The Gregorygregg1^motor describe the stable state of the universe, without the terrible distortion of the time. Everything in stable state.
With the knowledge that this description of the motor is valid, will be able to understand the formation of the cancer, the contaminations AIDS, the destruction of the brain for the drug, etc.
Many are the applications of this motor.
-- Updated Mon Feb 13, 2012 10:51 am to add the following --
Gregorygregg1 motor
Abstract: This is a theory of space and matter. It examines the relationship between the two, it has potential importance because it adheres to Ockham's razor to provide the simplest answer to the nature of space and matter. It supports the theory for the existence of singularities, upon which it is based. It provides an answer to the question of how dimension (space) and absence of dimension,(a singularity) can exist simultaneously, and it provides a rationale for a novel explanation of gravity, explaining the reason that bodies of different mass fall at the same rate on the basis that it is not a mass effect, but a dimension effect. It takes a new look at matter as an absence of dimension, rather than a presence of substance. It complies with Einstein's theory of relativity. The current theory of an expanding universe fails to answer the basic question: If space is infinite, how can it expand? This theory explains the apparent expansion of space while maintaining a steady state universe. It is however supported by the observation that the universe appears to be expanding.
Assumption #1: The "stuff" of the universe is not matter, but space. Define space as dimension without substance.
Assumption #2: Space is infinite. This appears self evident because space can only be contained by more space.
Assumption #3: The singularities at the center of galaxies are the nothing. Define "nothing" as "having no dimension"
Hypothesis: In order for singularities to exist there must be a transition. There is logically a great deal of tension in the transition zone. Einsteinian physics indicates that mater and energy are interchangeable. The energy resulting from the tension of the transition between space and nothing results in the manifestation of the energy of that tension as mater. Mater, in this
scenario is the potential energy of the "stretching" of space.
Imagine an inflated latex balloon. The air inside the balloon maintains the stretch of the latex. The tendency of the latex to resume its unstretched dimension manifests as potential energy, in other words, the stretch traps the potential energy of the balloon.
Consider the hypothesis that matter is the potential energy of the tension resulting from the stretch of space applied by the singularity, or the absence of dimension. Mater then is a "thinning of dimension."
Another way of seeing this is, if you have a gram of aluminum and a gram of lead. Which has more dimension? The aluminum excludes less space, so it has more dimension. Or, if you start with loose snow and begin to make a snowball by compressing the snow, you are excluding space so the snowball becomes smaller and denser, it has less dimension. The density of the snowball is directly proportional to the amount of space you exclude. The same holds true on the subatomic level. The denser a substance, the less dimension it has. Mater then is the exclusion of dimension (space). We then may represent it as a stretching, or thinning of dimension ie. space. Gravity is a result of that stretch. It is dimension rebounding
Let us define mater then as a transitional state between substanceless dimension, which is the nature of absolute space, and nothing, the absence of dimension, which is theoretically the nature of a singularity.
The exclusion of space by mater is relatively sketchy in the part of the galaxy where Earth resides. Even where mater exists, it is mostly space on the subatomic scale. This changes dramatically where mater is denser. Near a singularity gravity condenses mater to a point that subatomic space is reduced. At the center of the singularity all space is eliminated, and since mater, in this hypothesis defined as an absence of dimension, becomes absolute, it becomes nothing.
This hypothesis explains the reason the the smallest indivisible particle of mater cannot be found, because it does not exist. Since it is potential energy, it only potentially exists. This accounts for the fuzziness of subatomic science. What exists are the stored forces of spacial stretch.
Gravity results from spacial stretch as well. Dimension rushes toward any mass because it is the absence of dimension. The greater the mass, the more absence of dimension, the greater the gravity. The attraction of one body for another is a result of the diminishing dimension between them as dimension rushes toward both. The dimension, or distance between them diminishes as it is flowing toward both. The attraction appears as a mass effect as well, because mass is the absence of space. The result is that dimension drawn to fill the absence where there is mater, carries with it more matter, and therefore more absence to attract dimension more strongly. This explains why objects of different mass fall at the same rate. It is not the masses that are affected by gravity, but the dimension between them and the mass to which they fall.
Allowing that matter is potential energy. E=MC2, or M=E/C2 .
Allowing also that a singularity is a point in the universe without dimension.
Finally allowing that the universe may be represented as a mathematical set in which both dimension and no dimension exist simultaneously, 0 and infinity. I would predict the mathematical description of the universe must be an equation who's solution is both infinity and nothing.
Again, gravity in this theory would be the tendency of space to resume its unstretched dimension. Dimension then flows toward matter as the result of its tendency to resume its unstretched nature, while the stretch is constantly maintained by the singularity. This is born out by the appearance of galaxies with matter concentrating toward the center, where the singularity is theoretically located. The greater the concentration of mass, the thinner dimension becomes, the more stretched space is, and the greater the forces of gravity (the tendency of space to resume its unstretched state.) At the center of the singularity, there is infinite gravity because there is 0 dimension. nothing.Matter, the relative absence of space continually feeds into the black hole where it is compressed to nothing by absolute gravity. Look at the galaxy and you can see it swirling down the drain. On the other hand, matter, the stretching of space, forms as a result of the tension between the absolute substanceless dimension of space and the absolute absence of dimension of the singularity, so the supply is endless. It is the Vedic image of the snake eating its own tail. This scenario does not require a big bang, and implies an infinite steady state. Since each galaxy represents a singularity, space appears to be constantly expanding because dimension is flowing toward them. At the same time dimension is continually flowing toward our galaxy as well. That makes it appear as if space is expanding.
This theory would be disproved by:
1. The falsification of the theory of the existence of singularities.
2. The finding that mater is not a manifestation of potential energy.
3. A demonstration that two masses of equal volume but where one is more dense(excluding more dimension) have equal gravity.
4. A demonstration that two bodies of equal mass, but where one has less volume have unequal gravity. Since gravity is dependent, not on density, but on the amount of space excluded, a product of density and volume.
I don't have a complex mind, If I did, this would have taken a lot more space to explain.