- September 29th, 2011, 9:31 pm
I think there is a need to revamp the system, but don't think it will change. Therefor, I've created a new one. I've finished writing it up. I hope that you can see the logic that I'm trying to portray, even though I'm very bad at that. Not saying I'm correct, but just showing the thought process and why I think this way. It's a long post, but I had to spell everything out to try to show what I meant. I originally posted this on physics forums, but no one made any comments. I do hope someone tells me where the thinking is totally off or where to go with it, but maybe it doesn't really matter.... don't know.
What is different than the current system? Evaluation of exponentiation. That would work out different. Took a while to explain why, but that's basically what this is showing.
F-Chord Arithmetic (revised f-ray)
by JBL (craniumonempty)
This system is meant to be an answer to questions like "How can you work around not using complex numbers or the imaginary number?", "Why don't two negatives multiplied make a positive?", and "What if negative numbers don't exist?". Ultimately, all of these questions boil down to "What would happen if we treated negative numbers like positive numbers?" This system is what you get when you do that. Unfortunately, the answer to these questions give you a number system that is confusing to work with, even though some people might see it as natural that negatives multiplied should equal negatives.
It is called "f-chord", because you'll probably get an F (failing grade) in your math class if you use it, and it uses a subsystem of two positive real number rays to create the negative and positive numbers of the system. The name was changed to "chord" simply because it sounds better.
This system may turn out to never be really useful, but it doesn't have to be, as this is for the most part created to show the complications involved with not using the current system (as based on Peano axioms).
The only real use that might come from this is if it can be used to avoid complex numbers, but the cost of doing so might outweigh the want to replace the current system. One cost is that it's not formally developed (except for the Real number subsystem that is used) therefor it also has no theorems or postulates to work with. Another cost is that the system is different than current one and takes a different thought process to work out properly. Plus, it may have inconsistencies and be incorrect as it hasn't been tested.
It can also be used to show what would happen if you didn't allow negatives as we see them currently or what kind of system can develop if you allow two negatives to equal a negative.
When trying to say how an operation might look in the current system (normally), the symbols "(=)" will be used: "f-ray (=) normal" meaning an "f-ray operation" is approximately the same (or might be seen) as this "normal operation".
2 positive real numbers rays connected at zero (R+ with 0) going in opposite directions with the same magnitude (like a number line with 2 positives). Operations such as "for a,b: a < b, a – b", negation, or any operation leading to a negative number are not allowed in the subsystem. Other than that, oerations on each ray work like in the Real number system of which it's made.
One ray is chosen at the primary and designated by "+" or by default (+1 or 1), and the secondary ray (the opposite direction) is designated by "-" or "`" (the default and "`" will mostly be used to better highlight the difference between this and current systems: 1 for primary and `1 for secondary).
The operations on the subsystem are different than on the F-Ray system above it, even though the operators may look the same. All operations unless otherwise noted (see next paragraph), are for the F-Ray system and not for the subsystem or other currently accepted systems (like "normal").
"H(<operation>)" is used to call an operation on a subsystem. All numbers fed to the subsystem must be on the same ray. Also +H() for the primary ray or -H() for the secondary ray can be called on the specific rays. If not specified, either is assumed since operations on each are the same: H() = +H() or -H(). All numbers in an operation sent to the subsystem have to be on the same ray as the subsystem, or when sent to H(), all numbers (or magnitudes) must be on the same ray before being sent.
-- Greater-than and less-than show magnitude on the primary ray and are opposite on the secondary ray:
1 < 2 or +H(1 < 2)
`1 > `2 or -H(1 < 2)
All values of the secondary ray are considered less than the primary ray:
`1 < 1 or -H(1) < +H(1)
-- Negation (or "~") changes a number from one ray to the other of equal magnitude (as in size).
~`1 = ~-H(1) = +H(1) = 1
~1 = ~+H(1) = -H(1) = `1
Negation usually to all numbers (not magnitudes) in the operations that it's performed on. Magnitudes are treated differently. Magnitudes will be explained later.
