dowhat1can wrote:Craniumoempty wrote:But the absence does exist ...
Isn't this like saying the nonexistence of the money exists?
Yes, it's money owed, but the existence of the money is not something you have. And I don't think we can say that you "have" anything, much less, the nonexistence of the existence of the amount owed.
I agree with you in a way, and will try to address it in the "paper" that I'm writing. It's hard to say how I disagree with this statement, because in a way I do agree with it, but I think there is more to the problem then the physical presence of money.
Where I disagree is this statement: "the existence of the money is not something you have." If this statement were true, then I would completely agree with you. The problem arises in the linking of physically having something and knowing what that something is. If I had no distinct knowledge of what money was, then I couldn't say I had it, nor could I say I didn't have it. The fact is that I do have that distinct knowledge of what money is or how we view it at this time. So I can say when I have it and when I don't. That's not to say that it does or doesn't exist, because it already does exist distinctly in my mind. We probably even agree on the definition as it's something common in our society.
Once the distinction is made, then that is what I have of money and I can tell whether or not I actually have money. In a way this brings up two forms of "0" for money (again, I'll put this in what I'm writing). There's the initial "0" where I can't tell money from everything else. The distinction doesn't exist. I can't say it's lacking, I can't say it's there. I can't even say it doesn't exist, because I don't know about it. This is the term I called meta-zero. I'm trying to think of another term for it, but it's not really important what it's called. The first thing and or number or whatever you want to call it that comes isn't "0" as we know it, rather it's "1". The ability to distinguish it from nothing and/or everything else (the meta-zero). Once I know the concept, then I can say it exists because I can distinguish it. Here it is, and I have "1" of it. From this concept that was created in my mind, I can go up or down. This has to do with the way I distinguish this something.
The reason how we distinguish becomes important now is because to say there is another "1" of something, I have to know what links it to that other something, because that other something is different than the original "1" or else it would either be that "1" or I wouldn't know about it. So we have to know what "characteristics" or "similarities" link this "1" to that other "1". So we have a "1" and another "1" that have similarities, but are also distinct from each other. We can group them in some way "11" (unary grouping) or "2" (symbolic grouping... or whatever it's called). We can continue this grouping up and up, and even prove that this grouping can go on endlessly (infinite grouping or how we might call positive infinity). The act of grouping in mathematics is labeled addition (I didn't really have to say that, but just to show).
The process can work the other way too. We have one of that something, then we don't. We have "0" of that something. The something that was distinct is gone, but the distinction still exists in the brain. Therefor, I can say that that distinct something isn't in my possession. Not that it doesn't exist, because the concept now exists, but that there is none that I know of in the way that it is distinct (to me). Again, there is "0" of it. This zero didn't take us back to the meta-zero that we originally had, because it's still there in the mind and exists. So it exists in concept, but there is none of it here.
Now negative is more tricky, because it can itself be defined differently depending on how we want to define what happens when you conceptually remove more of this concept that exists. While I don't physically have any ("0") and I can't physically have less than that, I can conceptually have less, but it must first be defined. So in that, I agree with you that there can be many distinctions of how to treat a conceptual removal of something that conceptually that exists.
Basically, we must define -1, before we can move into that realm. For bookkeeping, a conceptual removal is money owed. This is a more complex concept then I let on earlier, but I'll try to make it brief. We we meet, we haven't given or taken money from each other. Granted I'm working on an already known concept, so saying this is "0" (and not meta-zero) is OK, because we already know the concept.
Now If I give you a dollar, you have "1" of that dollar. You physically and conceptually have that dollar. I physically don't have that dollar and from the physical amount that I have I have one less "-1". That might physically be a "0" amount that I physically have. The physical amount can't really go less than "1", but it can conceptually go to "0", and it's not defined less than "zero". I won't define it either, as that's another subject entirely. However, one less that I gave you defines a conceptual negative "-1" for how much was given. It really is the same as a positive in that it is "1" of what I gave you, but it's an equally opposite concept for the amount that you have given me. The amount you have given me is "-1". They are both opposite from your end. If you and me are switched (I become you and you become me), the amount that you gave me is "1" and the amount that I have gave you is "-1".
So in this concept, the amounts are equal and opposite. They are really both positive amounts view as opposite each other. If you were to give me back the dollar, then the amount you have given me and the amount I have given you goes to "0". If you give me a dollar, then it can be seen as a negative amount I have given you (-1) for me and a positive about that you have given me (1).
Basically, they are two conceptually opposite positive lines. They represent the physical as well, but I hope I've already shown why that is different. Negative is now defined for this. With this definition of negative, it should be a little easier to see why a square root of a negative number would equal a negative number.
Granted, negatives might be defined differently and they can, because beyond the conceptual zero, one must find what is done when it is crossed.
Is that a little better explanation? Cause that's what I'm kind of trying to work on now.
dowhat1can wrote:Yet, I do think you are correct that problems like this can arise even if we don't talk in terms of numbers existing or not existing. (So I'm thinking now that the construction of an (existential) practical example like the bookkeeping example, obfuscates the real question you are raising.)
I'm hoping that I explained it a little better above, and shown somewhat what I'm working on.
dowhat1can wrote:I was reading Frege's philosophy of mathematics this summer and was dumbfounded at his brilliance of making something out of nothing time and time again through the formulation of new notation.
After reading a couple of math history books about ten years ago, I couldn't help but think the way discovery in math often occurs is exactly the way you are approaching these problems (i.e., intuitively) and is far more likely to be fruitful than looking at foundations and axioms. Once the ideas take shape the foundations and the proofs can come later. If you were to go the books now I suspect that you might look at the brilliance of what has already been done and get discouraged. Innovation in math comes early in life not just because of the peak of thinking, but because many twenty-somethings don't know what older mathematicians "know" cannot be done and aren't mislead by what already has been done ... and do it anyway.
I guess it helps to have a bad memory then, because everything seems to be new at times, even though I might have gone over it again and again. I'm not an older mathematician, but I am older (depending on who you talk to). Old enough to have been older than one of my professors in college that had a doctorate (in computer science). Granted, he was one of the youngest people with a doctorate that I'd ever met, but that's not the point.
dowhat1can wrote:Time and time again in history, current notation gets in the way of understanding the concepts.
You might try some sort of mind map of different ways to represent different kinds of numbers. (E.g.., stuff like see what happens if you were to graph ordinary and imaginary numbers with normal x and y axes and i values on the z axis, or try graphing imaginary numbers in non-Euclidean geometries. What do imaginary numbers look like from the point of view of set theory (i.e., arbitrary closure of the set of real numbers and the set of imaginary numbers being subsets of the set of complex numbers) ? and so forth. I suspect there are five or six different ways to look at power functions and logarithms -- mind map those and ideas and approaches might suggest themselves from unexpected correlations and relationships.
I sure wish I was good at R. It would be fun to play with some of the these ideas graphically.
As far as Euclidean, yeah, I might be approaching this in a Euclidean way, but I'm going to continue either way. I don't think I'll change anything, but I'd like to get the idea solidified none-the-less. I think an awful lot. Well, probably as much as everyone else, but don't really take much time to record anything. I've been trying to lately, but nailing it down to one concept is difficult when you aren't used to writing it down.
I'm a fool if I think I can change the world, but I'm a fool if I don't try.