Intentional non-defensive killing - Do you always oppose it?
I reject "always" because "always" implies a non-contextual "intentional non-defensive killing" but context is all that counts when it comes to killing.
So we have the following possibilities:
intentional killing + defense
non-intentional killing + defense
non-intentional killing + non-defense
intentional killing + non-defense
Then we have the question "defense? what is it that is defended?" Physical integrity of one's body or physical integrity of other's bodies? One's own psychological integrity or the psychological integrity of others? One's own philosophical or moral values or the philosophical or moral values of others?
As a result I'd like to offer that 'non-intentional killing + non-defense' is an accident and 'intentional killing + non-defense' is a psychiatric perversion. But any killing in the context of defense is acceptable.