- August 2nd, 2012, 8:02 am
Belinda wrote:Grotto wrote:
Quite right. Teach your children by precept and example the belief that they may use violence and oher bullying behaviour towards other kids to get what they want. Next they will teach their own children the same, because they are free to believe it.
I know my family, brought up the same, but we are all so different. I also see others, families, societies and they are all so different. I have had a variety of animals the same happens, you bring them up the same and they are all so different. There is no doubt from early on you want to instill on the young "good" behaviour, but that is obviously not sufficient, and we need to be constantly controlling each other. I am 100% sure that you could teach children to be violent, but they of their own accord will reject this at one point or another.
Do whatever you do, do what a good man would do, and what is a good man?, I do not know, but at every point, every turn, do what a good man would do.
Jesús Antonio Bermúdez-Silva