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Xris wrote:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZmE11_E-rdE I have no idea if you have watched this but I would be interested in your reply. I am still waiting for an adequate answer to my request.What is your request? To know the shape of an electron? Gaede has shown it to you: an electron is a little red balloon around the nucleus of the atom. He even shows you a picture. What more could you ask for? And the nice thing is that Gaede himself didn't have to do any experiments or use any mathematics to arrive at that conclusion. It's revealed truth like the Bible.
H. J. Kimble, M. Dagenais, and L. Mandel, ‘‘Photon antibunching in resonance fluorescence,’’ Phys. Rev. Lett. 39, 691–695 ~1977.
The phenomenon of antibunching of photoelectric counts has been observed in resonance fluorescence experiments in which sodium atoms are continuously excited by a dye-laser beam. It is pointed out that, unlike photoelectric bunching, which can be given a semiclassical interpretation,antibunching is understandable only in ... tic field. The measurement also provides rather direct evidence for an atom undergoing a quantum jump.
http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1 ... 89#previewThere is a followup review article:
H. Paul Zentralinstitut für Optik und Spektroskopie, Akademie der Wissenschaften der DDR, DDR-1199 Berlin, German Democratic Republic
A review is given of recent theoretical studies devoted to the problem of generating radiation fields that exhibit the opposite of the well-known bunching of photons observed in light from thermal sources, the so-called antibunching effect. It is made clear that this phenomenon reflects the corpuscular nature of light and, hence, cannot be interpreted in terms of classical electrodynamics, needing, instead, the quantum-mechanical formalism for its description. It is shown in some detail that nonlinear interaction mechanisms like multiphoton absorption and parametric three-wave interaction are suited to change the photon statistical properties of incident (in most cases coherent) light such that the output field will be endowed with antibunching properties. Special emphasis is given to the problem of correctly specifying the dimensions of the mode volume occurring in the usual single-mode treatment of the field, which is, in fact, of great practical interest, since the magnitude of the antibunching effect is determined by the inverse average number of photons contained in that volume. In a later section it is pointed out that destructive interference with a coherent reference beam provides a means of (a) effectively enhancing photon antibunching that is already present in a high-intensity field, through reduction of the intensity, and (b) transforming phase fluctuations produced in a Kerr medium into antibunching-type intensity fluctuations. On the other hand, there exists a way of directly generating light with antibunching properties, the physical mechanism being resonance fluorescence from a single atom. The main features of this technique, both theoretical and experimental, are outlined, including a discussion of the first experimental results obtained a few years ago.
Xris wrote:You answer a question with a question. Then you do not answer my simple question. How does an electron microscope work if there are no electrons? How does an analogue tv work if there is no such thing as electrons? The concept of electrons as particles is fundamental to these two practical inventions. I am asking you to explain their operation using some other concept.Mcdoodle wrote: What do you think the concept of particles plays in the working of any of these inventions. Even if I can not convey my views it still requires particle science to conclusively prove they actually exist. ...
Wooden shoe wrote:Hi all.I would suppose not.
I have a simple question, is there any indeterminacy at all in Gaede's work or is everything deternined in his theory? Of course I am talking about the micro world.
Regards, John.
Wooden shoe wrote: Has science discovered all there is to know in the quantum world in order to explain it in all detail? No, but it works and has provided mankind with some benefits, but it is a work in progress. So as the book is not closed, and there are chapters to be written, I believe it best to give the authors the freedoms to write on. In my lifetime I do not expect that the final chapter will be done but that is ok because nothing in my life depends on it.No problem with any of what you say. My objections to Gaede's view is simply that he has no evidence—no observation, no experiments, no well-developed theory—and on the basis of his misinterpretations and misunderstandings wants to throw out all of physics. Science does not advance by speculation the way theology or philosophy does. It takes hard results.
Prismatic wrote:And you refuse to accept that science might just be wrong in principle.When confronted with an alternative concept you reject it simply because your adversary has not had millions of dollars committed to his theory.He has not had thousands of experimental scientist considering his theory with countless billions of dollars at their disposal. He has had to bare stupid remarks that have no bearing on on his ability to give an alternative. I ignore your purposely obtuse remarks about electrons buzzing around atoms to prevent this debate becoming personal. After 80 years there is no conclusive proof particles exist but you hang on to them like a dog with a bone. The bone is dry and has no meat left upon it so let it go.Wooden shoe wrote: Has science discovered all there is to know in the quantum world in order to explain it in all detail? No, but it works and has provided mankind with some benefits, but it is a work in progress. So as the book is not closed, and there are chapters to be written, I believe it best to give the authors the freedoms to write on. In my lifetime I do not expect that the final chapter will be done but that is ok because nothing in my life depends on it.No problem with any of what you say. My objections to Gaede's view is simply that he has no evidence—no observation, no experiments, no well-developed theory—and on the basis of his misinterpretations and misunderstandings wants to throw out all of physics. Science does not advance by speculation the way theology or philosophy does. It takes hard results.
