When a person has a grip on his or her Imagination, Consciousness becomes the
Gate-Way unto the Universe. The two must issue forth having two names, as the One that has a dual quality. Like the Christ Man, he and she will not be fulfilled until they walk the Earth having both a Spiritual and a Physical, Empirical Body.
The person that becomes all-knowing, God Like, becomes a Know it all; whatever comes to mind becomes a Reality.
Any thought that comes to mind that can not pass the Reality test, Absolutely Bad Knowledge has a dual quality; Absolutely Bad Knowledge, mistaken to be Absolutely Good Knowledge, having a dual quality, is known to be "The Knowledge of Good and Evil, to be the downfall of Mankind, he and she.
Born of the Imagination, the Rational Mind, Knowledge that has no Empirical Value is a Rationalization, Guileful, deceptive, Evil, will cause you to speak with a
forked Tongue, to be two-faced, talk out of both sides of your mouth.
The Imagination can take you to Heaven or send you to Hell.