I understand that zionism is a nineteenth century invention that was deliberately inserted into Judaism. However is there something Scriptural that perpetuates the "Promised Land" notion that I learned about long ago at school, as a Christian child.
Moreover I wonder if the promised land myth is common to most if not all religions or if it applies only to those cultures that colonise and own land.
We have a pretty good history (at least partly mythologised) of the Jewish people as an ethno-religious tribal group. I don't know how common it was in the times of the ancient Hebrews, but they had a sad record of being invaded and occupied, or exiled and enslaved by their invaders. They did a bit of that themselves too. Their ''Promised Land'' was Canaan, it was promised by Yahweh to Abraham and his descendents, and it's where Moses led the Jews to after exile in Egypt.
Jerusalem was made the site for Solomon's original Temple, which contained the Holy of Holies, a sort of holiday home for Yahweh's visits to his Chosen People. Babylonian invaders destroyed Solomon's Temple, but it was re-built, and the Second Temple was at the centre of the great Jewish religious festivals - like how Jesus came to Jerusalem for the Passover and turned over the outer Temple money-lenders' tables causing a ruckus- the rest as they say, is Christianity. The Romans destroyed the Second Temple during a rebellion a bit after Jesus' time (around the time of the first Gospel, Mark's, in AD 70), causing yet more dispersion, but the ruins are still venerated. Anyway, one way or another the Jewish diaspora made them an ethno-religion of immigrants dispersed all over the place. And they were often treated with suspicion and animosity as immigrants still are, with the extra burden of being the 'Christ killers'.
Lots of myths grew up about Jews as the immigrant 'other', like the medieval 'Blood Libel' that they sacrificed Christian babies in rituals, and the cursed Wandering Jew. And there are more trendy ones like the Jewish conspiracy to rule the world, going back at least to The Protocols of Zion. And today when you see neo-fascists and anti-immigrant marchers chanting 'They will not replace us' and 'Blood and Soil' they're directly mimicking Nazi nationalists.
Zionism is understandable given that history, and finally the genocidal displacement of WWII led to Britain deciding to give a chunk of modern day Palestine to the Jews. Like you do. Jerusalem is still the holiest place on earth for Christians and Jews, and Mohammed has some important connection too, and the sacred Dome of the Rock Islamic temple was built on the old Hebrew Temple Mount (rude!).
So Jerusalem in particular is a religious as well as territorial hot potato. You also have a bunch of evangelical Christians who've convinced themselves that it's prophesied Jesus's second coming can only happen when the Jews re-occupy the Promised Land. These are Christian Zionists. I don't know how much sway they have in American politics, but it doesn't help. Biden is a disgrace in his own right. And Trump moved the American Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem as an FU to Palestine, as was his Jewish son-in-law's proposed 'peace plan'. The same bloke now in the midst of a genocide -
''Jared Kushner has praised the “very valuable” potential of Gaza’s “waterfront property” and suggested Israel should remove civilians while it “cleans up” the strip.
The former property dealer, married to Donald Trump’s daughter Ivanka, made the comments in an interview at Harvard University on 8 March.''
- Guardian.