~( 1 * 1) = `1 * `1
~(`1 – `1) = 1 - 1
All negation are done first, negation on sub-operations are completed before on all operations for numbers. Magnitudes are treated differently.
~( 1 * ~1) = ~( 1 * `1) = `1 * 1
~(~`1 – 1) = ~( 1 – 1) = `1 – `1
-- Absolute value or magnitude operation (|a|) strips all indication of which ray the number belongs. This number is called a "magnitude".
Numbers without a magnitude operation are simply called "numbers".
|1| = |`1| = +H(1) or -H(1) (|1| and |`1| are magnitudes, 1 and `1 are numbers)
The first time that a magnitude is operated on from the left by a number, it is assigned to that numbers ray. Order of operation determines the first number that operates on the magnitude.
`1 + |1| = `1 + `1
If there are no numbers to the left of a magnitude, it is assumed that it could be from any ray, so solving involves taking this into account:
|1| + 1 = 1 + 1 or `1 + 1 = `1 - `1
If negation is called on a magnitude "~|a|", then the magnitude acts as a number from the opposite ray of the first designated number to it's right that it operates with.
1 + ~|1| = 1 + `1 = 1 - 1
If no numbers are designated to a ray in the operations, then all the numbers work out as though they are on the same ray and the result belongs to either ray. These operations are different for addition or multiplications. NOTE: |a| literally means +-a, so ~|a| as a result would be -+a which is the same. They can be treated differently to show a differing results though.
Magnitude and negation in addition:
|2| + |`1| = |2 + 1| = |3|
|2| + ~|1| = |2 + ~1| = |2 - 1| = |1|
~|2| + |1| = ~(|2|+~|1|) = ~|2 + ~1| = ~|2 – 1| = ~|1|
~|2| + ~|1| = ~(|2|+ |1|) = ~|2 + 1| = ~|3|
|2| + ~|1| + |3| = |2 + ~1 + 3| = |2 - 1 + 3| = |1 + 3| = |4|
~|2| + ~|1| + |3| = ~|2 + 1| + |3| = ~|2 + 1 - 3| = ~|3 - 3| = ~|0| = 0 (zero belongs to both rays)
`2 + ~|1| + |3| = `2 + ~`1 + `3 = `2 + 1 + `3 = `2 - `1 + `3 = `1 + `3 = `4
2 + ~|1| + |3| = 2 + ~1 + 3 = 2 + `1 + 3 = 2 - 1 + 3 = 1 + 3 = 4
Magnitude and negation in multiplication:
|2| * |`1| = |2 * 1| = |2|
|2| * ~|1| = ~|2 * 1| = ~|2|
~|2| * |1| = ~|2 * 1| = ~|2|
~|2| * ~|1| = ~(~|2| * |1|) = ~(~|2|) = |2|
|2| * ~|1| * |1| = ~|2 * 1| * |1| = ~|2 * 1 * 1| = ~|2|
~|2| * ~|1| * |1| = |2 * 1| * |1| = |2 * 1 * 1| = |2|
|2| * ~|1| * ~|1| = ~|2 * 1| * ~|1| = |2 * 1 * 1| = |2|
~|2| * ~|1| * ~|1| = |2 * 1| * ~|1| = ~|2 * 1 * 1| = ~|2|
2 * ~|1| * |1| = 2 * ~1 * 1 = ~(2 * 1) * 1 = ~(2 * 1 * 1) = ~2 = `2
2 * |1| * ~|1| = 2 * 1 * ~1 = (2 * 1) * ~1 = ~(2 * 1 * 1) = ~2 = `2
`2 * |1| * ~|1| = `2 * `1 * ~`1 = (`2 * `1) * ~`1 = ~(`2 * `1 * `1) = ~`2 = 2
`2 * ~|1| * |1| = `2 * ~`1 * `1 = ~(`2 * `1) * `1 = ~(`2 * `1 * `1) = ~`2 = 2
Multiplication and addition:
|3| * |1| + |1| * |2| = |3 * 1| + |1 * 2| = |3 * 1 + 1 * 2| = |3 + 2| = |5|
|3| * |1| + |1| * ~|2| = |3 * 1| + ~|1 * 2| = |3 * 1 + ~(1 * 2)| = |3 + ~2| = |3 – 2| = |1|
3 * |1| + |1| * |2| = 3 * 1 + 1 * 2 = 3 + 2 = 5
3 * |1| + |1| * ~|2| = 3 * 1 + 1 * ~2 = 3 + ~(1 * 2) = 3 + ~2 = 3 – 2 = 1
`3 * |1| + |1| * ~|2| = `3 * `1 + `1 * ~`2 = `3 + ~(`1 * `2) = `3 + ~`2 = `3 – `2 = `1
If magnitudes can be worked out to a ray before negation, they should be.
