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Scott wrote: To illustrate, if you take a cooking class that teaches you some science and empirical information regarding making meals for yourself and presumably enjoying the food you will learn to cook, it does not necessarily make a claim whether this food is real...
Hereandnow wrote: But clearly, what is out there was lost at the point where light wave became the medium of transference. And neuronal fashioning of brain impulses; you know, that is what you see. The thing out there never got close to your apprehension of red, or really, of the thing. It applies for all of the senses. Even Space and Time.When you say "but clearly", can you be a little more explicit as to what got lost? It couldn't have been the information conveyed by the medium of light otherwise that epic journey and processing of stimuli to and through the brain you have mentioned could never have happened. It seems you not only reject the so-called qualia of the object denoted (the information dispenser) but the object itself. I know you're trying to make a point but in the manner expressed it's the point that's getting lost.
Hereandnow wrote:I real Steven Hawkings latest and read that he was not at all pleased by the responses of the philosopical community to his opinions on the objectivity of science. Scientists tend not to think about philosophical issues and they don't understand how anyone could question their work.I think the problem with the 'in or out of mind' issue is due to the 'container' metaphor that all humans has inherited via evolution.
But what if i challenged Hawkings by arguing that perceptions about time/space, about partical physics , indeed, any empirical claim whatever, was no more than a claim about the interior of the mind itself?
But I put on the table a simple but powerful statement made by Richard Rorty the Amercian pragatist: No one has ever been able to make clear how anything "out there" in the world independent of perceptual systems, could get in here, into the thinking, perceiving mind. Can anyone address this very counterintuitive claim that so resists attempts refute it?
However, when we need to specific, then will have to qualify the perspective used. The red apple exists outside my body and house, to be qualified to the common sense perspective. An electron exists, or whatever scientific truths, to be qualified to the scientific framework. Etc. etc.
It is also similar to Nietzsche, there is no absolute truths, there are no perspectives. And Foucault, games of truths, and Wittgenstein's language games.
Hereandnow wrote:-- Updated July 19th, 2012, 2:13 am to add the following --Oops.. Re, 'Nietzsche, there is no absolute truths, there are no perspectives'
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