Imagine for a moment that god is not in the human figure, imagine a great mass of soul and consciousness. No a visible mass, and not a mass that interacts with that which lies in the physical realm. We humans are physical, we are tangible objects, however the soul is intangible in every sense of the word. It is there but cannot be touched, licked, seen, etc... but we do feel it. What is a soul? I have come to my own theory.
Imaging a great mass of water, you can dip a cup inside this great mass of water, and it is now a cup of water. However you cannot pour that glass of water back into the mass, and get the same cup of water out ever again. It will always be different particles in the cup when you dip back in and get another cup. This is the way I believe the soul to work.
There is a Mass of Soul (like a ocean full of water it is not plural), when a life form comes into physical consciousness, it needs a soul. From this Mass of Soul (God) it draws its soul that it will carry with it for the remainder of its life. When this physical being dies, its soul goes back to 'God'. In this way, you can be re-born, but you will never be the same Soul. In this way you will go to Heaven when you pass, you go back to be with God. And in this way you can go to Hell, for a tarnished or un-finished soul remains forever living as a Spirit, no longer physical, but not able to return to 'God'.
I am still working on my Theory so any constructive thought would be much appreciated. I understand it is not very will written or explained, so I will continue to check in to answer any questions on the subject.