That's all that will be shown for now. You can notice that as magnitudes, addition and multiplication are the same as normal operations, but is slightly different for the numbers in f-chord since they are both considered positive. With magnitudes and numbers, it will be slightly different for exponentiation.
Greater-than and less-than for magnitude work as on positive real numbers:
|1| < |`2| < |3|
–- Distribution, equality, commuting and other properties haven't been fully worked out, but because of the magnitude rules, all magnitudes should enter from the right and numbers from the left unless all numbers are magnitudes.
For example:
Where a,b,c are numbers
if a = b then a+|c| = b+|c| and c+a = c+b
if a = b then a*|c| = b*|c| and c*a = c*b
-- Addition and subtraction work as expected (in relation to other number systems). Unlike the subsystem, F-Ray operations can cross the zero into the other ray. (see SUBSYSTEM for the H() function)
Where a,b on same ray: a+b = H(a+b)
Where a,b on same ray and if |a| >= |b|: a-b = H(a-b)
Where a,b on same ray and if |a| < |b|: a-b = a-a + ~(b-a) = 0+~H(b-a) = ~H(b-a)
Where a,b on opposite rays: a+b = a + ~|b| = a-|b| = H(a-|b|) or a-b = a - ~|b| = a+|b| = H(a+|b|)
|3| + |6| = H(3+6) = |9|
|5| + ~|2| = |5| - |2| = H(5-2) = |3|
~|3| + ~|1| = ~(|3| + |1|) = ~H(3-1) = ~|4|
`4 + `5 = -H(4+5) = -H(9) = `9
2 + 3 = +H(2+3) = +H(5) = 5
`8 + 5 = `8 + ~`5 = `8 - `5 = -H(8-5) = -H(3) = `3
3 - 9 = 3-3 + ~(9-3) = 0 + ~+H(9-3) = ~+H(6) = ~6 = `6
`1 - `2 = ~-H(2-1) = +H(2-1) = 1
The inverse operation on a number can be seen as ~6 = ~(6+0) = 0 – 6 = `6 because `6 is the same magnitude (as in size) away from 0 on the opposite side of the 0.
-- Multiplication works as on the subsystem, except operations with the opposite rays are defined:
Where a,b on same ray: a*b = H(a*b) or a/b = H(a/b)
Where a,b on opposite rays: a*b = ~H(a*|b|) or a/b = ~H(a/|b|)
An inverse operation for multiplication (reciprocal) will be designated "\" before a number or operation. It's almost like negation for addition where it can change the operation (since it is the inverse).
The inverse for multiplication can be looked at as \6 = \(6*1) = 1/6, so it's not quite the same as the inverse for addition. It will be useful for exponentiation.
Where a,b,1 on same ray: a*\b = a*(1/b) = a/b = H(a/b) or \a*b = (1/a)*b = b/a = H(b/a)
or \a*\b = (1/a)*(1/b) = 1/(b*a) = \(a*b) = 1/H(b*a) = H(1/(b*a))
|a| * \|a| = \|a| * |a| = H(a/a) = |1|
\4 = 1/4
\(3 * 2) = \3 * \2 = 1/3 * 1/2 = +H(1*1) / +H(3*2) = 1/6
4 * \2 = 4 / 2 = +H(4/2) = 2
\4 * \2 = 1/(4*2) = 1/+H(4*2) = 1/+H(8) = 1/8
4 * 1 = +H(4*1) = 4 (=) 4*1
`4 * 0 = -H(4*0) = 0 (=) -4*0
`4 * `1 = -H(4*1) = `4 (=) -4*1
4 * `1 = ~+H(4*1) = ~4 = `4 (=) 4*-1
4 * `3 = ~+H(4*3) = ~12 = `12 (=) 4*-3
`4 * 2 = ~-H(4*2) = ~`8 = 8 (=) -4*-2
4 * (`1/`2) = 4 * -H(1/2) = 4 * `0.5 = ~+H(4*0.5) = ~2 = `2 (=) 4 * -(1/2)
-- Exponentiation (and root) works a little differently. "^" is used for power and ";" for root. There are two types of sub-inversion for exponentiation with "~" and "\" which will produce different results.
