Straw man. I never said or implied that intelligence was a universal. Try again.
I think that we are operating from unresolvably different frames of reference on this subject. What I am stating about intelligence, i.e. that only the product of intelligence is discernible because no material or entity can be found to be intelligent in and of itself, is as obvious in my frame of reference as stating that the sky is blue.
However, when I say that, apparently it means something else in your world, in Belinda's, and in Athena's; it means that the sun must be intelligent, or radiation must be intelligent, or that I'm invoking supernatural agents or universals, metaphysics or religion, or applying the definition "intelligent agency" to metals or toxins or their sources.
Intelligent Design is process for the classification of product or outcomes; it is not a process of identifying intelligent agents. You and others seem to be stuck on the idea that ID identifies the agent, which is why you keep trying to identify the materials or the source as intelligent, or why others keep insisting there is some supernatural or metaphysical agency involved.
Gravity is not something you see. Entropy is not something you can see. Time is not something you can see. However, what we can see and quantify are the effects of what these forces produce; they produce quantifiable and recognizable characteristics in physical phenomena.
So does intelligence. You cannot see intelligence even when humans apply it; you can only recognize what they produce as intelligently designed.