(LOL) I think you've been hired to exhaust my book-knowledge of astrophysics. I should be charging you for this, but here we go...
...if gravity is always pulling things towards it... then what is the force that is keeping it from tearying apart...?
Going back to the example of the moon that stretches from the gravitational pull of the planet. For something to pull so hard on an object that you are physically changing it's shape, there MUST be something of equal force pulling it the other way to keep it from falling into the planet?
Centrifugal force is the answer. But it isn't a "force" of its own, actually. In this context, it's simply movement in a different direction from gravity's pull, "hampered" by gravity's pull. In other words, the moon
is falling to Earth all the time, just as you think it should. But the moon also has its own path through space, lateral to the direction of Earth's gravity. This movement would be in a straight line through space except that Earth's gravity is bending it toward Earth...bending it all the time...bending it, bending it, bending it, until the moon's path bends all the way around the earth and the moon ends up right where it started (relative to Earth).
Imagine yourself standing on a small asteroid with very weak gravity. You throw a baseball very hard. With gravity so weak it goes a long way before it falls, and with the asteroid so small it ends up landing beyond the horizon, on the other side of the asteroid. Now throw the ball even harder. This time it goes so far that it comes all the way around the asteroid. You step out of the way so that it doesn't hit you in the back. With no atmosphere to slow it down, the ball has the same speed at which you threw it, which means it will continue to fall...all the way around the asteroid again...and again...and again. You just threw the ball into orbit. That is all an orbit is: a falling object with its own lateral movement balancing the effect of the fall.
And given that an object's mass is equal on all sides, and therefore it's gravity is equal on all sides... how is that its moon does not travel in an equal path rather than an its current 'elliptical' path?
Have you ever spun a small child in the air, round-and-round, holding his arms while his legs fly through the air? (Little boys like this more than girls, in my experience). If you have, you probably discovered that you couldn't stand in one place, but found yourself moving in a circle, especially your upper body where you and the child were connected by your 4 arms. That's because the child is
pulling on you too. His pull is not as strong, so you don't move as much as he does.
Gravitational attraction between 2 objects goes both ways, always. You may not notice it if one of the objects is much smaller, but it is there. So any orbit is
always eliptical. And an elipse, unlike a circle, has
two centers (called foci). The planet being orbited will wobble between one focus and the other.
In fact, how is it that our universe is 'expanding' if everything is atracted to each other by gravity?
The premier theory on this for the last 80 years or so is the "Big Bang" theory which says that the universe's expansion is a residual effect of its initial origin. So far, gravity has not overcome the inertia of this initial "explosion." (The theory is in trouble, however. See below).
I would imagine that eventually the universe would reach a point that it begins to collapse on itself from the very nature of gravity pulling everything towards everything else?
The Big Bang theory says that whether gravity will stop expansion and begin collapse depends on the overall "shape" of the universe in 4-dimensional space-time. If the universe is "flat" or "negatively curved" gravity will never be powerful enough to slow expansion to a full stop, let alone reverse it. But if it "positively curved" it will.
Unless of course there is some other variable that comes into play that has the opposite effect on gravity?
In 1997, such a variable was discovered: Dark Energy. It has wreaked havoc on the Big Bang Theory as well as other cosmological theories. Nobody knows what dark energy is, but scientists all agree that (1) over 70% of the entire universe seems to be made of it, and (2) it is causing the expansion of the universe to accelerate. With accelerating expansion, gravity doesn't have a chance to reign it in.
Although I have not read of any scientist saying so(because most scientists are conservative in their profession and do not go out on limbs without solid evidence to back them up), others have suggested that dark energy's behavior suggests it may be a fifth force of nature--one that manifests at large (cosmic) scales, and acts to counter gravity.
Even our moon was recently 'closer' to the earth than ever before... why wouldn't our Earth just pull it completely in?
Because it speeds up when it gets closer. That may sound magical but it actually is a natural aspect of orbital dynamics.
Also... with all the gravitational pulls going on in just out solar system... how is that we are still spinning and rotating? Wouldn't the spinning and rotating eventually come to a halt due to finding an equal balance of all gravitational forces pulling it and slowing it down to whatever path it is on?
You're correct that gravity will eventually render any orbit unstable if there is the slightest disturbance in the gravitational fields involved. Planetary rotation is far more easily affected by external gravitational pulls. Our own moon once rotated but long ago ground to a halt under Earth's influence. The Sun has done the same thing to its nearest planet, Mercury.
... I had heard once (or read) that if the Earth suddenly stopped... we would suddenly start to float to space.
Not correct.
Even an object in our orbit must travel faster than the earth's own speed on its axis to stay in orbit. But that if it slows below the speed of the Earth's rotation, then it gets pulled back in. But what I don't understand is 'how' are our planets maintaining a speed faster than the Sun's rotation?
Not correct. There is no relation between orbital speed and planetary (or solar) rotation.
I'd be curious to know.. exactly how far form Earth, does an object need to be to no longer be influenced by Earth gravity?
There is no theoretical limit, but since gravity fades at the square of the distance between Earth and any object, an object beyond lunar orbit will soon fall under the sway of solar gravitation, overriding Earth's pull. Strictly speaking, however, the Earth's pull pervades the solar system and beyond and has a measurable influence on the orbits of all the planets, as well as the wobble of the sun.
I've always wondered... what if we could truly become stationary in space... without being effected by any movement what so ever. How far would we be from home, from our own solar system, or even galaxy? (I'm thinking the same principle as being on a fast moving train. We may walk very slowly on the train, but in reality we are actually moving faster than the train at that point. So the same principle could be applied to our Earth and even our Galaxy, and all object in space. We could be being thrown through space at billions of miles an hour if we were to somehow find a way to truly stop moving in space?... just thinking outside the original topic here).
An understanding of Einstein's Special Relativity is needed to see why stationary position (i.e., absolute position) is impossible, even in principle, let alone practice. It is beyond me to explain relativity theory accurately--I only understand the gist of it plus a few particulars.