Einstein’s formulations. This information drain occurs via the increased bandwidth of the dilated Planck holes (PH) which establishes the position of view (POV), the natural teleportation channel within every living cell. This is a natural property of the cells’ instantiated entanglement molecules (EM) which instantiates each living being contained within the biomass.

It is this increased information drain that will also deflect a passing light beam to a measurably greater extent as it passes near the living biomass, or near the earth, or near any living planet. In short, a planet with life, all factors being equal, will bend light more than a planet without life. This is because the entanglement molecule, like DNA and many other complex molecules, does not function or may not even remain intact in inanimate matter. Yet, in living matter, the entanglement molecule in each living cell dilates the PH and gravitates to a greater extent than do other molecules. With the appropriate resolution, the density of life on distant planets could be determined by this metric. Of course, this is a very delicate measurement to undertake, as planets such as earth are much smaller than stars and the differential in gravitational influence, LG, specifically caused by the information drain via the POV of its biomass is even smaller. The Moon may be an obvious candidate for an experimental platform for such a test. A nearby cosmic body with no life, this is half the requirement. The trick is finding a clever way to implement the second requirement of the test, to measure the Moon with sufficient living matter on it to make a contrasting gravitational measurement. However, since we are able today to measure the diminutive gravitational waves of distant sources, I have no doubt that this measurement can be performed successfully.

Let us now venture to perform this same conceptual scenario on the Milkyway galaxy; First separate the Milkyway’s total mass of inanimate matter into one spherical body, sufficiently diffuse so as not to collapse into a huge black hole. Now separate into another sphere the known living biomass of the Milkyway galaxy that would be the same biomass as the previous scenario, Earth’s biomass being the only known life that exists. Next, separate into a third sphere a mass equal to the total measured gravitation necessary to keep the Milkyway intact and rotating with its current observed galactic sigma. This third sphere is of a mass sufficient to exactly account for the Milkyways’ extra gravitation, ergo; its’ dark matter. Dark matter is hypothesized to express gravitation but no other aspect of baryonic matter including mass. This would be an inexplicable behavior absent the LINE hypothesis. The sphere of dark matter has a gravitational constant (GD) at present assumed to be equal to the Newtonian gravitational constant (G). This is a necessary placeholder assumption required until dark matter is actually detected and its actual gravitation per unit dark matter particle measured. The eventual value of GD is of little importance to this scenario. The LINE hypothesis suggests that the eventual dark matter gravitation, whatever it turns out to be, is proportional to the extra gravitation of the biomass (GL), even if that value is different from the Newtonian value (G). That is, the extra gravitation hypothesized to exist in living entities is the same extra gravitation measured in galaxies. This prediction infers that the gravitational influence of dark matter (GD) can be measured in any living biomass, like Earths biomass, which is expected to excessively bend a passing beam of light. So, how does this work?

The LINE hypothesis agrees that Dark Matter is an undiscovered particle with subtle degrees of freedom in this space-time and suggests that these degrees of freedom also dilate local PH, to produce gravitation but by a mechanism not present in normal matter. Dark matter particles which act to negatively dilate PH are the most fundamental conveyors of gravitation in this space-time and thereby constitute the particle which manifests gravitation in all forms of matter. As such, dark matter is hypothesized to be the active ingredient in the entanglement molecule. The atomic structure of the entanglement molecule, once formed in viable hosts, captures, and for a lifetime, retains an excess of dark matter particles, not unlike the way atomic isotopes capture and hold electrons, except dark matter particles brings additional gravitation but virtually no additional rest mass. This combination of unlikely partners increases the bandwidth of PH in the vicinity of the entanglement molecule. This extra PH dilation is the superpower, if you will, of the entanglement molecule which establishes the position of view (POV) at unique degrees of freedom of the entanglement spectrum (QEF) in every living entity. This added gravitation occurs by the instantiated entanglement molecule’s sequestration of an excess of dark matter particles which adds an amount of extra gravitation to the collective biomasses total gravitation. Without dark matter, there would be no galaxies as we know them in this universe but also there would be no life as we know it. Dark matter is famously difficult to detect in the environment. Upon the isolation and identification of the entanglement cell and entanglement molecule, we would be significantly closer to identifying and understanding this elusive ingredient in the instantiation of the living individual.

