Scott wrote:If you haven't already, check out this blog post I made: Vengeance, Payback, Revenge
What do you think? How do you dissuade people from vengeance?
I haven't gone off to read your blog, but if I am offbase here, let me know and I might read it.
I would not attempt to alter the behavior of another person that way. He must do as he must do. Besides, whatever 'choice/move' he makes in this universe, he does the opposite in another, and every other possibility in others. Interference
(if we had a choice!) would be futile. As there is no choice, 'interference' is mere 'appearance', and all are part of the Balanced Completeness of this Tapestry of Momentary omniverses!
Also, as all is One, whom shall I hurt? All is One Self! Shall I deliberately harm 'my'self? Whom shall i hate? What of self shall i despise?
What arguments do you have against vengeance?
It makes no difference. There must be balance.
"Nothing is true. All is permitted!" -Hassan i-Sabbah (the old man of the mountains)
What do you see as the flaws in the philosophy of an eye for an eye?
I hate to be so common, but the obvious answer is that all humanity (and probably quite a few other species as well, knowing 'man'...) will be blind!
How can we convince people not to make policy choices based on vengeance?
Here in amerikkka, our illustrious and criminally insane leadership has read their Machiavelli (those who can read) and know that a relatively illiterate and poorly educated (especially in the area of critical thought) public makes for an easily manipulated electorate. That helps keep those in power in power come election time. Also, keep em afraid of their own shadows and they are willing to give up every 'right' and 'freedom' for a healthy infusion of the 'feelings of security'. And will, of course, 'vote' for those who can 'provide' the happy feelings.
When people go to a science class (from kindergarten on) and learn that physics finds it impossible, at the moment, to locate any definitive place where you leave off and I begin! All is One! Teach the younguns about 'spacial extention' and the interconnectedness of all things. Science. They might find/understand for themselves that when we hurt another, we are also hurting 'our'selves.
World-views change, one educated and thinking mind at a time. The atavistic notion of 'never let an enemy live' will die with the notion of 'enemy'. 'Vengence' will fall like the 'flat earth'.
It'll take about 245 years to be a relatively worldwide Perspective.
Like anybody, I may succumb to emotions in the heat of the moment (which is almost always regrettable), but I generally do not support vengeance and instead choose compassion.
With the understanding of the interconnectedness, Oneness, vengence will no longer obscure Compassion.
"Compassion means that we recognise their
(being 'Self' -n) need for their present condition, and give them our love and understanding."
But I want to know what arguments you have against vengeance.
I have none. Philosophically and experientially, I understand that killing a 'demon' makes a 'saint' disappear as well as killing a 'saint' will likewise make a 'demon' vanish. If I were to kill, what difference who??
From this Perspective, at this moment, vengence is futile and ignorant.
I seem fortunate to live a life where people do not seek me for vengence.