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Melissa Jane wrote: ↑November 15th, 2023, 5:27 pm Hello Sir,Hi, Melissa Jane,
I've previously read about your rise from grass to grace. I read about your past stories, including that one moment when you used the last coin you had to pay your rent.
I've also worked with you for some time now and everything I know about you is incredible. You are very smart, you have an incredible work discipline, you have very good people skills (Not to mention managerial and marketing skills). I also logged in to Alignable today and saw that you've received so many recognitions, including the Local Business Person of the Year right from 2020 to 2023.
My question is, how is it that you couldn't monetize all these skills then? Is it because during this period, you were still laying foundation for some other big projects or did you acquire these incredible skills later in life?
Are there any specific skills that you think that if you had acquired earlier in life, your financial success would have come earlier than it did?
Risper Ouma Lisa Anyango wrote: ↑November 19th, 2023, 7:43 am Did you ever feel like quitting on online book club, and if you did, what did you do to pull back your spirits not to quit?Hi, Risper Ouma Lisa Anyango,
Nehap17 wrote: ↑November 21st, 2023, 4:35 am Which book(s) would you credit to have changed your life and set you on the path you're currently on?Hi, Nehap17,
Nehap17 wrote: ↑November 24th, 2023, 2:24 pm Do you have a, financial advisor or do you do it on your own? How much %of one's income should one invest into a financial advisor? I'm asking this as this will help weed out the over-priced offerings.
Nehap17 wrote: ↑November 24th, 2023, 2:27 pm An author has reached out to me to help her write a short ebook, that she will later provide to her corporate clients. I know the topic well and the technical knowledge and expertise is my strength. How should the compensation look like?Hi, Nehap17,
Eckhart Aurelius Hughes wrote: ↑November 20th, 2023, 11:30 pm
When hiring people (and more generally when choosing friends and associates), these are the critical qualities that I value and prioritize most:
- Honest
- Self-Disciplined
- Values and practices self-responsibility
- Respects the freedom of others and, in other words, the self-responsibility of others (e.g. practices the principle of live and let live, both spiritually and politically, meaning the person engages in neither aggressive violence nor in the emotional/spiritual analogues thereof such as hate, resentment, and judgementalism)
- Motivated
- Hard-Working
- Consistently aims to be smart-working, i.e. understands the value of delegating, automating, self-educating, and making a process more efficient and productive so that you get even more work done with the same time and effort. (I say "aims to be", because I'll happily teach someone this as long as they really want it.)
- Assertive
- Values assertive communication in others, and isn't an enabler of toxic unassertiveness; i.e. avoids reading between the lines and doesn't try to be a mind-reader.
- Gracious, i.e. consistently practices gratitude and has the grace of free-spirited inner peace (a.k.a. graceful true happiness).
Moisés Alcántara Ayre wrote: ↑November 21st, 2023, 7:36 am Thank you, Scott.I did answer that one in my previous answer to you, with the following that I wrote in that post:
The list does help me look for a specific set of qualities.
I was wondering whether these can be spotted on a job interview.
Eckhart Aurelius Hughes wrote: ↑November 20th, 2023, 11:30 pmBefore I get to the list, it's definitely possible to get a decent sense of roughly how much someone has these traits via a job interview, or otherwise just meeting them or even looking them up on social media. Haters, for instance, don't usually seem to hide the fact that they are haters; they wear it almost like a badge of honor. People who truly have the qualities I list below have a noticeable aura around them, and it manifests in everything they do even the tone of the posts they make on social media, such as in how positive/loving versus how negative/hateful those posts are or versus how honest those posts are versus sensationalist, click-baity, or poorly fact-checked.
Moisés Alcántara Ayre wrote: ↑November 21st, 2023, 7:36 am Are there critical questions to be asked? Are there specific techniques to be used to elicit some of the qualities you've mentioned?For most of them (e.g. whether a person practices gratitude versus whining about others and things they cannot control), you can get a great feel about that by asking some random open-ended questions, including questions about the person's previous job and why they left.
Eckhart Aurelius Hughes wrote: ↑March 17th, 2023, 4:43 pm To be able to post in this topic, you must have purchased my book, In It Together: The Beautiful Struggle Uniting Us All. If you purchased the book, but are not able to post in this topic, please simply email a copy or picture of your receipt, or other proof of purchase to scott@onlinephilosophyclub.com and then I will give you access to post in this forum and topic. Please allow up to 48 hours after emailing your receipt for me to see the email and upgrade your account.Hi,
Public Q&A for My Mentees (or Anyone Who Wants My Advice) -- If you want my advice about anything, post your questions here.
