You believe God intervened and saved your life which convinced you of God's existence, of Jesus' divinity, of the validity of the Bible, etc. Fine! so now what! That was the critical event for you - in which you're not alone - but really have nothing more to say on the subject than this.
Some people's minds are just wired for God and accept any "special" occurence as proof of its existence. But the mind still demands a "story" and the scriptures serve that purpose.
Like a placebo, a pill, an injection with nothing in it, its effectiveness - at least for awhile - is based on belief only like faith itself. But to be accurate the Placebo Effect has nothing to do with Mind Over Matter. That is really a different subject even though there does seem to be an alliance. Not that the following will mean anything to you but here are a few links: ... n-the-mind ... ebo-effect
If I "wax lyrical about faith" it's only because one has to wonder at anything which is so hermetically sealed to outside influence to facts long discovered which is precisely the precondition to any Act of Faith. In short, there's no point to discussion because you won't let anything else in. As you said
I think i'll keep my faith and recognize logic for what it is, a good problem solving tool, but not perfect as the chicken and the egg problem so beautifully illustrates.
Case closed! If that's all there is what's it doing on a philosophy forum? Any ideas thrown thrown your way are a total waste if you think "the chicken and the egg" is still a problem.
This is my last remark but if a human behaved the way God does, hiding himself, depending on humans to endorse him through faith alone, causing more misery than even the devil himself is willing to claim - but in all fairness even the Nazis behaved reasonably well on occasion - then I would consider that human the ultimate coward and scumbag. But strangely enough it all makes sense when God is simply removed and not factored in at all.
Unlike Xris, I don't think there's any point in continuing with someone whose faith is more in the nature of an inert gas completely incapable combining with anything else. The Chicken and the Egg is the final proof of that!