If abuse was defined solely by harmfulness not by the so-called good-faith intent of a reasonable parent, then that would mean we need the government -- or some similar authoritive child protection force -- to legalistic every aspect of raising a child based on what it thinks is best for a child. Everyone would indeed need to be the same religion or non-religion by law, assuming you want child abuse to be illegal. Whether you give your child 1% or 2% milk with dinner would be specified by law and to choose the other would be a crime, child abuse. That is absurd, so therefore argumentum ad absurdum the premise -- that child abuse doesn't depend on the good-faith intention of the parent to do well by the child -- is false. Still, the stronger and more convincing the studies that 1 kind of milk is better for children and the more certain we are a parent has read those studies, the more we can abduce from a parent without noticeable extenuating circumstances that the parent's choice to apparently cause harm to their child wasn't an attempt to help their child. Nowadays, it might generally be considered abuse for a parent to put their baby to sleep laying on their stomach even though we don't consider our parents and grandparents for doing the same because our abductive conclusion of abuse is based on the fact that we know parents nowadays have been clearly told about the dangers of putting a baby on its stomach to sleep while our parents were actually advised to do it. It's within that context of assumed knowledge that we are often able to abduce abuse.
Misty wrote:So, parents, the lesson for today is just be in a good mood and be nice with good intentions when you abuse your child and that makes it OK. Dumb.That's not what I said, but if it was simply saying "dumb" wouldn't be much of a rebuttal.
"The mind is a wonderful servant but a terrible master."
I believe spiritual freedom (a.k.a. self-discipline) manifests as bravery, confidence, grace, honesty, love, and inner peace.
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