Xris wrote: And you refuse to accept that science might just be wrong in principle.When confronted with an alternative concept you reject it simply because your adversary has not had millions of dollars committed to his theory. He has not had thousands of experimental scientist considering his theory with countless billions of dollars at their disposal. He has had to bare stupid remarks that have no bearing on on his ability to give an alternative. I ignore your purposely obtuse remarks about electrons buzzing around atoms to prevent this debate becoming personal. After 80 years there is no conclusive proof particles exist but you hang on to them like a dog with a bone. The bone is dry and has no meat left upon it so let it go.So you tell us—when you yourself have not even looked at the evidence. You refuse to acknowledge that any science might be beyond your intuitive grasp. The whole problem with Gaede's theories is lack of evidence. The kindest characterization of them would be that they are plausibility arguments, but the problem is that they are highly implausible. When challenged to explain how they account for established observations, you have never been able to provide convincing answers.
Prismatic wrote:Quantum has had thousands upon thousands spent on it and it still can not prove conclusively that particles exist as you pretend a particle exists. Solid lumps of matter that do not suddenly change to alternative lumps of matter or strangely turn into waves. Waves that have no logical concept, that defy any description and you all try desperately to justify some strange idea that observation can work a kind of magical metaphysical result. How long or how much has been spent looking for the god particle and how much longer, how much more will they need. You give me countless links that not one has the ability to prove particles. You desperately search the web looking for that one important find to convince your audience that those pesky creatures exist and you fail ever time.Xris wrote: And you refuse to accept that science might just be wrong in principle.When confronted with an alternative concept you reject it simply because your adversary has not had millions of dollars committed to his theory. He has not had thousands of experimental scientist considering his theory with countless billions of dollars at their disposal. He has had to bare stupid remarks that have no bearing on on his ability to give an alternative. I ignore your purposely obtuse remarks about electrons buzzing around atoms to prevent this debate becoming personal. After 80 years there is no conclusive proof particles exist but you hang on to them like a dog with a bone. The bone is dry and has no meat left upon it so let it go.So you tell us—when you yourself have not even looked at the evidence. You refuse to acknowledge that any science might be beyond your intuitive grasp. The whole problem with Gaede's theories is lack of evidence. The kindest characterization of them would be that they are plausibility arguments, but the problem is that they are highly implausible. When challenged to explain how they account for established observations, you have never been able to provide convincing answers.
On the other hand, whether or not you are willing to look at it or even try to understand it, there is loads of evidence for quantum mechanics and for the existence of particles—observation, experiment, theory, and application—but you have to understand the details to realize the enormous power of all that evidence and to interpret correctly what it means.
Xris wrote: Quantum has had thousands upon thousands spent on it and it still can not prove conclusively that particles exist as you pretend a particle exists. Solid lumps of matter that do not suddenly change to alternative lumps of matter or strangely turn into waves. Waves that have no logical concept, that defy any description and you all try desperately to justify some strange idea that observation can work a kind of magical metaphysical result. How long or how much has been spent looking for the god particle and how much longer, how much more will they need. You give me countless links that not one has the ability to prove particles. You desperately search the web looking for that one important find to convince your audience that those pesky creatures exist and you fail ever time.So you tell us—without investigating or understanding the evidence. You misrepresent quantum mechanics and then ridicule your own misrepresentations as though they are stupidities of those working in the field. You can't even state the science right, but you assure us on your personal authority it must be all wrong. You've bought into the crazy ideas of a charlatan and nothing can change your mind at this point.
Consensus busting is appealing, but it tends to be more so to people who don't actually understand the consensus in the first place. There is a tendency for certain kinds of people, outside a particular field to underestimate how complex it is - and thus dismissively offer the first solution they think of, assuming nobody in the field has even considered it. To really bust a consensus though, you've got to learn it properly first. Einstein studied physics for years before coming up with his theories of relativity. He didn't just stumble onto an Internet forum, bash out the first thing that came to mind, and revolutionize physics (or whatever the early 20th century equivalent of doing that would be.) Yet that is quite a common occurrence these days, and is normally followed by surprise that the speaker isn't taken more seriously.
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