- July 27th, 2012, 10:28 pm
fanman, to say God created specifically the human race is a Theistic notion, that notion comes from IGNORANCE of how evolution works.
Let me Quote you, "The sin of mankind was the cause of Jesus' advent and sacrifice - that his death saved us from sin is the effect.", mankind didn't cause Jesus to sacrifice himself, it was the Romans. that's REAL cause and effect. let me guess you also believe the bible was wrote by God? well it was created my Empirer Constantine to reunite the Roman empire under one belief, Roman Catholic.
Do you see how Knowledge and wisdom improves (progress) you veiw of reality.
Your correct on how a person can not be a theistic and atheist and deist at the same time. But everyone can go through the stages of each, the evolution of perspectives gos like this, Theistic, Atheistic, and Deistic. Because people EVOLVE to. They Evolve to become a better person, through searching for knowledge and wisdom.
Maldon007: whats with you and the term "SUBJECTIVE". there is also a different between saying "ok i know whats out there and God created it all (that does nothing for your understanding) (and due to not understanding, we make decision thinking divine intervention will happen)" & " ok i know how the laws of the formula work inside the physical world, even though Gods created the formula, what happens in it is random. (since we all live in a society together, that type of understanding will allow better decision process.)
Why would you think God would overrule Physical Laws, for what and when has this happens? Overruling physical laws is call Divine intervention, that was created because people didn't understand physical world activities.
Maldon: you said "My point is, your view that belief in god is sad, or viewing reality through the "lens" of a belief in god, being sad is clearly a bias point of view. Sad in what way? Are the people in question sad, or does their belief make them happy?
Its not the belief in god, its thinking that God will come down and save us (divine Intervention), to still believe in Divine intervention is sad and a insult to every human being that now has the means to understand what science has already proven. You can still believe in God and believe in everything that we as a human society has learned from science, and it seems like you are having a hard time keeping up in changing your views after you learned something about the physical world. Don't try to damper what you know, so you can fit in a group as in Christians, when you are smarter and more enlighten than they are. How Christianity the church interpreted their scripture or knowledge and wisdom, ends up being within the theistic perspective category.