Where a,b on same ray: a^b = H(a^b) and a ; b = H(a^(1/b)) where "b" is the root in the second
Where a,b on opposite rays: a^b = ~H(a^|b|) and a ; b = ~H(a^(1/b))
Where a,b on same ray: a^\b = \H(a^b) = 1/H(a^b) and (\a)^b = \H(a^b) and a ; \b = \H(a^(1/b))
Zero's because of the sub-inverses are treated differently. The inverses do not work out the same when indicating a zero. Default, because of current operations (to not create more confusion), is 1. If both are indicated for the zero, then it's seen as intermediate.
a^(~0) = 0
a^0 = a^(\0) = 1 (where 1 is on the same ray as "a", 0^0 and 0^(\0) default to 0^(~\0) automatically)
a^(~\0) = 0 or 1
`2 ^ `2 = -H(2^2) = `4
`4 ; `2 = -H(4^(1/2)) = `2
`4 ; 2 = `4 ; ~`2 = ~-H(4^(1/2)) = ~`2 = 2
9 ^ ~\1 = ~\+H(9^1) = ~\9 = ~(1/9) = `1/`9
(`4 ; `4) ^ `2 = -H(4^(2/4)) = `2
(`4 ^ `2) ; `4 = -H(4^(2/4)) = `2
(`4 ^ `1) / `4 = `4^(\0) = `4^0 = 1
3 ^ `1 = ~+H(3^1) = ~3 = `3
Note that negation can't be sent to the subsystem and it's worked out prior to. This makes exponentiation work differently, because both rays are positive.
Negation is distributed as in multiplication:
|4| ^ ~|2| = ~|4 ^ 2| = ~|16|
~|4| ^ |2| = ~|4 ^ 2| = ~|16|
~|4| ^ ~|2| = ~(~|4 ^ 2|) = |16|
|4| ^ |2| = |4 ^ 2| = |16|
Multiplicative inverse is distributed like negation, but isn't applied to the exponent:
|4| ^ \|2| = \|4 ^ 2| = \|16|
\|4| ^ |2| = \|4 ^ 2| = \|16|
\|4| ^ \|2| = \(\|4 ^ 2|) = |16|
|4| ^ |2| = |4 ^ 2| = |16|
Examples of some problems from the current system. Note that when magnitudes are combined, they are assumed conversion to the same ray. Algebra in this system may have to be worked differently, because of the opposing rays. Note the use of magnitude for conversion.
x + y = 9
y = 9 – x
- some solutions (x,y): (1,8), (10,-1),(-1,10)
x + y = |9|
~x + x + y = ~x + |9|
0 + y = ~x + |9|
y = ~x + |9|
- some solutions (x,y): (|1|,|8|), (|10|,~|1|),(~|1|,|10|)
y = ~|1| + |9| = ~|1 - 9| = ~(~H(9-1)) = ~~|8| = |8| (see addition rules and magnitude)
y = ~|10| + |9| = ~|10 - 9| = ~H(10-9) = ~|1|
y = ~~|1| + |9| = |1 + 9| = H(1+9) = |10|
NOTE: if you plug the primary side for all ||, then all ~||, become secondary. For the second: (10,`1).
and vise versa if you plug in the secondary for ||. For the second: (`10,1).