These scenarios each shed light on Vera Rubin’s discovery of unrecounted galactic rotation or sigma currently ascribed to dark matter because PH dilation accounts for each. The LINE hypothesis suggests that dark matter continues to be the undetected phenomenon which dilates the PH regime encompassing entire galaxies and groups thereof which accounts for the unexpected galactic sigma. The measurement of Earth’s predicted planetary gravitational LG differential is hypothesized to be proportional to this galactic sigma, as the galactic sigma was expected to be proportional to Newtons’ gravitational constant (G), but isn’t. This is also the case for occurrences of gravity lensing, due to the prediction that each is caused by accumulated PH dilation, ergo gravitation by dark matter. Vera’s extra gravitation is active in the gravitation of living ecosystems in a common degree of freedom shared by both the entanglement molecule and dark matter. Hence dark matter isn’t merely a source of extra gravitation; it is the particle that conveys all gravitation even to normal matter. This prediction infers that the Newtonian gravitational constant (G) is not a universal constant but is proportional to the number of sequestered dark matter particles within baryonic matter. Given the aforementioned LINE gravitation (GL), when dark matter particles are finally detected and its unit gravitational effect measured (GD), it is hypothesized that (GD= GL).

Entanglement molecules are composed of inanimate atoms which together constitute one component of the natural mechanism needed to establish the antenna-state which defines the living POV. Once entanglement molecules are assimilated into the gestation process of an available viable host, the instantiated entanglement molecule acquires the added capacity to capture available dark matter particles. Together these unlikely participants establish the antenna-state of the POV by sufficiently dilating the bandwidth of local PH to open the vital teleportation channel which enables the critical information transfer that imprints metamatter at ones’ unique degrees of freedom of the quantum entanglement spectrum, ones’ QEF. This state, as long as it persists, instantiates ones’ new position in space-time, ones’ individuality. When released into the environment upon deinstantiation, death, the entanglement molecule’s sequestered dark matter particles are also released. Consequently, like the unignited matter in a gas nebula or the inanimate matter of Earth, the uninstantiated entanglement molecule, should it persist, resumes its mundane alter ego to gravitate in a more Newtonian manner as does all inanimate matter. Further, if it became feasible to strip baryonic matter of all of its bound dark matter particles, baryonic matter may be dispossessed of gravitation.

On the galactic scale, persistent PH dilation in the absence of detectable matter is a very important phenomenon of this space-time. These scenarios of information transition infer the existence of a commonality between the function of the hypothesized entanglement molecule in living entities and the properties exhibited by dark matter. This is due to their mutual ability to dilate the PH to a degree greater than, and in the absence of normal matter respectively. It is hypothesized that entanglement molecules capture and hold an excess of dark matter particles for the duration of each living entities lifetime. This identifies dark matter as the entanglement particle (EP) which most fundamentally maintains the PH dilation which defines a QE connection to metamatter even in the absence of matter. This gives the entanglement molecule its capacity to establish life. Additionally, dark matter is the particle which singularly causes gravitation in matter. All normal (baryonic) matter gravitates primarily, or entirely, by the sequestering of dark matter particles. Hence, although the Higgs field imbues matter with mass it is a degrees of freedom of dark matter not mass that is responsible for PH dilation both in living entities and imbues gravitation to all baryonic matter and gravitates in the vacuum of deep space. This implies that the eventual isolation and identification of the entanglement cell, entanglement molecule and entanglement particle will unlock the mystery surrounding dark matter. I encourage all thoughtful, nimble-minded researchers or teams thereof, having the means, the capability and the wherewithal to take on these groundbreaking career-defining challenges and do so for the betterment of humankind.
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