- July 5th, 2012, 4:38 pm
I believe religion can be considered to be child abuse - in the mental subdivision only, though. I also believe religion can be considered indoctrination. I believe our society is pretty much based on indoctrination.
Teaching could be considered indoctrination, in that you believe a teacher's word to be the absolute truth. A teacher tells you 1+1=2? It is truth because a teacher told you and teachers are always correct. A teacher tells you 1+1=3? It is truth because a teacher told you and teachers are always correct. In the same way parenting can be considered to be indoctrination. Parents raise you, you are to believe in your parents' word and obey them. Failure to comply is punished and aqueisance is rewarded. Children really only start disbelieving in their parents when they realise Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny and that scary ghost who lives in the study, chomping off the fingers of people who attempt to open the drawers of Daddy's desk don't actually exist, and by that time their base beliefs have already been determined and ingrained in their still-developing brains.
I found an article once that managed to explain it very clearly. I will attempt to explain it in a similar, but shortened way through paraphrase. Note the word attempt so, please, do not feel angry if the particulars are inaccurate. I am writing this in the span of around fifteen minutes, remember.
Imagine it is a future society. Years ago disaster hit and the human race, as a result, now live underground in a complex cave system. You are an average citizen, and you have just been told that scientists have uncovered ancient documents believed to be from an old civilization on the Surface. These documents say that the sky is a colour called 'aquamarine'. One group believes that 'aquamarine' is a colour similar to green, while the other believes it to be more similar to the colour blue. There is a war, and the result is the 'Greens' win. The Greens decide to teach all future generations that 'the colour aquamarine is green.' They believe this to be such a basic truth that it is not even questioned, and the civilization forever more believes the colour 'aquamarine' is green.
You and I, obviously, believe otherwise. But still - this is a form of indoctrination. You believe it to be the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. The generations after the 'Greens' believe it to be the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.
This same theory can be applied to anything. For all we know, blue could be a mutated purple colour, pi could be a number that is simple to find a pattern in, children could be capable of making better decisions than adults, Mars could be capable of sustaining a form of life, and killing could be not as morally reprehensible as we believe. This, of course, can also be applied to theism, atheism, political views, educational, scientific or existiential views, and the opposites of them all, as well as my own beliefs.
However, we will always be surrounded by some form of indoctrination, simply because we cannot experience everything on our own and learn everything on our own, and so have to learn through secondary, third-rate, or even tenth-rate knowledge passed through various people.
In that way it is simply impossible to determine whether I am correct in saying religion is child abuse, or indoctrination, or whether I am incorrect, because we've all been indoctrinated in some way- how do you think commonly accepted 'facts' came into existence, or how your opinions came to life?
Feel free to disagree, I welcome criticisms or even blatant disbelief. I will enjoy debating as I rarely have such a chance because people generally think I am mentally unstable for even thinking of staging a intellectually-challenging debate with them or are too 'busy' to even attempt it.