Sir Percival wrote:
There can easily be more than one unfalsified theory. Also, to regard as true is to believe; maybe you define it differently, but that is how I use it.
The Problem I have with the word "belief" is that it implies that a conviction, however unfounded by evidence it may be, can be regarded equal to a scientific theory. That is a major fallacy that is all too often used to discard scientific theories. Calling an unfalsified theory a belief blurs the line between scientific method and convictions, and is, I think, not appropriate for a discussion about scientific theories.
You can call it whatever you like as long as you agree that by talking about the evolutionary theory, we are in the field of science, where Theories are not valid simply because they cannot be disproven.
Sir Percival wrote:
There are plenty of problems for evolution; more than for creation. Irreducible complexity is a definite one, and I mentioned a form of it earlier in this discussion. Dating is used as a support for evolution, but I have shown that there are assumptions to it that can't be proved. Also, there are other dating methods that disagree: Helium escapes quickly, yet there is too much left in certain rocks for them to be that old. There is not enough salt in the sea or sediment on its floor with the rate it is increasing. DNA in certain bones of extinct animals is not broken down enough. It is because of evolutionary assumptions that the dating methods that give the oldest dates are the ones accepted. Check out the website of the Institute for Creation Research for more info.
I think it would be really helpfull for this discussion if you could elaborate on what form of Creationism exactly you believe in.
The problem is, you can poke holes into a theory as long as you want, but unless you can formulate a theory of your own that has less holes in it, the discussion in pointless. We can only talk about theories by comparing them, and you do not give me an awful lot to compare to currently.
I know Irreductible complexity is a problem. To be honest, I do not believe that complex organs can be explained by random mutations alone. And this is a belief, because I am not aware of any theory on that specific problem. However, Creation as proposed in the bible does not offer a credible counter theory.
Dating is indeed still a major argument, and all arguments I hear against it are utterly unfounded. Lets take the list of a pro-creation page on the internet:
- Each system has to be a closed system: This is only true if we wanted to eliminate possibel errors within one specimen. If multiple specimens, subjected to different circumstances, yield the same result, the circumstances have obviously not influenced the tests.
- Each system must initially have contained none of its daughter products: That is an entirely reasonable conclusion given that the daughter products do not appear in newly formed matter of the same kind
- The process rate must always have been the same. The decay rate must never have changed: Half-Lifes of radioactive isotopes do not change easily. Creationism does not offer any evidence of a time at which the earth was subjected to extreme cosmic radioation or that there was radioactive radioation EVERYWHERE!
- If at some earlier time this blanket of air was more heavily water-saturated, it would produce a major change—from the present rate,—in the atomic clocks within radioactive minerals: I don't know the scientific proof for that, but from the numbers it would seem that for that to have an effect, the atmosphere would have to have turned into an ocean.
- Creation hat created the isotopes as we see them today: Yes, except there is no evidence for an act of creation actually ever occuring, and you can't prove something with itself.
The main problem with doubting the dating method is that they consistently, across many, many samples show that the earth is Millions of years old. It is simply impossible that factors like cosmic radioation have been so uniformly applied to every sample ever tested that the results would be so coherent.
So Apparently, there is too much Helium in one (!) sample of rocks found. First of all, the IRC failed to examine whether the same was true for samples from other areas as well. Secondly, they allege "period of rapid decay", the existance of which they postulate, but do not explain. Neither do they say how this happened, nor where the evidence for that period is. And lastly, the stones had "up to" (What is the average?) 58% of Helium left. So, according to these results, it would take 1,5 Billion years for 100% of the Helium to diffuse, but only 6 thousand years for 42% of it? That seems rather odd.
Also I cannnot fail to notice that alls studies pointed out are from the same institute.
The Institute for creation research tells me the Swiss Alps uplifted 2 Million years ago. Yet according to Wikipedia, the lift started 25 Million years ago and ended aboput 5 Million years ago. And Is it not funny how the IRC claims that the mountains are about 5 Million years old when at the same time, they say the Earth is only 6 thousand years old?