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One way to overcome a lucid nightmare of a haunted house is to take it at face value one room at a time to be consistent with temporal motion. That way so long as you left the prior room then the room should cease existence. It’s a parody of whether no one hears a branch fall in a forest then did it actually fall as if only the present haunted room exists. So in my second lucid nightmare of the uncanny valley years ago of seeing a ghost before being lifted upwards to a canopy bed before being evaporated into dolls only to wake back in my bed. Who knows whether the canopy bed was a pun about a dividing curtain in a mental health hostel bedroom! It was as if the same bedsit locker was in both the room with the ghost, the haunted canopy bed and my own bedroom as if that were how extreme that furniture item would’ve been were it 2-dimensional! The idea of jumping upstairs to the haunted canopy bed parodied the notion of a stationary TV version of consciousness as if the room rotates when you look up and down rather than your head rotating up and down! Each haunted room had the potential to unleash both positive and destructive wave interference as if the empty threat of being thrown back in the prior haunted room had to be rejected seeing as a haunted house is 3-D but a haunted room being 2-D in an immaterial perception. The difference in real life is that you don’t have to care to remember the prior room you were in to have some physical basis when you return to the room even if it’s not actively material in your own mind.
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Scooby Doo 2 - Haunted Mansion