should we ban teaching our children about religion, or about evolution? Let democracy decide.We should be teaching our children factual truth, not presenting myth as truth.
Once it was believed that the sun traveled around the earth. A man called Galileo first suggested that in fact the earth orbits the sun. Galileo was tried by the inquisition, was found guilty of heresy & spent the rest of his life under house arrest. These views were held by the Catholic Church for many years until the weight of scientific evidence was so great that the church had to admit that Galileo was right. The exact same thing has happened with Evolution & 'The Origin of Species' by Darwin. The only people who deny it are the criminally stupid & some religious nutters.
These things should be taught to children in schools as fact. To teach children that God & religion are fact is the work of deniers of truth. You can believe whatever you want, nobody is stopping you, but please don't infect innocent children with your foolishness.