Teacher4U wrote: fanman, to say God created specifically the human race is a Theistic notion, that notion comes from IGNORANCE of how evolution works.
If you think, that because I do not believe in the theory of evolution I am ignorant then so be it. However, I don't think that because someone doesn't believe in evolution they are ignorant; they just choose not to believe in it, and believe something different.
Teacher4U wrote: Let me Quote you, "The sin of mankind was the cause of Jesus' advent and sacrifice - that his death saved us from sin is the effect.", mankind didn't cause Jesus to sacrifice himself, it was the Romans. that's REAL cause and effect. let me guess you also believe the bible was wrote by God? well it was created my Empirer Constantine to reunite the Roman empire under one belief, Roman Catholic.
I have also heard that the bible was originally written in Greek by Jews, that the entire bible is a copy of other religions and that the story of Jesus, is actually the story of a Roman god. And now, from you, that the story of Jesus was created by a Roman Emperor in order to reunite the Roman Empire under one belief. But despite the different stories I have been told by atheists, I believe that the New Testament is an accurate description of Jesus' life. I also believe that the bible was written by men, who were told what to write and / or moved to write by God.
Teacher4U wrote:Do you see how Knowledge and wisdom improves (progress) you veiw of reality.
What knowledge and wisdom are you referring to? And how does such knowledge and wisdom improve (progress) my view of reality?
Teacher4U wrote:Your correct on how a person can not be a theistic and atheist and deist at the same time. But everyone can go through the stages of each, the evolution of perspectives gos like this, Theistic, Atheistic, and Deistic. Because people EVOLVE to. They Evolve to become a better person, through searching for knowledge and wisdom.
Do you believe that
all human beings go through your theory of theist, to atheist, to deist evolution? And, how does this process make a person better, and an evolved person?
Maldon007 wrote: Wouldn't atheistic and theistic views (other than "there is a god" or "there is not a god") be a subjective term? As in, there are many people who believe in god, who also believe in the big bang, evolution and other sciency stuff. They just see it as god created, as opposed to randomness. I feel I wouldn't have to change many of my views on scientific facts, to become a believer in god... maybe not a southern baptist, but something akin to a christian.
I think that you're right. Theists and atheists can share secular views and perspectives.
Maldon007 wrote:Ie, I could belive god may overrule physical laws at his whim, yet let them be set in stone to the common observer.
I do believe that God can overrule the physical laws. I even believe that I have experienced such an event. This was when I almost fell on a train track when the train was approaching, after losing my balance on the edge of the platform (I was messing around). I was falling, when I felt someone pull me back to safety. When I turned around there was nobody in my vicinity. I believe that was an instance of divine intervention. An atheist would probably argue that I regained my balance and imagined feeling someone pulling me back, but as far as I am aware, neither of those two things occurred.
Theists believe, agnostics ponder and atheists analyse. A little bit of each should get us the right answer.