Please note, to keep things simple, I do not want to use this topic to discuss issues where the would-be killed thing is argued to not even be a person, such as abortion, non-human animals, and taking a brain-dead coma patient off life-support. The issue in this topic isn't who is and is not a person, but rather in what situations it is arguably tolerable to kill a person.
You'll also notice I'm only asking about intentional killing. This excludes the more complicated, excusable issues of truly accidental killing as well as killing during full-blown insanity.
I am also not asking about self-defensive killing. While I always, firmly oppose the non-defensive, intentional killing of another person, I am tolerant if not supportive of self-defensive killing and would expand this to include defending others. To me defensive killing would be killing someone in a situation where the person is attacking one in a way that creates a significant bodily danger when -- in a reasonable analysis -- the only effective way to stop the danger posted by the attacker is by using potentially lethal force. However this would not include the use of excessive force during the defensive action, such as when a cop purposely knocks the head of a suspect into the car after the suspect is in cuffs or when defending oneself in a fistfight the defender then starts pummeling the attacker on the ground out of anger even after the attacker is clearly rendered unconscious. Of course, there are many shades of gray, some that can be debated philosophically and others that would need to be sorted out individually presumably by a court. In this topic I wish to discuss the legality of killing that for the sake of argument we agree as a premise is non-defensive.
Again my answer is that I always, firmly oppose the non-defensive, intentional killing of another person and always want the non-defensive, intentional killing of another person to be prohibited. Nonetheless, in the other topic those who disagree helped me compile a list of the types of non-defensive, intentional killing of another person that are most often philosophically supported.
Non-defensive, intentional killing of another person for revenge - This is non-defensive, intentional killing used against someone as payback because they have done something which angers, upsets, disgusts, etc. the supporter of this type of non-defensive, intentional killing of another person which thus means the supporter thinks non-defensively, intentionally killing this person or causing this person harm is desirable in and of itself. I have also noted three main sub-types of non-defensive, intentional killing of another person for revenge: eye-for-an-eye (trying to do to another what they have done to others to an equal degree), one-eye-for-two-eyes (hurting someone as payback but to a lesser degree than the inspiring act), or two-eyes-for-one-eye (getting payback to a greater degree than the inspiring act).
Utilitarian non-defensive, intentional killing of another person- This is non-defensively, intentionally killing 1 or more people to save the lives of even more people. For example, take the common example of a bunch of people on a raft but the raft can't move fast enough or stay afloat with all the weight so the people push someone overboard. Or consider people who are stranded and will all starve to death before being rescued without something to eat, so they non-defensively, intentionally kill the heaviest guy to eat him. I think non-defensive, intentional killing of another person as a deterrent of future killings would fall into this category. This differs from defensive killing in that one isn't defending oneself or someone else from the would-be non-defensively, intentionally killed person but rather making a so-called 'innocent victim' out of the person to save oneself.
Non-defensive, intentional killing of another person for nationalism or one's loved ones - This is similar to utilitarian non-defensive, intentional killing of another person except in this case the non-defensive, intentional killing of another person does not save the lives of more people but rather saves the lives of people for which the supporter cares more. For example, consider a man who non-defensively, intentionally kills some stranger to use the victim's organs as transplants to save his beloved daughter. Or consider people who would support terrorism, dropping a nuclear bomb, or otherwise non-defensively, intentionally killing groups of civilians from another country, race or religion to empower and/or indirectly save the lives of one's own countrymen even when the civilians killed in the other country, race or religion would be more numerically than those saved in one's own.
Democratic or state-sponsored non-defensive, intentional killing of another person - This is non-defensive, intentional killing of another person committed by a government. Examples of this would include the death penalty, non-defensive, intentional assassinations by government agents, and state-sponsored terrorism or non-defensive, intentional killing of another person as state-sponsored war. Please note, I do not think most people would consider the killing of unrestrained enemy soldiers in a war as non-defensive, intentional killing of another person, but only the intentional slaughter of non-violent civilians. Also, most people who support state-sponsored non-defensive, intentional killing of another person probably only support certain types of state-sponsored non-defensive, intentional killing of another person. What perhaps makes this excuse for non-defensive, intentional killing of another person unique is that it can be combined with the previous 3 (or possibly some other excuse). For instance, a person may be opposed to non-defensive, intentional killing of another person in revenge when a few lone citizens do it to another but support capital punishment.
Can you think of any other reasons people would philosophically support non-defensive, intentional killing of another person or otherwise want it to be legal in a certain situation?
Combining each of the first 3 with the last one generates 6 questions I would love for everyone to answer:
1. Do you support state-sponsored non-defensive, intentional killing for revenge? Always, sometimes or never? Do you support it only if it is an eye-for-an-eye, or would you possibly support it even if the one being non-defensively, intentionally killed hadn't non-defensively, intentionally killed anyone (e.g. the state-sponsored executions of people for the crimes of adultery or witchcraft)?
2. Do you support non-defensive, intentional killing for revenge when it is not state-sponsored? Always, sometimes or never? Do you support it only if it is an eye-for-an-eye, or would you possibly support it even if the one being non-defensively, intentionally killed hadn't non-defensively, intentionally killed anyone?
3. Do you support state-sponsored utilitarian non-defensive, intentional killing? Always, sometimes or never? If sometimes, under what conditions? If the death penalty deters more non-defensive, intentional killing than incarceration, would you support it?
4. Do you support utilitarian non-defensive, intentional killing that is not state-sponsored? Always, sometimes or never? If sometimes, under what conditions? What about the raft example? What about the cannibalism example? What if it deters non-defensive, intentional killing if civilians or other non-government groups non-defensively intentionally kill anyone who non-defensively, intentionally kills for other reasons?
5. Do you support state-sponsored non-defensive, intentional killing for nationalism or one's loved ones? Always, sometimes or never? If only sometimes, under what conditions? Would you support your government/race/religion non-defensively, intentionally killing civilians from another country/race/religion as terrorism if it would save the lives of some people from your country/race/religion even if the number saved from your country/race/religion was less than the number non-defensively, intentionally killed from their country/race/religion? Consider when the USA dropped nuclear bombs on Japanese cities filled with civilians; how do you feel about actions like that?
6. Do you support non-defensive, intentional killing for nationalism or one's loved ones that is not state-sponsored? Always, sometimes, never? If sometimes, under what conditions? What about the example of a father who non-defensively, intentionally kills a stranger to use the strangers organs as transplants to save his daughter's life?
My answer to all 6 questions is never. Frankly, I think non-defensive, intentional killing is a disgusting, barbaric practice that is most effectively dealt with using a zero tolerance policy and I see no convincing reason to make any exceptions for these few excuses.
"The mind is a wonderful servant but a terrible master."
I believe spiritual freedom (a.k.a. self-discipline) manifests as bravery, confidence, grace, honesty, love, and inner peace.
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