-3x – 4y = 13
-4y = 13 + 3x
y = (13 + 3x) / -4
- some solutions (x,y): (1,-4), (-1,-(5/2)),(-5,1/2)
~|3|*x – |4|*y = |13|
~|3|*x – |4|*y = ~|3|*x + ~|4|*y = |13|
~(~|3|*x) + ~|3|*x + ~|4|*y = ~(~|3|*x) + |13|
0 + ~|4|*y = ~(~|3|*x) + |13|
~|4|*y = ~(|4|*y) = |3|*x + |13| (distributing negation for magnitudes)
~(~(|4|*y)) = ~(|3|*x + |13|)
|4|*y = ~(|3|*x + |13|)
\|4| * (|4|*y) = \|4| * ~(|3|*x + |13|) = ~(|1|/|4| * |3|*x + |13|) = ~( (|3|*x + |13|) / |4| )
y = (|3|*x + |13|) / ~|4|
- some solutions (x,y): (|1|,~|4|), (~|1|,~|5/2|),(~|5|,|1/2|)
y = (|3|*|1| + |13|) / ~|4| = (|3*1| + |13|) / ~|4| = (|3 + 13|) / ~|4| = ~(|16|/|4|) = ~|4|
y = (|3|*~|1| + |13|) / ~|4| = (~|3*1| + |13|) / ~|4| = (~|3 - 13|) / ~|4| = |10|/~|4| = ~|10/4| = ~|5/2|
y = (|3|*~|5| + |13|) / ~|4| = (~|3*5| + |13|) / ~|4| = (~|15 - 13|) / ~|4| = ~|2|/~|4| = |2/4| = |1/2|
Most algebraic problems work out like this. Meaning if you treat all solutions as primary, then you'll get the same answers with multiplication and addition. In this system, there are two solutions (equal and opposite), because they are interchangeable.
Exponentiation is different, because the negation is an operation that is evaluated before resolving. This is not how it works in the current system, but in this system, that's how things work. So when evaluating powers, the results may come out different.
One plus is the algebraic formula:
z = ( x^|2| + y^|2| ) ; |2|
Because everything is evaluated differently, a `1 for x and 1 for y is
z = ( |`1|^|2| + |1|^|2| ) ; |2| = |1^2 + 1^2| ; |2| = |2;2| (or +-sqrt(2) which is what it will equal for (1,1),(`1,`1), and (1,`1) )
z = ( |0|^|2| + |1|^|2| ) ; |2| = |0^2 + 1^2| ; |2| = |1;2| = |1| (or +-1 which is what it will equal for (0,`1),(`1,0), and (1,0) )
Also, if you don't allow evaluation until a number is inserted in the magnitude, the first number could be replaced as so:
z = ( `1^|2| + |1|^|2| ) ; |2| = (`1^`2 + `1^`2) ; `2 = `2;`2 (or -sqrt(2) which is what it will equal for (`1,`1), and +sqrt(2) for (1,`1) and (1,1) )
(using 0 and going positive)
z = ( 0^|2| + |1|^|2| ) ; |2| = (0^2 + 1^2) ; 2 = 1;2 (or 1 which is what it will equal for (1,0), and -1 for (`1,0) and (0,`1) with 0 going negative)
The evaluation for the second if it's defined as such might guarantee only one result, but still get the full circle.
The reason it's a plus, is because it evaluates the full circle from `1 to 1 in x and y. That doesn't mean everything works out properly though. Meaning that it won't work exactly to what we have currently, because it is different.
EDIT: The F-Ray system that I created was a necessary step for me, because it showed the link from this thinking to how we use math currently, even though I created it due to lack of sleep. The rules for magnitude are different, because they are just showing the negations to an unknown. That is why it links to current systems. IMO math went from positive straight to what I call magnitudes, because it seemed natural and fit and worked. The problem to me is that it doesn't seem natural, but it does work until you get to exponentiation. That's where I disagree with current math systems, because the negation is evaluated prior to the function. It has to be pulled out, because it isn't addition/subtraction and that is an inverse of that. Same with the inverse to multiplication with powers, except that inverse multiplication doesn't affect the which side the number is on from the zero.
I'm a fool if I think I can change the world, but I'm a fool if I don't try.