Dewey wrote:1. Over 1.6 billion, nearly 1 in every 4, people in this world are Islamic Muslims. They number at least a million in 72 different countries. Isn't it pretty silly of us to be worrying now about having been "infiltrated"? It seems to me that, more nearly,it's co-infiltration. These numbers make me wonder, not why there' so much terrorism going on, but why there's so little.
When Hitler was striving to come to power, there were a lot of Nazis in Germany. Was it too late for Germans (and particularly Jewish Germans) to worry about being infiltrated by Nazis?
The only time it's too late to worry about being 'infiltrated' by the 'enemy' (i.e. someone who wants to destroy you) is when you've been completely over taken.
And radical Islam clearly has an agenda that says, "First the Saturday people and then the Sunday people!" In other words, they want to conquer (or annihilate) the Jews and then they want to conquer(or annihilate) the Christians.
Here's a link that presents a small window on the problem. If you watch it, pay particular attention to the first few minutes where Bridgette lists a small number of the so called leading moderates who have later been found guilty of being (or collaborating) with known terrorist--to the extent that they were found 'criminally' guilty. ... 0Va8--y_T8
And there are many Known terrorists and terrorists sympathizers who have not been prosecuted. For example, the Imam who was trying to get the Super mosque built at Ground Zero in NYC the site of the 9/11 where over 3,000 people were killed by Muslim terrorists... has direct ties to known terrorists. And he received a significant portion of his funding from terrorist groups. Similarly, CAIR has been repeatedly portrayed as a moderate group, but again it was founded by known terrorists.
Similarly, countries like Saudi Arabia have been funding American colleges with millions of dollars for decades. In return, those with radical ideologies have been appointed to key positions that include appointing the professors and other administrators, selecting the curriculum, campus policies, and so forth.
Dewey wrote:2. There are 320 million Muslims in North Africa and the Near East. Those are the areas in which the young Muslims of 7 nations are rebelling because of being denied their natural rights. That doesn't smack of Islam, does it? It appears to me more like the start of a new wave of global democratization.
Not really.
These Muslims have been oppressed for many years by Muslim dictators--often of a different Islamic sect, which is why they've been persecuted. And so it is understandable that they would want to throw off these evil dictators. But what do they want to replace those dictators with? Many want to replace the old oppressive regime with a new oppressive regime. And even if you suppose that the majority really do want something that looks vaguely like the freedom of American "democracy", what are the chances that the movement will actually produce such a thing?
Iran rebelled against the Shaw, claiming to want democracy. And what was the result? The Ayatollah Khomeini, who renewed the Islamic tradition of terrorism and jihad.
Similarly, in Egypt, the Muslim Brotherhood--a radical Jihadist group--seems to be one of the key players trying to take advantage of the fall of the old government. And the so-called rebels that President ObamaNation is now funding in (Libia?) are al-Qaeda members--the very same people that America was fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan.
You also have to realize that what many of those protesting want to to be able to worship their radical Islam beliefs--which require violent jihad to continue.
Dewey wrote:3. ... by nearly two-to-one (63%-32%) Muslim Americans do not see a conflict between being a devout Muslim and living in a modern society.
That means that 32% do see a conflict. That's hundreds of thousands of Muslims who are likely working feverishly to undermine America. Perhaps waiting for their opportunity to kill, as Sgt. Nadal Hassan did. Or perhaps they will choose less overt methods--such as the Muslim woman who was busted lying about a cop who stopped her. She made a lot of claims to stir up anger against the cop--but his actions were caught on video, which proved she was lying about everything.
The fact is, historically it doesn't take a very large percentage of the population to be Muslim to create severe problems. When the percentages are low, the difficulties that they create are relatively small--and Muslims 'pretend' to want to integrate and blend in. But as the numbers increase, to around 5-10% of the population you begin to get more severe problems associated with the Muslim communities.
This is a serious problem because Muslims tend to have a lot of children while other religions have stopped doing that. For instance, Osama bin Laddin has 23 children and is one of 52 children. (approx. numbers) At this rate, it doesn't take too many generations for a Muslim population to start tipping the percentages in their favor. Once the Muslims in a country gain a majority, they begin subjugating and killing non-Muslims.
Brigette Gabriel grew up in Lebanon back when it was mostly a Christian nation. It was then known as the "Paris of the middle East" because it was a jewel of economic activity and multicultural openness. Christians and Muslims seemed to get along, and both worked hard to get more and more rights for Muslims. Then, when the Muslim population became dominant, the Muslims began to pass laws that turned Lebanon into a war-torn hell-hole. Mrs. Gabriel talks about her life as a child, living in these conditions. Before the "take over" one of her best friends was a Muslim Student. They shared everything and went everywhere together. After the take over, her friend could no longer be seen with her, because if she was seen she would risk being KILLED for associating with a Christian.
Her father lost his business and she ended up living in a bomb shelter for years. When she was older and would travel to work, there were frequent road stops where Muslims would stop cars to check for who was Jewish or Chirstian--they were pulled from the cars and shot.
People she knew were tortured. One mother was driven insane because her hands were tied to a chair with a knife, and then she was forced to stab her own child... etc.
Dewey wrote: America’s Muslim community is an obstacle to participation in al-Qaeda’s jihad, not a gateway. As Pew put it, the logical conclusion is that we must embrace this community in the fight against terrorism rather than undermine it through fear-mongering.
While it is true that many American Muslims came to America to escape this sort of thing--it is also true that there is FAR TOO MUCH radical activity going on in America already.
There are hundreds of Mosques (and madrases) that have been funded by money from terrorists groups--and with imams that are highly radical. Many Muslims are poorly educated and cannot read the Koran--and so they rely on what their imam says to inform their beliefs. Other radical imams are allowed to preach (i.e. recruit) in our prisons. And dozens of radical Muslim groups have been discovered usually posing as charity organizations, or as Muslim-American cooperation groups. Radical Jihadist hate-speech (promoting killing and such) has been found in the lectures of American Professors. And colleges encourage speaking guests of this sort while trying hard to suppress those who speak out against radical Islam. We have Sharia financing, which covertly funnels millions of dollars to terrorist groups.
Etc. etc. etc.
We need to make it easier for those decent Muslims who wish to do so to assimilate--and we can do this by loosing the PC insanity and treating evil like evil--instead of like a religion with special privileges.
We can't say a Christian prayer in schools (or have a cross out in the middle of nowhere in a desert), but a school's curriculum can (in the name of Islamic tolerance) teach the child (whitewashed) Islamic principles, and have them participate in prayers, pretend to be Islamic for a day and so forth.
In so many ways... Islam is infiltrating American society... and in many cases it isn't making any attempt to melt into the pot.