GE Morton wrote: ↑November 19th, 2021, 1:04 pm
Sy Borg wrote: ↑November 18th, 2021, 8:47 pm
It's not lefty at all, it's just the situation as it stands. I'm not the ideological warrior here, just pointing out the bleeding obvious, even if that does not appeal to you.
Well, most of the charges you levy against corporations, far from being "bleeding obvious," are at best hyperbole, if not patently false, and are drawn directly from the left's book of catechisms. You can't plausibly deny being an "ideological warrior" while carrying their spear and shouting their slogans.
That's just a lie. I have not any slogans, lefty or otherwise.
YOU are the ideological warrior here - don't throw your faults on to me. A pox on your mindless, tribal ideologies, I say! Political situations require pragmatism, not your teamster nonsense.
All I have done is say that fossil fuel companies bear special responsibility for climate change due to their lobbying and cynical casting of doubt on climate change science. ... rds-170642
This should be factored in when governments consider subsidies. You disagree with this because of ... reasons.
GE Morton wrote: ↑November 19th, 2021, 1:04 pm
If you do not believe in government, I wonder who is supposed to regulate the behaviour of corporations so that they don't break the law or exploit loopholes?
Nor can you plausibly deny being an ideological warrior while distorting your opponents views and erecting straw men.
I do not share your ideological affliction. That's your problem. I am a pragmatist, which you somehow perceive as being left wing.
Question: What new tax powers you would give governments to reduce endemic corporate tax evasion?
Yet, if governments cannot raise money through taxation - and you believe that tax is theft - then how are governments supposed to regulate companies that are much more more powerful and well-resourced than the governments supposed to regulate them?
You promote a libertarian ideology that can only possibly result in feudal style corporate rule, but you don't admit it. Libertarianism, like Communism, is great in theory but it cannot work in practice. Each ideology necessarily ends up with despotism.
GE Morton wrote: ↑November 19th, 2021, 1:04 pmCorporations are not "nothing but people". Your view is akin to claiming animals are nothing but cells. You can replace any number of human employees of a corporation and the company remains largely the same, based on their governing algorithms (aka policies) more or less like the ship of Theseus. Emergence is real and it applies to humans as it does to other species.
You need to consider that analogy a bit more carefully. An animal's cells are locked in place, and have no choices as the function they will perform in the organism, or of the organism they shall serve. A heart cell cannot decide to become a kidney cell, and a human cell cannot decide to leave its host and join up with a walrus. Decisions as to what role each cell plays are dictated by the organism's DNA; decisions as what corporation (if any) an investor or employee will join, and what role they will play within it --- how much they will invest and what job they will take --- are decided by the individuals involved, who will be free to leave that job or disinvest at any time.
Yes, corporations, like jazz bands, football teams, model airplane clubs, law firms --- all human groups and organizations --- are nothing but people. That they may collectively hold certain assets or abide by the terms of an agreed upon charter doesn't change that fact. The only rights a corporation has are the rights of the people who constitute it.
Obviously, analogous entities are not exactly the same in every way - otherwise it would not be an analogy but a statement of inclusive classification.
The idea that corporations are "just people" - implying that they are indistinguishable from a group of unorganised individuals - is a surprisingly naive claim.
Corporations are independent entities with their own particular interests that may or may not intersect with the interests of their constituent employees. Again:
"You can replace any number of human employees of a corporation and the company remains largely the same, based on their governing algorithms (aka policies) more or less like the ship of Theseus. Emergence is real and it applies to humans as it does to other species."
GE Morton wrote: ↑November 19th, 2021, 1:04 pm
There was a time when governments were there to represent the people, to counter the natural distortions of economies of scale. However, governments have increasingly shifted from that brief, ever more favouring corporate interests over that of the masses they are expected to represent. In that sense, corporations are increasingly taking control. Not all control is formal.
The word "control" has a specific meaning:
If this "informal" control you mention does not involve forcibly directing the actions of something or someone else, then you're again indulging in Newspeak.
Weasel words to avoid admitting that the private sector has taken control of society.
Here's the undeniable evidence: For decades now, governments not closing tax loopholes that allow many corporations and their billionaire owners to pay either zero or minimal tax, year after year, pushing the tax burden ever more on to the middle class. Why? Because governments are not in control, corporations are.