Philohof: Sorry, late reply:
scientific findings allowed for a change from striving for cultivation of human properties to the attitude that diversity is the consequence of the theory of evolution. But you did not like that solution. I, for myself, think that we can be glad about this solution, because from the late 19th century until 1945 eugenics was a serious problem.
My objection to this solution was not that it has a worse outcome than eugenics. It probably has a much better outcome. My objection is that it still seems to me to misunderstand what scientific theories are supposed to do. Like eugenics, it still seems to suggest that evolution is telling us how we ought to behave, rather than describing how we do behave. If we continue to see these attempted descriptions as prescriptions then things like eugenics are still a threat.
This development also implies that science cannot stay "pure" anymore and has to reflect also on the social consequences of new scientific findings, that is: of how people will take up and understand scientific information.
I think it is very important for the findings of scientific investigation to be used and acted upon responsibly. But I think it is equally important not to mix the attempt at a description with the prescriptions - the value judgements. Of course, it may well turn out that there are certain things, like human consciousness, that cannot in any accurate way be given value-free descriptions. But I don't see that as a reason to add value judgements to the things that do, to a greater or lesser extent, lend themselves to such descriptions.
Science may or may not, to a greater or lesser extent, with a greater or lesser degree of certainty, be able to describe how human nature currently appears to work. That is not the same thing as telling us what we ought to do.
Isn't the supposed fact that diversity produces a superior being indicative of an evolutionary direction.
No, because this is not a fact. It may be a fact that genetic diversity tends to reduce the incidence of genetically propogated diseases and therefore tends to increase the incidence of survival. But that has nothing to do with "superior beings". It has to do with the central, almost tautological, principle of evolution that:
Creatures which have characteristics which are conducive to survival in the particular environment in which they find themselves will tend, on average, to survive better than others in that particular environment.
This is a restatement of "survival of the fittest". Another, slightly shorter, restatement might be: "survial of those that are most capable of surviving."
I challenge you to find anything in there which is suggestive of direction towards anything other than adaption to the current environment. Remember, the word "fit" refers to a thing
and the thing to which it fits. As in: "My hat fits on my head."
Bruce Relly:
evolution ensures that eventually everyone ‘wins’. (I speculate that suffering has its roots in ignorance of this principle)
You seem to define "win" in this context as the acheivement, through consciousness, of the thing that you call Unity. Could you explain more what you mean by "Unity"? You seem to be using the existence of consciousness in humans as evidence that the process of evolution has a direction towards this Unity. Is that right?