Primarily, I am creating this topic for the sake of those who have signed up to be mentored by me. But anybody who has bought my book is welcome to post their questions for me here to get my advice about any topic, which will also help mentees since they may have similar questions about similar matters.
I am happy to offer my advice about and and all of the following:
- physical fitness (e.g. weight loss, weight gain, strength training, endurance training, being able to do a pull up, etc.),
- finances and business (e.g. getting out of debt, building wealth once of debt, starting your own business, growing your own business, etc.)
- anything else about which you want my advice (e.g. how to become a bestselling author, how to get very good at dancing, how to shoot a shotgun, how to get good at boxing, how to learn jiu jitsu, or anything).
If you are in my mentoring program or may want to take part in it in the future, please do use this opportunity--right here, right now--to post any and all questions you have for me.
This is not merely a favor from me. I am requesting you to do it for my sake too, and for the sake of everyone else in the mentoring program.
For those in my mentoring program, I am essentially insisting that you use this opportunity (starting now and moving forward), to ask any and all questions you have for me that don't need to be kept private. Unless there is some significant reason your question or my answer needs to be kept private, please ask it here now.
The reason is because this will save us all a lot of time. Many of my mentees will have the same or similar questions. Even when the questions are different, many times the answers and advice will still be the same. For example, the formula for "how to get really good at boxing" versus "how to get really good at dancing" will be almost entirely the same. The formula for "how to get my shoe-selling business off the ground" will be almost entirely the same as "how to get my hat-selling business off the ground". Reading my answer to one will likely answer the other, or at least mostly answer it such that you will have much fewer unanswered questions left, which will help us both greatly.
To illustrate the value here by example, I won't be able to mentor anyone effectively if I have the same ten-hour one-on-one private conversation with each person separately. That won't be good for you or for me. It would wreak the whole thing for everyone. Instead, we will reserve the time-consuming one-on-one private conversations for things that specifically need to be private.
I'm not just talking about killing two birds with one stone here. I'm talking about potentially killing millions of birds with one stone. It's much, much better for all of us. Don't worry about the birds, they are just figurative. No birds will be harmed in the making of this program.
One reason I have explained my reasoning for this post in this post in such detail is because I think that explaining myself as such will itself act as advice and help those I mentor. This concept of killing two birds (or more) with one stone is extremely crucial to the fundamental formula I use to be so successful in business, finances, and other areas. Wealth is not a zero-sum game. It can be created. So, like I encourage in my book, let's be creative!
My friends, I say, let's get our loving free-spirited creativity going!
Let's work together in a mutually beneficial way to create wealth and succeed together. After all, we are in this together.
For those who already signed up for my mentoring program, even if you have not yet completed the initial 100-day startup period (i.e. "Phase One"), please still use this opportunity to ask any and all questions you have for me now, both right now and as they pop up in your head or come up in your life moving forward.
I'm here for you, right here in this thread.
When replying, make sure the little box "Notify me when a reply is posted" is checked so that you get notifications of new posts.
I suggest you continually read through all the questions by others, and then if even partly applicable to you, read through my answer to them.
One reason is because of the role of reasoning from first principles that will often come up in my answers. While superficially it might at first seem that a question is unrelated to your own life, when you read my long in-depth answer, especially the logic and reasoning behind the answer, you will likely see that those first principles from which I reason, and thus much if not all of the reasoning itself, apply greatly if not just as much or more to your unique situation. More interestingly, seeing how seemingly different problems can be resolved and solved by the same few fundamental processes will indirectly teach you those tools as well, so that you can solve your own problems in the future without having to ask me, both in terms of (1) teaching the incredible empowering value of these tools and (2) teaching you by example what they are and how to use them.
By reading my replies to others in this topic, you will not only be getting mentored by me, but you will also be learning how to mentor others (and in sense mentor yourself). You will not only be getting the fish you want, you will be at the same being shown how to fish and how to provide fish for others. There we go killing two birds with one stone again.
With all that said, let's do it! Fire away! Please ask your questions now. I am happy to do my best to give you my best advice about anything. Right here, right now.
Buy the book: on Barnes and Noble | on Amazon | on Books-A-Million
Amy Jackson wrote: ↑December 4th, 2023, 10:21 am Hi, Scott.In an important way, your question seems incomplete because it treats something subjective (goodness/betterness) as if it was something objective.
Thank you for this great opportunity to learn from you.
Please I'd like to know: paid employment and running a business of your own, which do you think is better? Both in the long run and short run.
Is there a period in one's life that paid employment is better than running a business and vice versa?
Thank you.
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