Please explain in more detail the 4th dimensional expansion concept.
Arthur Eddington's famous balloon-universe analogy is very helpful here. If you're not familiar with it, I'll describe it. Imagine that the outer surface of a child's rubber balloon is our universe. Accepting that, notice that this universe is a universe of only 2 dimensions, length and width. It lacks any 3rd dimension (height or depth). We as beings of this universe perceive space to be only 2-dimensional because our entire experience of space is confined to the surface of this balloon. We have complete 360 degrees freedom of movement to go anywhere in this universe but there is no "up" or "down," so we are confined to the plane of a circle, not the volume of a sphere.
What is very important to appreciate is that we have no perception whatsoever that the skin of the balloon (i.e., our universe) is CURVED. Why not? Because the direction of curvature is in the direction of the 3rd dimension (i.e., at right angles to the plane of the balloon's surface), and we can't see the 3rd dimension being able to perceive only the skin of the balloon from the vantage point of the skin of the balloon. (similar to how real humans can't perceive the curvature of the Earth being confined to its "flat" surface, though that is for different reasons).
Now imagine that the child unties the knot sealing his balloon and starts blowing into it to make it larger. As the whole balloon expands, the inhabitants on its outer skin perceive that everything in the universe is moving away from everything else in the universe. This expansion is following a predictable pattern, but the pattern defies explanation because the farther away an object is from an observer, the faster it is moving away from the observer,
and it doesn't matter who or where the observer is; the effect is the same for all observers.
The balloon skin inhabitants cry out, "This cannot be! How can an object move away from me at speed X, but be moving away at only half that speed for somebody who is closer to it? SOMEWHERE in the universe there must be an unmoving point from which all movement can be measured in an absolute way instead of this big mess of relative perceptions!"
There is no answer until the inhabitants realize that the unmoving point of absolute reference which they seek is OUTSIDE their universe, existing as a point in a purely hypothetical higher dimension (the 3rd dimension) such that every point in space (the balloon skin) exists in direct relation to this point only as a hypothetical structure which they name a "hyper-circle," a 3-dimensional circle that cannot be visualized, only mathematically modeled, with the absolute point of reference being the center of this hyper-circle. (We know it as a sphere, of course, and can fully visualize it). Eventually, the balloon-skin inhabitants realize that this point is not outside their universe after all; rather their whole universe is much more than just the hyper-circle surface where they live: it includes an entirely imperceivable dimension that can generate such a hypercircle, with its own mechanics which directly affect the evolution of the perceivable universe.
From there, the balloon-skin inhabitants realize that since their perceivable universe is expanding, it must have once been smaller, even all the way down to that singular point of reference at the beginning of time. A brilliant scientist says, "Listen! Since we know the universe's rate of expansion, we know the age of the universe. Since we also know the speed of light, we know that when we look out into the universe we are looking into the past, and the further we look, the further into the past we see. In principle if we look far away enough, we will be looking at an object as it looked right after the universe was created. In other words, an object as it exists very close to point of creation when the whole universe was tiny."
The scientist realizes that the point of space right in front of his nose, and indeed every point of the balloon skin, shares this feature of having been right there at that point of creation once...and indeed STILL IS right there at that point of creation when viewed from so far away that it takes the age of the universe for the light of the point in front of his nose to reach the viewer.
With this balloon analogy understood, extrapolate up to our own reality. Our entire universe of 3 spatial dimensions is curved in the imperceivable direction of the fourth dimension. of our own reality, according to General Relativity. (Actually, we do perceive a manifestation of this 4th dimension as the passage of time, but lets not go there right now). Our "real" universe then is a hyper-sphere, just as the balloon-skin people figured out their universe was a hyper-circle (in other words, a sphere). (NOTE: this is one possible configuration for our universe; General Relativity allows others, but let's keep it simple here).
So to answer some of your questions:
It seems to me that the light that is recording the actual big bang goes out in all directions much faster and can never be seen again as it has passed us and is somewhere in deep space.
No, we are riding along with it, everywhere.
In my mind the light from the galaxy that we see 13.7 billion light years away has taken that long to get to us to see because it left from a location 13.7 billion years separated from us. That galaxy was already 13.7 billion years separate from us distance wise. So it had to leave that far, far away galaxy and travel across space to us. So my point is that at 13.7 billion years ago we already were 13.7 billion light years separated in distance. To me that means the Universe should be a lot older than 13.7 billion light years.
No. If an inflationary period occurred a fraction of a second after creation, when it was over, the universe was then big enough such that the light leaving an object on the other side of a hyper-sphere universe could never bridge the distance created by the inflationary period because that light is travelling only at light-speed which is almost matched by the speed of the current (non-inflationary) expansion. In other words that light will still take 13.7 billion years to reach us even though when it was released, we (at our corresponding point in the then-newborn universe) were only a little distance away.
I agree that every where we look is a picture of the ongoing expansion. It does not make sense to me that everywhere we look is center of the Universe. That is not sensible to my mind. How can everywhere we look be the center of an explosion?
Read my answer to your last question, then come back to read this answer: We are only separated from that initial explosion point by TIME, not by space (in terms of 3-dimensional-only space).
So how did we get ahead of the original or early light from the big bang temporally speaking?
We didn't. We're still there. All around us is the Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation, discovered in 1964, the residue of the Big Bang that didn't go on to form material objects.
I do not see the time as being attached to this expansion. I see the time as independent from the expansion. I see it ticking universally for all items in the expansion from the moment of the explosion, and I see the space and debris just spreading apart from the center.
No, let go of that view. This is one of the most critical realizations of General Relativity and Einstein's genius: Time is just another dimension of 4-dimensional space. Although I personally find it more useful to think of it as: Time is just the manifestation in 3-dimensional space of that additional 4th-dimensional direction of 4-dimensional space. Put in those terms, the expansion of our universe is in the TIME direction. This then has secondary effects on the 3-dimensional separation of things, moving them apart in terms of lengths, widths, and heights (our 3 spatial dimensions). You might also check out post #28 of the old thread "Time: A spatial dimension" which is in this same Philosophy of Science forum, to understand this idea a little better.
-- Updated Fri Jun 08, 2012 2:57 pm to add the following --
By the way, Scott is right about the Big Bang being dark. Photons would have been bound to quarks until energy levels dropped enough to allow them to break free and illuminate the universe. So it is impossible to see the initial phases of the Big bang visually no matter how far we can look into the past.